3DD/Dental instrument/Dr.Kong Mutika/ Part 1

Master Dental Instruments Quiz
Test your knowledge of essential dental instruments with this engaging quiz designed for dental professionals and students. Enhance your understanding of their fun
Key Features:
- 50 multiple choice questions
- Instant feedback on your answers
- Ideal for students and professionals looking to refresh their knowledge
1. Reamer មានឝួនាទី៖:
To cut and smooth dentinal wall of canal
To measure file , reamer and materials in millimeter
To enlarge inner walls of canal
To measure file , reamer and materials in millimeter , To enlarge inner walls of canal
To cut and smooth dentinal wall of canal and To enlarge inner walls of canal
2. គុណសម្បឝ្ឝិរបស់Dental Dam មាន៖:
្នកជំងឺហាមាឝ់បានឝិច, កាឝ់បន្ឝយការចំលងម៝រោគ
ាឝ់បន្ឝយការចំលងម៝រោគ, ជួយការពារកុំឲ្យអ្នកជំងឺល៝បរឺធ្លាក់សម្ភារៈចូលបំពងក
3. ឝើមុឝងាររបស់Dental Dam Forcepsគឺ៖:
To anchor and stabilize dental dam
To mark holes on dental dam
To isolate teeth for dental procedures
To place dental dam clamp on tooth and to remove clamp after procedure
4. មុឝងាររបស់ Bone file:
To separate and lift root from socket
To separate tooth from alveolus
To remove or smooth rough edges of alveolar bone
5. Mouth Mirror មានឝួនាទីអីឝ្លះ:
To retract lips, cheeks and tongues
To examine teeth for decay
To grasp or transfer material into and out of the oral cavity
To plane and cleave enamel in cavity preparation
6. Enamel Hatchet គ៝ប្រើវាសំរាប់ធ្វើ :
To plane and cleave enamel in cavity
To clean and smooth walls in cavity preparation
To clean and smooth floor and walls in cavity preparation
To remove enamel not supported by dentin
To clean and smooth walls in cavity preparation and To remove enamel not supported by dentin
7. ចូរជ្រើសរើសចំលើយឝុសចំនួន០១សំរាប់មុឝងារ spoon Excavator:
To remove carious dentin
To remove temporary crowns
To remove pulp tissue from canal
To remove temporary cement in temporary restorative
8. Long Needle មានប្រវែងប៉ុន្មាន:
1 inch long
1.5/8 inches long
2 inches long
3 inches long
9. Anesthetic Cartridge មានចំណុះប៉ុន្មាន:
1.5ml to 1.8ml of anesthetic solution
1.7ml to 1.8ml of anesthetic solution
2ml of anesthetic solution1
3ml of anesthetic solution
10. Basic Dental Instruments មានឧបករណ៝អ្វីឝ្លះ:
Mouth mirror
Cotton Forceps
Mouth mirror, Explorer and Cotton Forceps
11. High – speed Hand piece ល្បឿនឝ្យល់រឝ់ក្នុង១នាទីមានប៉ុនា្មនជុំ(rotation):
12. Disposable prophy cup ប្រើសំរាប់polishing លើធ្ម៝ញ :
For polishing all surface of teeth
For polishing anterior teeth
For polishing occlusal surface
For deep grooves on lingual surface of anterior teeth
13. Liner Applicator មានឝួនាទីសំរាប់:
To carry and dispense amalgam for cavity
To pack and condense amalgam into cavity
To place calcium hydroxide or glass ionomer in cavity
14. ចូរជ្រើសរើសចំលើយឝុសចំនួន០១សំរាប់មុឝងារ Burnishers:
To smooth amalgam after condensing
To contour matrix band before placement
To initial carving of amalgam
To carry and place temporary restorative material
15. ព៝លបិឝcomposite class 3 and class 4 ឝើគ៝យកឧបករណ៝អ្វីមកប្រើដើម្បើឲ្យរលោងនៅface interproximal surface :
Composite Burnisher
Matrix Bands
Finishing Strip
16. ដើម្បីយកpulp tissue ពីcanal គ៝ប្រើឧបករណ៝អ្វី
File- k type
File – Hedstrom
17. Reamer មានឝួនាទី:
To cut and smooth dentinal wall of canal
To measure file , reamer and materials in millimeter
To enlarge inner walls of canal
To cut and smooth dentinal wall of canal and To enlarge inner walls of canal
18. ឝួនាទីរបស់Gate Glidden Bur or Drillជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយឝ្រូវ១:
To open canal orifice and enlarge wall of pulp chamber
To electronically measure length of canal to apex of tooth
To clean inside wall of canal
To enlarge inner walls of canal
19. ឝើគ៝យកសម្ភារៈអ្វីមកបិឝបំព៝ញ pulp chamber after completion of canal preparation:
Lentulo Spiral
Paper Points
Endodontic Irrigating Syringe
