Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 26 Jun 20
[2006.13937] Sarah Leslie, Eva Schinnerer, Daizhong Liu et al.: The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: Evolution of specific star formation rates out to $z\sim5$
[2006.13941] G. B. Lima Neto, F. Durret, T. F. Laganá et al.: NGC 4104: a shell galaxy in a forming fossil group
[2006.13945] Clarke J. Esmerian, Andrey V. Kravtsov, Zachary Hafen et al.: Thermal Instability in the CGM of $L_{\star}$ Galaxies: Testing "Precipitation" Models with the FIRE Simulations
[2006.13949] J. Trevor Mendel, Alessandra Beifiori, Roberto Saglia et al.: The kinematics of massive quiescent galaxies at $1.4 < z < 2.1$: dark matter fractions, IMF variation, and the relation to local early-...
[2006.13951] L. Bassini, E. Rasia, S. Borgani et al.: The DIANOGA simulations of galaxy clusters: characterizing star formation in proto-clusters
[2006.13952] Assaf Horesh, Itai Sfaradi, Mattias Ergon et al.: A non-equipartition shockwave traveling in a dense circumstellar environment around SN2020oi
[2006.13954] Aseem Paranjape: Analytical halo models of anisotropic tidal fields
[2006.13955] S. Bhargava, P. A. Giles, A. K. Romer et al.: The XMM Cluster Survey: new evidence for the 3.5 keV feature in clusters is inconsistent with a dark matter origin
[2006.13956] S. Lombardo, F. Prada, E. Hugot et al.: CASTLE: performances and science cases
[2006.13957] Karan Dsilva, Tomer Shenar, Hugues Sana et al.: A spectroscopic multiplicity survey of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars. I. The northern WC sequence
[2006.13958] Peter McGill, Andrew Everall, Douglas Boubert et al.: Predictions of Gaia's prize microlensing events are flawed
[2006.13959] Mark Gonzalez, Mark P. Hertzberg, Fabrizio Rompineve: Ultralight Scalar Decay and the Hubble Tension
[2006.13962] Stephen R. Kane, Margaret C. Turnbull, Benjamin J. Fulton et al.: Dynamical Packing in the Habitable Zone: The Case of Beta CVn
[2006.13965] Gor Oganesyan: Early optical emission in support of synchrotron radiation in $γ$-ray bursts
[2006.13966] Gor Oganesyan: X-ray plateaus in $γ$-ray bursts explained by structured jets
[2006.13976] Jonathan Stern, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Drummond Fielding et al.: Virialization of the inner CGM in the FIRE simulations and implications for galaxy discs, star formation and feedback
[2006.13978] J. Zhuleku, J. Warnecke, H. Peter: Stellar coronal X-ray emission and surface magnetic flux
[2006.14019] Ismael Mireles, Avi Shporer, Nolan Grieves et al.: TOI 694 b and TIC 220568520 b: Two Low-Mass Companions Near the Hydrogen Burning Mass Limit Orbiting Sun-like Stars
[2006.14030] Yun Zhang, Patrick Michel: Tidal distortion and disruption of rubble-pile bodies revisited -- Soft-sphere discrete element analyses
[2006.14031] Y. A. Azzam, M. I. Nouh, A. A. Shaker: Prediction of the Atmospheric Fundamental Parameters from Stellar Spectra Using Artificial Neural Network
[2006.14039] Althea V. Moorhead: Forbidden mass ranges for shower meteoroids
[2006.14043] S. A. Walker, M. S. Mirakhor, J. ZuHone et al.: Is there an enormous cold front at the virial radius of the Perseus cluster?
