Kosher Expertise Quiz

Does my pet food need to be kosher?
No but it should not contain pork
No but it should not have beef and dairy ingredients
I'm eating kosher french fries. May I share a table with a coworker eating non-kosher fries?
Yes - as long as I tell them I only eat kosher
Only if you're allergic to the food they are eating
I just ate pasta cooked in a clean meat pot that was recently used to cook meatballs. May I now eat dairy?
No. You must wait six hours in between
No. You must wait a half hour in between
Depends on your family custom
I had a salad topped with Parmesan cheese. May I now eat a burger?
No. You must wait six hours in between
No but chicken is permitted
It is forbidden to bake bread with dairy ingredients.
True under all circumstances
True but would be permitted if I tell people that it has dairy ingredients
True but there are some exceptions that are permitted
Eggs were cooked in a dairy pot that had not been used for 24 hours. May I eat those eggs with meat?
Yes - as long as the pot wasn't used with Parmesan cheese
No, but it may be eaten with chicken
May I store meat and dairy on the same shelf in the refrigerator?
Dairy products must be kept on the refrigerator door
Yes. They should be separated as much as possible
Shelves must be designated for each type
I am generally careful not to eat Pas Palter and I'm a guest by someone who is not stringent in this regard. May I partake of the Pas Palter being served?
Yes, unless you're a Rabbi
May a non-Jewish housekeeper make coffee on my behalf?
Only unflavored varieties
Only instant but not brewed
Is there a Halachic requirement to dip wooden mixing bowls into a mikvah before use?
Depends on your family custom
{"name":"Kosher Expertise Quiz", "url":"","emurl":1,"txt":"Want to check your kosher expertise? Try this quiz for free!","img":"","hash":"#kosherquiz"}
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