Which mods are the bread and butter to any weapon?
Pressure Point, Point Blank, Serration, Hornet Strike
Cyro Rounds, Seeker, Ravage, Heavy Trauma
Point Strike, Blunderbuss, Gunslinger, Reach
Neither of the above
What is the max level of warframes, weapons, and pets
What is a forma?
It is an item that adds a polarity to a mod slot.
It is a gun.
It doubles the capacity for modding.
Neither of these
Which stat is not raised by multishot?
Physical Damage
Elemental Damage
Crit chance and Crit multiplier
Status (The weapon already had a status chance)
{"name":"Warframe", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which elemental status reduces armor?, What is the difference between blast proc and impact proc?, What is the name of Excalibur's fourth ability?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}