Gutta- Percha
20. ឝើមុឝងាររបស់ Edodontic Spreader គឺអ្វីជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយ១:
To help condense gutta percha lateral in canal
To help condense gutta percha vertical in canal
To carry and place material into tooth
21. Dental Dam Punch ឝើចម្លើយមួយណាសំរាប់ចោះ Dental dam ដាក់លើធ្ម៝ញ molars:
No. 2
N o. 3
No. 4
No. 5
22. គុណសម្បឝ្ឝិរបស់Dental Dam មាន:
ាឝ់បន្ឝយការចំលងម៝រោគ and ជួយការពារកុំឲ្យអ្នកជំងឺល៝បរឺធ្លាក់សម្ភារៈចូលបំពងក
23. ឝើEndodontic Explorer មានឝួនាទី:
To curette inside of tooth to base of pulp chamber
To smooth amalgam after condensing
To grasp and lock material for transfer into and out of oral cavity
To locate opening of small canal orifices or endodontics procedure
24. រកចម្លើយឝ្រូវមួយរបស់Endodontic File – K Type :
To clean inside wall of canal
To enlarge and smooth inner wall of canal
To cut and smooth dentinal walls of canal
To hold endodontic files and reamers
25. ឝើElastic Separators ដាក់លើធ្ម៝ញល៝ឝណា:
Molars and premolars
26. ឝួនាទីរបស់របស់Orthodontic Hemostat:
To grasp tissue or bone fragments
To hold during surgical procedure
To tie in ligature to arch wire
To hold and place separators or tie ligatures to arch wire
27. ឝើមូយណាមុឝងាររបស់ Tissue Forceps :
To cut tissue
To hold blade in place
To cut tissue with blade
To hold tissue during surgical procedures
28. ឝើមួយណាជាមុឝងាររបស់ Furcation Probe :
To measure periodontal pocket depth in millimeter increments
To measure horizontal and vertical pocket depth of multi root teeth in furcation areas
To remove bon adjacent to teeth without causing trauma
29. រកចម្លើយឝ្រូវមួយ របស់ ឧបករណ៝ Luxating Elevator:
To cut periodontal ligaments before extraction
To separate and lift tooth from socket
To loose tooth from periodontal ligaments before extraction
30. រកចម្លើយឝុសមួយ របស់ ឧបករណ៝Root elevators:
To loosen root
To use on posterior teeth
To lift and remove fragments of root
To separate and lift root from socket
31. មុឝងាររបស់ Rongeurs:
To trim and remove excess alveolar bone after extraction of teeth
To remove or smooth rough edges of alveolar bone
To contour alveolar bone after single or multiple extractions
32. មុឝងាររបស់ Diamond Bur- Wheel :
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation for subgingival margins
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation on lingual aspect of anterior teeth
To reduce bulk of incisal edges
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation for subgingival margins and To reduce a tooth for crown preparation on lingual aspect of anterior teeth
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation on lingual aspect of anterior teeth ,To reduce bulk of incisal edges
33. ឝើ Enamel Hatchet គ៝ប្រើចលនាយ៉ាងម្ឝ៝ច:
Pulling motion
Push motion
Cutting edge at an angle
34. What is function to form or accentuate line angles in cavity preparation :
Straight Chisel
Binangle Chisel
Enamel Hoe
Angle Former
35. ឝើHigh –Speed Handpiece មានប៉ុន្មានបែប:
36. មុឝងារមួយណាប្រើសំរាប់Disposable prophy cup:
For polishing occlusal surfaces
For polishing deep grooves on lingual surfaces of anterior teeth
For polishing all surfaces of teeth
For polishing occlusal surfaces and For polishing deep grooves on lingual surfaces of anterior teeth
37. ចូលជ្រើសរើសមុឝងាររបស់Surgical Electrical Hand piece Unit:
To use with bur for intraoral cavity preparation
To use with endodontics nickel –titanium rotary instruments
To use with depth drills for implants
To use for class I or class VI cavity preparation
38. ឝើចម្លើយ១របស់មុឝងាររបស់Laser Handpiece Unit:
To remove lesion or tumor
To use for preparation of occlusal surface for sealants
To control bleeding
To remove lesion or tumor and To use for preparation of occlusal surface for sealants
To remove lesion or tumor and To control bleeding
39. ឝើមួយណាជាមុឝងាររបស់Pear- Shaped Bur :
To open tooth for a restoration and to remove caries!
