Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 10 Feb 22
[2202.04071] Lingyong Zeng, Yi Ji, Dongpeng Yu et al.: Negative Chemical Pressure Effect on Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave of Cu0.5Ir1-xZrxTe2
[2202.04089] Noa Feldman, Augustine Kshetrimayum, Jens Eisert et al.: Entanglement estimation in tensor network states via sampling
[2202.04094] Roshan Maharana, Jishnu N. Nampoothiri, Kabir Ramola: First plastic drop distributions in strained disordered crystals
[2202.04096] Subhankar Khatua, R. Ganesh: Berry phase in the rigid rotor: the emergent physics of odd antiferromagnets
[2202.04133] James Wu, Debashish Mukherji: Comparison of all atom and united atom models for thermal transport calculations of amorphous polyethylene
[2202.04144] A. Kutay Ozyurt, Deniz Molavali, Hasan Sahin: Electronic, Magnetic and Vibrational Properties of Single Layer Aluminum Oxide
[2202.04149] Diana Dhaliah, Yihuang Xiong, Alp Sipahigil et al.: First principles study of the T-center in Silicon
[2202.04162] Baokai Wang, Xiaoting Zhou, Yen-Chuan Lin et al.: High Spin-Chern-Number Insulator in $α$-Antimonene with a Hidden Topological Phase
[2202.04164] Jérôme Hénin, Tony Lelièvre, Michael R. Shirts et al.: Enhanced sampling methods for molecular dynamics simulations
[2202.04177] Zheng Ren, Hong Li, Shrinkhala Sharma et al.: Plethora of tunable Weyl fermions in kagome magnet Fe3Sn2 thin films
[2202.04182] Jantje Kalin, Sibylle Sievers, Heiko Füser et al.: Optically excited spin dynamics of thermally metastable skyrmions in Fe$_{0.75}$Co$_{0.25}$Si
[2202.04186] Christoph Rohrmeier, Andrea Donarini: Precession of entangled spin and pseudospin in double quantum dots
[2202.04196] Marco Salvalaglio, Ken R. Elder: Coarse-grained modeling of crystals by the amplitude expansion of the phase-field crystal model: an overview
[2202.04197] Yelizaveta Kulynych, D. O. Oriekhov: Differential entropy per particle as a probe of van Hove singularities and flat bands
[2202.04225] Wenyi Zhou, Alexander J. Bishop, Menglin Zhu et al.: Kinetically-controlled epitaxial growth of Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ van der Waals ferromagnetic films
[2202.04226] Shunsuke A. Sato: First-principles calculations for transient absorption of laser-excited magnetic materials
[2202.04242] Shota Ono: Finding the stable structures of 2D hexagonal materials with Bayesian optimization: Beyond the structural relationship with 3D crystals in weakly-bonded binary systems
[2202.04248] Yue Li, Rabindra Basnet, Krishna Pandey et al.: Field-Dependent Magnetic Domain Behavior in van der Waals Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$
[2202.04254] Andrew L. Cornelius, Keith V. Lawler, Ashkan Salamat: Understanding Hydrogen Rich Superconductors: Importance of Effective Mass and Dirty Limit
[2202.04255] Emad Chaparian, Crystal E. Owens, Gareth H. McKinley: Computational Rheometry of Yielding and Viscoplastic Flow in Vane-and-Cup Rheometer Fixtures
[2202.04274] Shiyi Zhang, Dongyan Zhang, Zhimin Li et al.: Abnormal improved dielectric in La doped relaxor ferroelectric PNN-PHT
[2202.04275] Zhizhou Zhang, Jeong-Ho Lee, Grace X. Gu: Rational design of piezoelectric metamaterials with tailored electro-momentum coupling
[2202.04283] V. K. Sharma, R. Mukhopadhyay, A. Mohanty et al.: Influence of the Halide Ion on the A Site Dynamics in FAPbX3 (X = Br and Cl)
[2202.04286] Ryo Okano, Tomoki Hotta, Takahito Takeda et al.: Ferromagnetism induced by hybridization of Fe 3d orbitals with ligand InSb bands in n-type ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Fe)Sb
[2202.04293] Tao Feng, Panshuo Wang, Zhijia Han et al.: Giant transverse and longitudinal magneto-thermoelectric effect in polycrystalline nodal-line semimetal Mg3Bi2
[2202.04310] Jun-Sik Sin, Yong-Man Jang, Chol-Ho Kim et al.: Steric effect of water molecule clusters on electrostatic interaction and electroosmotic transport in aqueous electrolytes: a mean-field approach
[2202.04314] Wei Luo, Hao Geng, D. Y. Xing et al.: Entanglement of Nambu Spinors and Bell Inequality Test Without Beam Splitters
[2202.04322] Kazuya Shinjo, Shigetoshi Sota, Takami Tohyama: Metallic and glassy states of the one-dimensional Mott insulator excited by electric pulses
[2202.04331] Andreas Dechant, Shin-ich Sasa, Sosuke Ito: Geometric decomposition of entropy production into excess, housekeeping and coupling parts
[2202.04335] Jun-Sik Sin, Nam-Hyok Kim, Chung-Sik Sin: Effect of solvent polarization on electric double layer of a charged soft surface in an electrolyte solution
[2202.04338] Chushan Li, Mebrouka Boubeche, Lingyong Zeng et al.: Electron-Electron Interaction and Weak Antilocalization Effect in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Superconductor
[2202.04343] Ying Zhou, Shuai Dong, Changxun Shan et al.: Two-dimensional ferroelectricity induced by octahedral rotation distortion in perovskite oxides
[2202.04346] Jaewook Lee, Huijin Park, Hosung Seo: First-principles theory of extending the spin qubit coherence time in hexagonal boron nitride
