Dreams Quest Carnival

Welcome to the Dreams Quest Quiz!
Before starting, be sure that you are ready as the quiz is time limited and once you select your answer, you cannot change it!
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Who are the 5 races of ancients?
Melat’v’dia, Dragons, Arythmea, Reok, Elestria,
Arvid, Cima, Arythmea, Reok, Elestria, La’Huna
Melat’v’dia, Arvid, Azoria, Reok, Elestria, La’Huna
Arvid, Cima, Azoria, Reok, Elestria, La’Huna
Melat’v’dia, Dragons, Arythmea, Reok, La’Huna,
Cima belongs to
La’Huna is considered to be
A negative force of energy that destroyed Unity
Creators of Eshawa
Unique sixth race of Ancients
Azoria is
A mythical creature
A world
A religion
Arvid belongs to
Eshawa is
Who are the guardians of the Temple of Enos
La’Huna (select which is not true)
Have the power to enter our dreams
Have universal understanding of the multiple forms of time, space and language
Are guides to those who have high level of consciousness
Is a demon that destroyed the Harmony Crystal at the time of Discord
Who from the Ancients oversaw the creation of Totemic Societies
Cima and Arvid
Cima and Reok
Arvid and Reok
Reok and La’Huna
Jana and Matteo
Weka is
A type of tree that can be found only in a special area of Azoria
A formless and timeless life force and energy
A person who invented Eshawa
A special race of Ancients
The era of disturbance is known as
The Disco
The Discord
The Great War
The Disco Wars
The ebb and flow of Weka
Was disrupted during by the Council in effort to unite the races
Was disrupted during the mysterious events
Is perfect and has always been.
Which races worked together to restore the world to the state of harmony
Dragons and Elestria
Dragons and Melat’v’dia
Elestria and Melat’v’dia
Arythmea and La’Huna
Unity is
A new era after the Discord that started thanks to reunifications through Dragons & Elestria
A new era after the Discord that started thanks to reunifications through Dragons & Melat’v’dia
A new era after the Discord that started thanks to reunifications through Melat’v’dia & Elestria
Which race began experimenting with Weka, and became obsessed and greedy?
Which of the races of Ancients are illusive and hard to find.
The Inclision event is
A meditation process
A gathering of old cults worshiping forbidden Gods resulting in the first Great War
Fracturing the Harmony crystal so hard that is sent its shards flying across the realms
Fill in the blank: _____ live in a different construct of time and space. It is hard to understand as it operates in the multiverse of past, present and future
Harmony Crystal
Where is Dreams Quest: Origins set?
Wild Wild West
Færo Nörsk
What is OM?
Meditation skill that can be earned only through Weka
Essential materials for the gameplay
An ancient looking after Weka and making sure the harmony is sustained
Special type of bread
Allow you to travel across time
Allow you to travel across space
Allow you to travel through Weka
All of the above
Which is one of the ways to learn about the Dreams Quest language?
Participating in side quests
Reading books
Buying NFTs
What is the gameplay mechanics that you can expect for weapons?
Customisable weapons
Modular weapons
Which of the following you can already purchase as a collectible?
Chest of Azoria
Chest of Eshawa
Chest of Arythmea
What benefits do guardians give to those who hold them?
Bonus damage
Bonus movement speed
Accellerate XP and gameplay
Give the ability to perform the rain dance
The Upper Stream
Are magical waters where Weka has been forged
Are magical waters where Ancients return once in a millennia to share knowledge and perform the rain dance
Is an infinity loop and an metaphysical stream of wisdom and consciousness
Which of the following is NOT a way to obtain weapons and outfits
Buy from NPC
Obtain from other players
Forging them
The Inclision event is a result of
Secret experiments and forbidden research
Gathering of old cults worshipping forbidden Gods
Fracturing the Harmony crystal so hard that is sent its shards flying across the galaxies
The Founders of Dreams Quest are
Leslie Daniel Chan, Pauli Better, Steve Good
Leslie Daniel Chan, Pauli Good, Steve Good
Jackie Chan, Pauli Good, Steve Good
The Council of Ancients
Tried to restore the world to a state of harmony
Has been chilling on a beach sipping drinks
Determined that Cima, the leader of Reok, had such talents and asked her to rise up and represent all races.
Thank you for completing the Dreams Quest quiz :) The XP you have just earned will be added manually to your Discord profile on the Dreams Quest server after the official end of the Quiz. So make sure you are member of our Discord so you don't miss out. More prizes are coming!
{"name":"Dreams Quest Carnival", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Dreams Quest Quiz!Before starting, be sure that you are ready as the quiz is time limited and once you select your answer, you cannot change it!, Your Discord ID:, Who are the 5 races of ancients?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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