
The XYZ Affair outraged many Americans. What was President John Adam's initial stance on how to handle this issue? Select all that apply.
Adams asked congress on a vote to declare war on France.
Adams wanted to declare war but resisted due to political pressures
Adams wanted to stay out of European affairs
Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France
Why did Thomas Jefferson turn to nullification in an effort to right the wrongs of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
He had significant influence over states
He believed states were meant to control the federal government
The states had the same right of judicial view as the Supreme court
Federalists controlled the courts
Why was the election 1800 decided in the House of Representatives
Based on the outcome, it was mandated by the us consitutuion
The popular vote was a tie
No candidate won the electoral vote
Not enough citizens voted to determine the outcome
What were some issues on which Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed? Select all that apply.
How to structure judiciary
Imposition of taxes
How to structure a banking system
The role of the federal government
Which group was primarily associated with the Democratic Republicans?
Wealthy merchants
Enslaved african Americans
Manufacturing leaders
Small farmers
Why did political tensions increase after the election of 1796?
Jefferson lost support from farmers abandoned his ideals
The elected president and vice president were from opposing parties
Adams was out raged he did not get to choose his vice President
Adams was out raged he did not get to choose his vice President
In his farewell address, what did Washington say about the U.S. Forming alliances with specific European countries?
It would be seen as a sign of disrespect
Other countires might also seek to form alliances
it might put peace and prosperity at risk
Other countires might boycott exports
Which of the following were precedents that George Washington set during his presidency? Select all that apply.
He established a judicial system of 9 justices that is still in place today.
He chose well-known leaders to run his executive departments and serve his advisors.
He established a Tax and Tariff cabinet position.
He chose not to run for a 3rd term.
What was the flaw in the act passed by Congress that established a tax on whiskey?
It rewarded farmers who grew corn
it did not spread the tax burden evenly
It was similar to taxes britan had proposed
It had to be collected in person by tax collectors
What polcity did presidet Washington follow during the period of war in Europe following the French Revolution?
He remained neutral toward all European powers to avoid conflict
He acted to promote democracy across Europe
He promised to fight European powers who threatened American neutrality
He signed Jay's Treaty to form an alliance with Britain
How did Alexander Hamilton plan to pay off the national debt?
By creating a population tax
By printing new currency
By taxing imports
By increasing exports
The following is for Language Arts
The following is for Language Arts
A comparison-and-contrast essay uses which of the following elements? Select all that apply.
Two subjects that are similar and different
An opinion to change the readers mind
Supporting factual details
The relationship between cause and effect
A main character that learns throughout the story
Why would you do research to prepare for a personal comparison and contrast essay?
To find additional examples to support your main idea
To find people to interview from your family
To find references for your essay
To evaluate websites
Why is it important to use an orginaztional pattern in comparison-and-contrast essays
To provide an outline of your essay
To provide details supporting the statements
To demonstrate your thesis
To clearly show the relationship between the items you are comparing
{"name":"Study", "url":"","txt":"The XYZ Affair outraged many Americans. What was President John Adam's initial stance on how to handle this issue? Select all that apply., Why did Thomas Jefferson turn to nullification in an effort to right the wrongs of the Alien and Sedition Acts?, Why was the election 1800 decided in the House of Representatives","img":""}
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