Project Management (ch4-p2)

A person analyzing a project Gantt chart on a computer, surrounded by construction blueprints and tools, with a thoughtful expression, in a modern office setting.

Master Project Management: Test Your Knowledge

Are you ready to take your project management skills to the next level? This quiz challenges your understanding of essential concepts and practices in project planning and execution.

  • Simple, flexible, and easy-to-control projects.
  • Key elements of planning and scheduling.
  • Understanding critical activities and float concepts.
44 Questions11 MinutesCreated by PlanningWizard42
A good plan must be simple, flexible and easy to control.
Project Planning sets a clear road map that should be followed to define :
What is to be done
How to do it
Who does it
All of the above
Consider the following operations in tunnel construction : 1- Drilling 2- Placing Steel 3- Blasting 4- Removing Earth 5- Placing Concrete و The correct sequence of the operation is :
- Which of the following is the first step in the planning and scheduling process ?
Identify project activities
Establish the project's objective
Determine the sequence of activities
Perform schedule calculations
€�……… is designed to logically sub-divide all the work-elements of the project into smaller elements.
Activity Breakdown Structure
Project Breakdown Structure
Organizational Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure
The grouping of project elements by deliverablesis known as what ? (Quiz 6)
The code of accounts
The work package
The work breakdown structure
The work breakdown dictionary
- In a construction project where time truly equals money, the management of time is critical, and the best way to manage time is through :
Which of the following best describes decomposition ? (Quiz 6
Waiting for a task to expire so that it can be break down into smaller tasks.
Taking a deliverable and breaking it down into smaller work packages so that it can be organized and planned.
Categorizing work packages.
Dividing work packages into deliverables that can planned for.
The free float is defined as :
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the following activity.
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting total project duration.
Total float equals :
Late finish minus early finish
Late finish minus (early start + duration)
Late start minus early start
All of the above
- If (D) is the duration of an activity then : EF-D=ES and LS+D=LF
Among the key conditions to consider an activity as critical is: ES=LS and LF=ES
If the total float and the duration of an activity are 5 and 10 days respectively, this particular activity can be :
Started 5 days later
Completed 5 days later
Performed at slower rate in 15 days
All of the above
If the total float and the duration of an activity are 2 and 5 days respectively, and the late finish for this activity is 14. Then the early start for this activity is
The early finish of an activity can be determined using the total float and the early start of that activity.
Select the INCORRECT Statement :
Total float always greater than free float for any activity.
Critical path is the longest path in the project.
Critical activities control the project duration.
Critical activity is the one for which total float is zero.
The free float for an activity is defined as the difference between the early start for this activity and the late finish of its succeeding activity (assume the relationship type is finish to start).
- The critical activities can be determined easily when using the bar chart.
The network must have definite points of beginning and end.
The time for completing a project is equal to the sum of the individual activity times.
Critical Activities are activities of zero total float.
Critical Activities are activities of zero total float.
Any delay in critical activities will delay the project completion time by the same amount.
More than one critical path can be found in the network.
All critical paths have the same length.
If the total float of an activity is zero, so it’s free float is zero.
- If the free float of an activity is zero, so it’s total float is zero.
- ……… is defined as how much the succeeding can start before the preceding one has finished.
- ……… means a delay is required between the two activities.
Project completion time of a project is 21 days, if (A) is a critical activity. If activity (A) delays 2 day, the completion time will be :
None of the above
Critical Path is :
A continuous path of critical activities
The longest path in the network.
Formed of a set of critical activities.
All of the above
If the total float of an activity is 12, so its free float can be :
None of the above
The critical activities can be easily determined in Time-Scaled Diagram.
Network diagrams answer which of the following questions :
What activity must occur before this activity can occur ?
What activity must follow this activity ?
What activity can occur concurrently ?
All of the above
The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as.
Interfering float
Total float
Free Float
- A crew is used to cut and bent steel reinforcement, if the steel quantity is 16 tons and the production rate of the crew is measured as 1 crew.hour/ton. Assume 8-working hours per day, what is the duration to cut and bent the steel ? (Quiz 6)
3 days
1 days
2 days
4 days
A dependency requiring that design be completed before manufacturing can start is an example of a : (Quiz 6)
Discretionary Dependency.
External dependency
Mandatory dependency.
Scope dependency.
- An activity has an (ES) of day 3, a (LS) of day 13, an (EF) of day 9, and a (LF) of day 19. The activity : (Quiz 6)
Is progressing well.
Has a lag.
Is critical.
Is not critical.
Assume that an activity has 8 days TF and 5 days FF, what is the impact on the succeeding activity and the project completion date if this activity is delayed by 9 days ? (Quiz 6)
No impact on the project or the succeeding activities
Project will be delayed by 1 day and succeeding activity will be delayed by 4 days
No impact on the project and the succeeding activity will be delayed by 1 day
The project will be delayed by 4 days and the succeeding activity will be delayed by 1 day.
There are two activities on your schedule, which are: 1) Install server in lab 2) Move server into the data center. However, the second task can’t start until the server has run in the lab for 5 days without failure. This is an example of what?
Fast Track
You are installing the tiles on one floor and then the next floor, if only one crew is available, which type of relationship is used between the tiles installation activities of the two floors ?
No relationship
Your project team is working on the network diagram to calculate the float. Which of the following is the formula they should be using : (Quiz 6)
Late Finish – Late Start or Early Finish – Early Start
Late Start – Late Finish
Early Start – Early Finish
Late Finish – Early Finish or Late Start – Early Start
You are the project manager for a software project. You have worked with the team to create the project schedule, perform critical path analysis and calculated the values of Early and Late Start, Early and Late Finish as well as Float. Which activities in the project cannot slip without making the project late ? (Quiz 6
Activities with biggest difference between ES and LF.
The activity with most lag
All the activities on the critical path.
Every activity that slips delays the project.
- The network must be continuous from start to end.
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