[2202.04373] Daniele Di Lecce, Vittorio Marangon, Hun-Gi Jung et al.: Glyme-based electrolytes: suitable solutions for next-generation lithium batteries
[2202.04374] Niels John, Yuval Gefen, Bernd Rosenow: Metal-insulator transition in a boundary three chain model
[2202.04380] Federico Rottoli, Stefano Scopa, Pasquale Calabrese: Entanglement Hamiltonian during a domain wall melting in the free Fermi chain
[2202.04386] Zaicheng Zhang, Muhammad Arshad, Vincent Bertin et al.: Contactless Rheology of Soft Gels over a Broad Frequency Range
[2202.04387] Jack T. Parley, Rituparno Mandal, Peter Sollich: Mean field description of aging linear response in athermal amorphous solids
[2202.04402] Sonakshi Arora, Thomas Bauer, Nikhil Parappurath et al.: Breakdown of spin-to-helicity locking at the nanoscale in topological photonic crystal edge states
[2202.04403] Alexander R. Sprenger, Christian Bair, Hartmut Löwen: Active Brownian motion in a viscoelastic medium
[2202.04407] Yasuyuki Kato, Yukitoshi Motome: Magnetic field-temperature phase diagrams for multiple-$Q$ magnetic orderings: Exact steepest decent approach to long-range interacting spin systems
[2202.04408] Harald Reiss: Relaxation and a non-local, resistivity boundary layer in superconductors
[2202.04423] Jens Bickmann, Stephan Bröker, Raphael Wittkowski: Active Brownian particles in external force fields: field-theoretical models, generalized barometric law, and programmable density patterns
[2202.04434] Yuan-Qiao Li, Xi-Rong Chen, Wei Luo et al.: Fabry-Pérot interference in 2D low-density Rashba gas
[2202.04436] Yuta Kuroda, Hiromichi Matsuyama, Takeshi Kawasaki et al.: Anomalous Long-Range Fluctuations in Homogeneous Fluid Phase of Active Brownian Particles
[2202.04437] Anirban Kundu, M. B. A. Jalil: Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction in Weyl semimetals with tilted energy dispersion
[2202.04442] Lili Zhao, Wenlu Lin, Xing Fan et al.: High Precision, Low Excitation Capactiance Measurement Methods from 10 mK- to Room-Temperature
[2202.04459] Pritha Dolai, Simon Krekels, Christian Maes: Inducing a bound state between active particles
[2202.04471] D. D. Solnyshkov, C. Leblanc, I. Septembre et al.: Domain-wall topology induced by spontaneous symmetry breaking in polariton graphene
[2202.04482] P. L. Bavdaz, H. G. J. Eenink, J. van Staveren et al.: A quantum dot crossbar with sublinear scaling of interconnects at cryogenic temperature
[2202.04483] Fuhui Shao, Steffi Y. Woo, Nianjheng Wu et al.: Substrate influence on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer exciton absorption linewidth broadening
[2202.04484] Heda Zhang, Jahyun Koo, Chunqiang Xu et al.: Exchange-biased topological transverse thermoelectric effects in a Kagome ferrimagnet
[2202.04485] Andreas Postl, Pit Pascal Patrick Hilgert, Alexander Markevich et al.: Indirect measurement of the carbon adatom migration barrier on graphene
[2202.04492] Haowen Su, Ding Xu, Shan-Wen Cheng et al.: Dark-exciton driven energy funneling into dielectric inhomogeneities in two-dimensional semiconductors
[2202.04493] Cuiying Pei, Tianping Ying, Yi Zhao et al.: Pressure-induced reemergence of superconductivity in BaIr2Ge7 and Ba3Ir4Ge16 with cage structures
[2202.04497] Lorenzo Chicchi, Duccio Fanelli, Lorenzo Giambagli et al.: Recurrent Spectral Network (RSN): shaping the basin of attraction of a discrete map to reach automated classification
[2202.04503] A. A. Zabolotnykh: Plasma solitons in gated two-dimensional electron systems: exactly solvable analytical model for the regime beyond weak non-linearity
[2202.04510] Neha Mathur, Amar Singh, Navin Singh: The crowding effect on the melting of short DNA: Comparison with experiments
[2202.04525] Alberto Marmodoro, Sergiy Mankovsky, Hubert Ebert et al.: Electric field control of magnons in magnetic thin films: ab initio predictions for 2D metallic heterostructures
[2202.04531] Subrata Das, Koushik Mukherjee, Sonjoy Majumder: Vortex Formation and Quantum Turbulence in a Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates
[2202.04596] Quirin Hummel, Peter Schlagheck: Symmetry-induced many-body quantum interference in chaotic bosonic systems: an augmented Truncated Wigner method
[2202.04603] Lukas Rammelmüller, David Huber, Artem G. Volosniev: A modular implementation of an effective interaction approach for harmonically trapped fermions in 1D
[2202.04605] Andrea Cavagna, Antonio Culla, Tomás S. Grigera: Renormalization group study of marginal ferromagnetism
[2202.04614] Claudio Bonati, Andrea Pelissetto, Ettore Vicari: Three-dimensional monopole-free CP$^{N-1}$ models: Behavior in the presence of a quartic potential
[2202.04630] Ipsita Mandal, Rafael M. Fernandes: Non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid crossover inside a valley-polarized nematic state
[2202.04633] Benjamin Xu Shi, Venkat Kapil, Andrea Zen et al.: General embedded cluster protocol for accurate modeling of oxygen vacancies in metal-oxides
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 10 Feb 22","img":""}
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