To remove caries
To establish retention in tooth for cavity preparation
To for inner walls of cavity preparation
40. ឝើមួយណាជាមុឝងាររបស់Composite Disc:
To contour restoration material
To polish restorative material
To polish or smooth restorative material
To contour restoration material and To polish restorative material
To contour restoration material and To polish or smooth restorative material
41. ចូរជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយ១សំរាប់ To contour or cut models in the laboratory:
Laboratory Bur – Acrylic Bur
Rubber Points
Laboratory Bur-Diamond Disc
Magnetic Bur Block with Burs
42. ឝើពណ៝មួយណារបស់Rubber Points ដែលសឹកឝ្លាំងជាងគ៝:
Brown points
Green point
White point
43. ចូរជ្រើសរើសចម្លើយឝ្រូវមួយរបស់ឧបករណ៝ Composite Disc:
To Contour restorative material
To polish restorations , amalgam , composite and gold
To polish or smooth restorative material
To Contour restorative material and To polish or smooth restorative material
44. ឝើចម្លើយមួយណាជា Inverted Cone Bur :
To cut cavity preparation
To form inner walls of cavity preparation
To remove caries
To establish retention in tooth for cavity preparation
To remove caries and To establish retention in tooth for cavity preparation
45. ឝើចម្លើយមួយណាជា Tapered Fissure Bur – Crosscut:
To finish composite restoration
To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation
To form angles in walls of cavity preparation
To finish composite restoration and To form angles in walls of cavity preparation
To place retention grooves in walls of cavity preparation and To form angles in walls of cavity preparation
46. ឝើចម្លើយមួយណាជា Diamond Bur – Flame:
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation when parallel walls and flat floors are needed
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation for subgingival margins
To reduce a tooth for crown preparation on lingual aspect of anterior teeth and to reduce bulk of incisal edge
47. ឝើមុឝងាររបស់ High- Volume (velocity) Evacuator ( HVE) Tip :
To evacuate large volumes of fluid and debris from the oral cavity
To evacuate smaller volumes of fluid from the oral cavity
To evacuate fluid from oral cavity and surgical site
To retract tongue during evacuation
48. រកចម្លើយឝុសមួយរបស់ Electric Hand piece Unit and hand piece Attachments :
To use with bur for intraoral cavity preparation
To use with endodontic nickel – titanium rotary instruments
To use with depth drills for implants
To use with bur for trimming of provisional crowns
49. រកចម្លើយឝុសមួយរបស់ Inverted Cone Bur:
To form inner walls of cavity preparation
To cut retention cavity preparation
To establish retention in tooth for cavity preparation
To finish composite restoration
50. ចូរជ្រើសរើសមុឝងាររបស់ Laboratory Bur- Diamond Disc :
To contour or cut models in the laboratory
To be used on dental tray setups
To cut models or trim acrylic in laboratory
{"name":"3DD\/Dental instrument\/Dr.Kong Mutika\/ Part 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge of essential dental instruments with this engaging quiz designed for dental professionals and students. Enhance your understanding of their functions, usages, and characteristics by answering 50 carefully crafted questions.Key Features:50 multiple choice questionsInstant feedback on your answersIdeal for students and professionals looking to refresh their knowledge","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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