PSYCH 201 Exam 2

A classroom setting with students engaging in a psychology discussion, books on developmental psychology, bright colors, and a warm atmosphere

PSYCH 201 Exam 2 Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of developmental psychology with our comprehensive 43-question quiz based on key concepts from PSYCH 201. It's designed to help you cement your learning and prepare for exams.

Highlights of the quiz include:

  • Focused questions on brain development, child behavior, and cognitive processes
  • Multiple choice questions to enhance recall and understanding
  • Instant feedback to track your progress
43 Questions11 MinutesCreated by LearningTree505
In the first few years of life the brain is _____________.
Highly plastic.
Totally plastic
More lateralized than at any other period
Unable to recover from injury
Children who experienced marasmus or kwashiorkor display ___________.
Few conduct problems
Increased fine-motor coordination
A more intense stress response
Little to no lasting damage to organs
In operant conditioning, _________________.
A neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus that leads to a reflexive response
Babies build expectations about stimulus events, but do not influence the stimuli that occur
Infants act, and stimuli that follow their behavior change the probability that the behavior will occur again
Once a baby’s nervous system makes the connection between two stimuli, the neutral stimulus produces the behavior
Which statement about intermodal perception is true?
It is important for the healthy development of human, but not animal, babies.
It interferes with infants’ ability to learn the patterns of their native language.
It does not begin to develop until the second half of the first year.
It fosters all aspects of psychological development.
Which of the following is an example of a fine-motor skill?
Most 6 to 9 month olds ______.
Take two daytime naps
Take three to four naps a day
Nap sporadically throughout the day
In a study of over 10,000 mothers in Western and Asian nations, consistently engaging in bedtime routines was associated with _____________.
Staying up later
Waking less often
Getting less sleep
More daytime wakefulness
Neurons send messages to one another by releasing chemicals called ______________.
Positron emissions
Glial cells
During habituation, ________________.
Heart rate and brain activity both increase
infants respond strongly to repetitive stimulation
Infants focus more attention on things they know the most about
Heart rate, respiration rate, and brain activity may all decline
Which image would newborn Alex most likely prefer to look at?
Pastel pink square
Black-and-white checkerboard with a few large squares
Multicolored checkerboard with hundreds of squares
Black oval
Training infants with letter and number flash cards, as well as educational tablet applications, ________________.
Yields smarter “superbabies” who are ready for the challenge of formal education
Increases the size of the prefrontal cortex, which governs complex cognition
Increases the brain’s capacity for impulse control and stress management
Can cause them to withdraw, thereby creating conditions much like stimulus deprivation
During the prenatal period, the neural tube ______________.
Forms to become the circulatory and nervous systems
Produces a few neurons and an abundance of myelins
produces far more neurons than the brain will ever need
Commits all of its neurons to form the major parts of the brain
__________________ is important for understanding the layout of the environment and for guiding motor activity.
Color vision
Pattern perception
Depth perception
The visual cliff
_______________ is the norm for approximately 90 percent of the world’s population.
Nighttime separation of baby from parent
Parent‒infant cosleeping
Imposing a strict infant sleep schedule
Infant crib sleeping
Mothers talk more to __________ than to __________.
Shy children; sociable children
toddler-age girls; toddler-age boys
Second-born children; firstborn children
Low-SES children; middle-SES children
Older infants and toddlers are more likely to imitate ___________ rather than __________.
Adults; children
arbitrary; purposeful behaviors on objects
Purposeful; accidental behaviors on objects
a series of actions; a single sensorimotor behavior
The video deficit effect _________________.
Increases around age 3
Is strongest when toddlers view interactive videos
Declines around age 2½
Is strongest when videos are rich in social cues
Research consistently shows that infants and young children exposed to _____________ child care score lower on measures of ________________ skills during the preschool, elementary, and secondary school years.
full-time; social, language, and academic
Poor-quality; cognitive, language, academic, and social
Developmentally appropriate; cognitive, emotional, and social
Part-time; emotional, cognitive, social, and language
_______________ control(s) attention by inhibiting impulses and flexibly directing thought and behavior, coordinating information in working memory, and planning.
Automatic processes
Working memory
Executive function
Mirror neurons
Alice calls untying her shoelaces “opening” her shoes. This is an example of _____________.
Referential style
Social interactionists _______________.
