Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 17 Feb 22
[2202.07738] John M. Campbell, R. Keith Ellis, Satyajit Seth: Non-local slicing approaches for NNLO QCD in MCFM
[2202.07784] Cheng-Wei Chiang, Ryomei Obuchi, Kei Yagyu: Dark Sector as Origin of Light Lepton Mass and Its Phenomenology
[2202.07803] Saquib Hassan: An Exploration of Higher Order Flavor Sum Rules
[2202.07804] Daiki Suenaga, Atsushi Hosaka: Decays of Roper-like singly heavy baryons in a chiral model
[2202.07830] Jason L. Evans, Keith A. Olive: Higgsino Dark Matter in Pure Gravity Mediated Supersymmetry
[2202.07975] Simone Alioli, Juan Fuster, Maria Vittoria Garzelli et al.: Phenomenology of $t\bar{t}j + X$ production at the LHC
[2202.08013] Zhibo Liu, Wei Xie, Fei Sun et al.: Elastic pion-proton and pion-pion scattering at high energies in holographic QCD
[2202.08040] Zexuan Chu, Yunlu Wang, June-Haak Ee et al.: 1-Jettiness with Jet axis at $O(α_s)$ in Deep Inelastic Scattering
[2202.08073] Cai-Dian Lü, Yue-Long Shen, Chao Wang et al.: Enhanced Next-to-Leading-Order Corrections to Weak Annihilation $B$-Meson Decays
[2202.08091] Fang-Min Cai, Shuichiro Funatsu, Xin-Qiang Li et al.: Rare top-quark decays $t \to cg(g)$ in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model
[2202.08094] M. Martini, M. Ericson, G. Chanfray: Investigation of the MicroBooNE neutrino cross sections on Argon
[2202.08151] S.P. Roshchupkin, A.V. Dubov, S.S. Starodub: Emission of high-energy gamma quanta by ultrarelativistic electrons on nuclei in strong x-ray fields
[2202.08206] G. Karapetyan, R. da Rocha: Nuclear information entropy, gravitational form factor, and glueballs in AdS/QCD
[2202.08218] Zi-Liang Wang, Wen-Yuan Ai: Particle production from oscillating scalar backgrounds in an FLRW universe
[2202.08234] Bhaskar Dutta, Sumit Ghosh, Alfredo Gurrola et al.: Probing an MeV-Scale Scalar Boson in Association with a TeV-Scale Top-Quark Partner at the LHC
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 17 Feb 22","img":""}
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