What kind of "Stuff Person" are you?

You've finally reached the last day of uni or school. You've now got a wardrobe full of books, folders and paperwork. What do you do with it?
Throw it all out! The course is finished, and you never need to see the material again.
You decide to hold onto it for a little while, just in case you might need something,
You keep every book and document from the course. You might not ever need them, but they have huge sentimental value.
You and your loved ones get your picture in the newspaper. What do you do with it?
Keep the entire newspaper. It might be worth a lot of money one day.
Cut the photo and article out and stick it in the family photo album.
Take a photo of the newspaper, and maybe store it on your Google Drive.
Your parents have died and after grieving and hurting, the time has come to sort through their belongings. You:
Hold on to absolutely everything. It was theirs and there is just too much sentiment attached to everything!
You systematically sort through everything, divvying up everything for various family members, while donating anything that isn't needed to charity.
Throw everything! They're dead now and anything of theirs will just mean more clutter for you.
The time has come to clear out some belongings in your house as the clutter is just becoming too much.
You cannot get rid of anything! Everything has value and nothing can be thrown out!
You go through and decide what has been used in the last year or two and make a decision based on that. Anything you decide not to keep is either sold on Gumtree or eBay, or donated to charity.
Throw away everything that isn't the bare essentials. You don't need the clutter!
How do you store your photos and home videos?
You make sure every single photo you take is developed and have a huge volume of photo albums and sleeves full of photos, many out of order and out of control.
You systematically decide which of your digital photos is worth developing, and have an organised selection of photo albums, and a DVD case containing all the home videos.
All your photos and videos are on your phone. When the phone is updated, all the photos are gone unless they're lucky enough to be stored on your Google Drive.
You have inherited a large volume of mint condition Star Wars collectibles which you have no interest in. You:
Store them and forget about them.You might like them one day.
Put them up for auction on eBay. Not only will they go to fans who will appreciate them, but you'll make a few extra bucks.
Throw them out! You don't like them and don't need the clutter.
{"name":"What kind of \"Stuff Person\" are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"You've finally reached the last day of uni or school. You've now got a wardrobe full of books, folders and paperwork. What do you do with it?, You and your loved ones get your picture in the newspaper. What do you do with it?, Your parents have died and after grieving and hurting, the time has come to sort through their belongings. You:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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