Coach Training & Development

Coach Certification Level
Please list your sport(s)
You feel that your coach training course(s) adequately prepared you for your coach role(s)
You feel course content, structure, manuals and facilitators were current and relevant.
You feel both confident and competent post-course, to coach your role and responsibilities.
You feel that there is not enough technical development provided at courses and some other topics could be covered with pre/post on-line tutorials.
Please check topics you feel could best be pre/post course on-line tutorials
Coach Role & Responsibilities, NCCP, LTAD
Ethical Coaching
Games, Drills & Activities
Warm ups & Cool Downs
Teaching & Learning
Mental Preparation
Physical Preparation
Team Dynamics
Planning & Development
You feel your sports federation governance is transparent, accountable & addressing yours and your athlete’s needs
Coaches would benefit from a post-course "Mentorship" development program
Your federation is too political and therefore less practical
You feel that credentials of coaches should be publicly verifiable I.e.
Please give your critical opinion or satisfaction on the coach evaluation / certification model for your sport federation and/or any other coach training comments you may have
{"name":"Coach Training & Development", "url":"","txt":"The road to coaching empowerment starts with a single step, help us move forward by taking this short coach training survey. Thank you in advance.🥇","img":"","hash":"#Worldofcoaching"}
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