Note that brain regions housing language also govern similar perceptual and cognitive abilities, such as the capacity to analyze musical patterns
Point out that grammatical competence may depend more on specific brain structures than other components of language
Hold that an active child strives to communicate, which cues her caregivers to provide appropriate language experiences
Assume that children make sense of their complex language environments by applying powerful cognitive capacities of a general kind
Nine-month-old Avery can retrieve his ball when his mother hides it under a blanket. Avery has begun to master _____________.
The tertiary circular reaction
Reflexive schemes
Object permanence
Deferred imitation
Ten-month-old Hannah is shown a stuffed sheep, and then it is hidden under a blanket. Which statement is true?
Hannah can find the sheep by coordinating two schemes—“pushing” aside the blanket and “grasping” the toy.
Deliberately retrieving the stuffed toy is an example of a secondary circular reaction.
Deliberately retrieving the stuffed toy is an example of a primary circular reaction
Hannah will not be able to retrieve the stuffed toy sheep until she is in Substage 5 of Piaget’s sensorimotor period.
Baby Andrew accidentally kicked his mobile, producing music. Andrew then repeatedly kicked his leg to repeat the effect, gradually forming a new kicking scheme. Andrew was in which of Piaget’s sensorimotor substages?
In Piaget’s substage ___________ 8 to 12 month olds can engage in intentional, or goal-directed behavior.
Middle-income parents are especially likely to place their children in _____________ child-care settings, where quality tends to be lowest.
In substage 5 of the sensorimotor period, toddlers ______________.
Create mental representations
Repeat behaviors with variation
Repeat chance behaviors largely motivated by basic needs
Arrive at solutions suddenly rather than through trial-and-error
Sixteen-month-old Grayson uses the word “puppy” only to refer to his family’s dog. This is an example of ______________.
Infant-directed speech
referential style
Joh is inactive and has a negative mood. He shows mild, low-key reactions to environmental stimuli. In Thomas and Chess’s research, Joh would be classified as a/an _______________ child.
Three-year-old J’Marcus asks his grandma to read him a story before she leaves him at daycare. J’Marcus is in Bowlby’s ____________ phase.
Formation of a reciprocal relationship
Clear-cut attachment
Compared to Euro-American infants, Chinese and Japanese babies tend to be _______________.
More fearful
More active
Less inhibited
Less easily soothed when upset
Once wariness develops, infants _____________.
Show little stranger anxiety
Lose interest in peers
Refuse to explore their surroundings
Use the familiar caregiver as a secure base
Today, fathers spend about ______________ as much time caring for children as fathers did in 1965.
Three times
Five times
Paternal depression ___________.
Does not have a significant impact on infants or preschool-aged children
is linked to frequent father-child conflict as children grow older
Is, unlike maternal depression, a weak predictor of marital strife
Is more recognized and studied than maternal depression
Baby Nathan is most likely to develop attachments to _____________.
His mother only
A variety of familiar people
his father, but only when his mother is unavailable
Any female caregivers who feed him
A unique feature of Mary Rothbart’s model of temperament is the inclusion of both ___________ and ___________.
Intensity of reaction; distractibility
Regularity of body functions; persistence
Activity level; intensity of reaction
Fearful distress; irritable distress
Quality of attachment is usually secure and stable for _________________.
Babies of depressed mothers
Babies who have experienced maltreatment
Low-SES babies from families with many daily stressors
Middle-SES babies experiencing favorable life conditions
According to Thomas and Chess’s research, ______________ children are at high risk for anxious withdrawal and aggressive behavior in early and middle childhood.
Effortful control is ____________.
present at birth
Unrelated to self-regulation
An involuntary emotional reaction
considered a major dimension of temperament
The ______________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant’s emotional tie to the caregiver as an evolved response that promotes survival.
A/an __________ is more effective than a/an _____________ alone in providing emotional information to a 10-month-old.
Mother’s face; father’s voice
Caregiver’s voice; facial expression
facial expression; human voice
Older child’s voice; adult’s voice
In one study, children who were rated as ____________ by their caregivers and who attended ______________ showed a sharp increase in cortisol levels across the childcare day.
Securely attached; childcare centers for part of the day
Highly fearful; childcare centers for full days
outgoing; family childcare homes
Disobedient; family childcare homes
The Attachment Q-Sort ____________.
Differentiates between types of insecurity
is less time-consuming than the Strange Situation
Takes a baby through eight short episodes of separation and reunion
Requires either a parent or an observer to categorize 90 descriptive behaviors
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