Needs Assessment Survey for Upper Cape Cod Community

Thank you for taking the time to complete The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod's survey. Your feedback will be used to determine which of our services is most critical to support people with disabilities and their families on Cape Cod.
Completing this survey should take approximately 3-minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to complete The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod's survey. Your feedback will be used to determine which of our services is most critical to support people with disabilities and their families on Cape Cod.
Completing this survey should take approximately 3-minutes.
Sharing your email address would be very helpful for possible future follow-up. Care to share?
Are you completing this survey on behalf of an organization, yourself or another person?
An organization or business
Myself or another person
Please provide the name of your organization/company:
Please provide your name:
Please provide the population(s) served by your organization. (Check all that apply)
Children 0-5
Children 6-18
Young Adults
Senior Citizens
People with low income
People with disabilities
People who are housing insecure/homeless
Other (please describe below)
What cities/towns are in your service area? If your service area is regional, country-wide, or state-wide, please indicate so.
What is the nature of service that you provide? (Check all that apply)
Disability Services
Education (early, secondary, post-secondary)
Other (please describe below)
What do you view as the three most pressing needs for families and individuals in your service area?
Need 1
Need 2
Need 3
What services would you like to see more of in order to help support people with disabilities on Cape Cod?
Are you familiar with The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod?
Which town do you reside in? 
Which best describes your affiliation to disability services? (Check all that apply)
I am a person with a disability
I am a caregiver for a person with a disability
I am an aging caregiver for a person with a disability
I am a family member or friend of a person with a disability
I am a guardian of a person with a disability
Other (please describe below)
Please describe:
What type of disability applies to yourself, your family member, or someone you know? (Check all that apply) 
Intellectual/Developmental Disability
Mental Health
Acquired Brain Injury
Physical Disability
Are you, your family member, or someone you know with a disability getting the services they need?
Not Sure
Are you, your family member, or someone you know with a disability receiving state funded services? (If so, check all that apply)
Department of Developmental Services
Mass Rehabilitation Commission 
Department of Mental Health
Other state funded services description:
Does your family member or someone you know currently receive support in any of the following areas? (Check as many as applicable)
Educational Transitional Services (i.e. Age 22)
Residential Services (i.e. Adult Family Care, Shared Living, Group Home, Individual Home Supports)
Financial Support (i.e. Agency With Choice, Department of Education Secondary Education, Family Support)
Day Habilitation Program
Day Services
Social Recreation Support
Autism Support Services
Do you or the person you know with disabilities have any unmet needs? If yes, what are those needs?
If you, your family member, or someone you know is already receiving disability services, how satisfied are you/they with their current services? Please choose one:
Highly Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Reasons why you are dissatisfied: 
What is your primary mode of transportation?
Public transportation
Personal vehicle
Rideshare program (Uber or Lyft)
Other (please describe below)
Other mode of transportation:
The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod has many virtual offerings for families and people with intellectual and development disabilities, autism, and brain injuries. Examples of virtual offerings include Small Group Sessions focused on socialization with peers, employment skill building and educational trainings. Are you interested in learning more about these virtual offerings?
Yes please
No thank you
Do you have technology to access virtual offerings?
Which of the following offerings interest you the most? (Check all that apply)
Employment Support Services (resume writing, mock interviews etc.)
Socialization and Fun
Hobby Exploration
Wellness and Health
{"name":"Needs Assessment Survey for Upper Cape Cod Community", "url":"","txt":"Thank you for taking the time to complete The Arc of Plymouth and Upper Cape Cod's survey. Your feedback will be used to determine which of our services is most critical to support people with disabilities and their families on Cape Cod.Completing this survey should take approximately 3-minutes., Sharing your email address would be very helpful for possible future follow-up. Care to share?, Are you completing this survey on behalf of an organization, yourself or another person?","img":""}
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