[2006.14052] Dennis Jack, Klaus-Peter Schröder, Philippe Eenens et al.: Time series of optical spectra of Nova V659 Sct
[2006.14060] C. Reuter, J. D. Vieira, J. S. Spilker et al.: The Complete Redshift Distribution of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies from the SPT-SZ Survey
[2006.14087] František Dinnbier, Pavel Kroupa: Tidal tails of open star clusters as probes to early gas expulsion I: A semi-analytic model
[2006.14095] Jessica Krick, Jonathan Fraine, Jim Ingalls et al.: Random Forests applied to High Precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC
[2006.14122] M. J. Graham, K. E. S. Ford, B. McKernan et al.: Candidate Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Binary Black Hole Merger Gravitational Wave Event S190521g
[2006.14143] A. P. Buccino, L. Sraibma, P. Oliva et al.: An application of a solar-type dynamo model for Epsilon Eridani
[2006.14148] Michael Famiano, A. Baha Balantekin, Toshitaka Kajino et al.: Nuclear Reaction Screening, Weak Interactions, and r-Process Nucleosynthesis in High Magnetic Fields
[2006.14199] William Pluriel, Niall Whiteford, Billy Edwards et al.: ARES III: Unveiling the Two Faces of KELT-7 b with HST WFC3
[2006.14202] Fuyu Dong, Yu Yu, Jun Zhang et al.: Measuring the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect from the low-density regions of the universe
[2006.14237] Quentin Changeat, Ahmed F. Al-Refaie: TauREx3 PhaseCurve: A 1.5D model for phase curve description
[2006.14250] Hirotaka Ito, Amir Levinson, Ehud Nakar: Monte-Carlo simulations of fast Newtonian and mildly relativistic shock breakout from a stellar wind
[2006.14274] K. L. Yeo, S. K. Solanki, N. A. Krivova: How faculae and network relate to sunspots, and the implications for solar and stellar brightness variations
[2006.14301] Jonas Heinze, Daniel Biehl, Anatoli Fedynitch et al.: Systematic parameter space study for the UHECR originfrom GRBs in models with multiple internal shocks
[2006.14305] Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro: Removing Astrophysics in 21 cm maps with Neural Networks
[2006.14314] Sudhanshu Barway, Y. D. Mayya, Aitor Robleto-Orús: Discovery of a near-infrared bar and a pseudobulge in the collisional ring galaxy Cartwheel
[2006.14322] Sylvia Ploeckinger, Joop Schaye: Radiative cooling rates, ion fractions, molecule abundances and line emissivities including self-shielding and both local and metagalactic radiation fields
[2006.14336] Jerrick Wee, Nadejda Blagorodnova, Bryan Edward Penprase et al.: Multi-wavelength Photometry and Progenitor Analysis of the Nova V906 Car
[2006.14393] D. Barbato, M. Pinamonti, A. Sozzetti et al.: The GAPS Programme at TNG -- XXIV. An eccentric Neptune-mass planet near the inner edge of the BD-11 4672 habitable zone
[2006.14451] Murat Kaplan, Sergen Cengiz: Horseshoe Co-orbitals of Earth: Current Population and New Candidates
[2006.14477] Jounghun Lee, Suho Ryu: Weighing the Neutrinos with the Galaxy Shape-Shape Correlations
[2006.14486] A.G.M. Pietrow, D. Kiselman, J. De la Cruz Rodríguez et al.: Inference of the chromospheric magnetic field configuration of solar plage using the Ca II 8542 Å line
[2006.14487] R. Morosin, J. De la Cruz Rodriguez, G. J. M. Vissers et al.: Stratification of canopy magnetic fields in a plage region. Constraints from a spatially-coupled weak-field approximation method
[2006.14494] Lucie Leboulleux, Jean-François Sauvage, Rémi Soummer et al.: Experimental validation of coronagraphic focal-plane wavefront sensing for future segmented space telescopes
[2006.14503] Jie-Shuang Wang: The radio/X-ray burst from SGR 1935+2154: radiation mechanisms and the possible QPOs
[2006.14506] Mengrui Pan, Su Wang, Jianghui Ji: Near Mean Motion Resonance of Terrestrial Planet Pair Induced by Giant Planet: Application to Kepler-68 System
[2006.14511] Tao Yang: Model-Independent Perspectives on Coupled Dark Energy and the Swampland
[2006.14546] Shubham Kanodia, Caleb I. Canas, Gudmundur Stefansson et al.: TOI-1728b: The Habitable-zone Planet Finder confirms a warm super Neptune orbiting an M dwarf host
[2006.14564] J. M. da Silva Santos, J. De la Cruz Rodríguez, S. M. White et al.: ALMA observations of impulsive heating in a solar active region
[2006.14572] Kieran Leschinski, Eric Gendron: AnisoCADO: a python package for analytically generating adaptive optics point spread functions for the Extremely Large Telescope
[2006.14573] Michael Zevin, Mario Spera, Christopher P L Berry et al.: Exploring the Lower Mass Gap and Unequal Mass Regime in Compact Binary Evolution
[2006.14579] J. Todd Hoeksema, William P. Abbett, David J. Bercik et al.: The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Determine Coronal Magnetic Field Evolution
[2006.14586] C. Ian Short: In situ exo-planet transit lightcurve modelling with the Chroma+ suite
[2006.14587] Sambaran Banerjee: LISA sources from young massive and open stellar clusters
[2006.14597] Guillermo Ballesteros, Julián Rey, Marco Taoso et al.: Stochastic inflationary dynamics beyond slow-roll and consequences for primordial black hole formation
[2006.14601] Elias R. Most, L. Jens Papenfort, Lukas R. Weih et al.: A lower bound on the maximum mass if the secondary in GW190814 was once a rapidly spinning neutron star
[2006.14607] Christopher F. McKee, Athena Stacy, Pak Shing Li: Magnetic Fields in the Formation of the First Stars. I. Theory vs. Simulation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 26 Jun 20","img":""}
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