Histology Quiz 1

An informative and colorful illustration of human tissues and cells under a microscope, showcasing various histological structures with labels.

Histology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on histology with our engaging quiz designed for students and enthusiasts alike! This quiz covers a range of topics from the structure and function of cells to the types of tissues in the human body.

  • Multiple choice questions
  • 100% focused on histology principles
  • Perfect for self-assessment and review
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by StudyingCell234
All of the following are true except
Microvilli are much shorter than stereocilia
Stereocilia are not actively moving structures
Stereocilia are mainly present in the epididymis
Microvilli are found in epithelia active in resorption or reabsorption like esophagus
Cilia are numerous and short hair-like extensions of eukaryotic cytoskeleton from the apical plasma membrane , the type of movement and direction of cilia :
Power and recovery strokes- perpendicular
Undulatory movement-parallel
Power and recovery strokes-parallel
Undulatory movement-perpendicular
The junction that is present exclusively at apical meeting points of two cells is:
Tight junction
Gap junction
All of the listed
Exocrine glands in which the acini all produce a secretion of heavily glycosylated, hydrophilic proteins are an example of which type of gland?
Serous gland
. Mixed gland
Mucous gland
Tubuloacinar gland
Simple gland
One of the following sentences is correct
Fluorescein emits green light when excited with green-yellow light
Rhodamine emits red color when excited with green-yellow light
Rhodamine emits green color when excited with blue light
Fluorescein emits red color when excited with blue light
What stage of development contains the 3 germ layers? ”
What does “pluripotent” mean?
Able to divide and make many different types of cells
Not able to divide
Can only divide and make one cell type
If it divides ,it will make cancerous tumor
Desmosome is also called:
Zonula occludens
Zonula adherens
Macula adherens
Gap junction
None of the above
One of the following is classified as unicellular gland:
Sweat gland.
Salivary gland
Gastric gland (in the stomach).
Goblet cell.
Exocrine part of pancreas
The type of microscope that has two filters which are perpendicular to each other is :
Which germ layer develops into organs ?
Multipotent stem cells are________.
€�-stem cells that can only differentiate into one cell type found in a specific tissue
€�-stem cells that can give rise into any other cell type found in the body
€�-stem cells that can differentiate into each of the three germ layers
€�-stem cells that can only give rise to a limited range of cells within a specific cellular line
All the following are correct regarding mesenchymal cells EXCEPT:
Considered as multipotent cell of connective tissue.
Can differentiate into fibroblast or chondroblast.
Are smaller in size than fibroblast.
Are present within lacunae.
All of the listed.
Which cell present distorted (Not clear) appearance in the CT.
Mast cells.
Plasma cell.
Regarding fibroblast/fibrocyte, Mark the Wrong statement:
Fibroblasts have fusiform shape.
Fibroblast present large nucleus and extensive rER.
Fibrocytes can not transform into fibroblast if stimulated All of the listed.
Fibroblast lay-down its own matrix and fibers.
Regarding Brown adipose tissue, Mark the Wrong statement
Cells look multilocular
Nuclei are round and central
Many droplets of lipid occupy the cell cytoplasm
Present more in infants than adults
Has similar number of mitochondria as white fat
Regarding the ground substance, they have all the following features EXCEPT
Formed of GAGs linked to a core protein
Polysaccharide chains constitute about 80% of proteoglycan’s weight
Proteins constitute about 5% of proteoglycans weight
The large amount of water absorbed is due to presence of sodium ions
Absorbed water acts as a shock observer
The extracellular matrix has all the following features EXCEPT
It is formed of GAGs that are linked covalently to a core protein
The ratio between cells/fibers and extracellular matrix determine the type of connective tissue
The components of extracellular matrix are varied from soft delicate nature to very solid structure
Extracellular matrix contains fibrous proteins as laminin and actin
All of the listed
Regarding GAGs, they have all the following features EXCEPT
Formed of four types of sugars
Hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfates are two members of GAGs
GAGs tend to occupy a small volume relative to their mass
GAGs are negatively charged
Uronic acid is not linked to a core protein
{"name":"Histology Quiz 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on histology with our engaging quiz designed for students and enthusiasts alike! This quiz covers a range of topics from the structure and function of cells to the types of tissues in the human body.Multiple choice questions100% focused on histology principlesPerfect for self-assessment and review","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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