Q-2, Supplier Qualification Process

Suppliers are Classified into what 3 sub groups?
Class A, B, and C
Critical, Major, Minor
Supply, Service, Contract
Tier One, Two, Three
Grandparent, Parent, Child
A Supplier is Considered Qualified When....
A memo to file is written declaring approval
Quality sets up a file in Grand Ave
Completion of Form F072
Phase 3 sign -off
Supplier sends a large bag of mixed nuts
Frequency of Suppliers being re-evaluated is determined by...
Every Quarter
You need a day out of office
Never - Re-evaluation is not a requirment
Supplier's Classification
Quality defines the schedule as needed
Suppliers are required to submit corrective action for a non conformance via...
A memo addressed to Osprey Quality
Osprey's NCM process in Grand Avenue
Completing a SCAR initiated from Osprey
A visit by Osprey personnel
A Letter of Apology to the president
What may be contained in a "Suppliers File"
ISO Certificate
Osprey Quality Agreement
Service Agreement
Misc. Correspondance
All of the Above
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