Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 10 Mar 21
[2103.04998] Wen O. Wang, Jixun K. Ding, Brian Moritz et al.: Numerical approaches for calculating the low field DC Hall coefficient of the doped Hubbard model
[2103.05001] Jiachen Li, Tomaž Prosen, Amos Chan: Spectral statistics of non-Hermitian matrices and dissipative quantum chaos
[2103.05009] Alexander Nikolaenko, Maria Tikhanovskaya, Subir Sachdev et al.: Small to large Fermi surface transition in a single band model, using randomly coupled ancillas
[2103.05010] Ammar Jahin, Apoorv Tiwari, Yuxuan Wang: Higher-order topological superconductors from Weyl semimetals
[2103.05012] Yicheng Zhang, Lev Vidmar, Marcos Rigol: Emergent eigenstate solution for generalized thermalization
[2103.05015] Caio C. Holanda Ribeiro, Sang-Shin Baak, Uwe R. Fischer: Quantum depletion signature of emerging sonic horizons in a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate
[2103.05017] Agnes Valenti, Eliska Greplova, Netanel H. Lindner et al.: Correlation-Enhanced Neural Networks as Interpretable Variational Quantum States
[2103.05037] Jiseok Gim, Alden Koch, Laura M. Otter et al.: The Mesoscale Crystallinity of Nacreous Pearls
[2103.05044] Othmane Benhayoun, Pavel Terekhin, Dmitry Ivanov et al.: Theory for heating of metals assisted by Surface Plasmon Polaritons
[2103.05083] K. Grishunin, E.A. Mashkovich, A.M. Balbashov et al.: Excitation and Detection of THz Coherent Spin Waves in Antiferromagnetic $\mathrm{α-Fe_2O_3}$
[2103.05095] Jun Yong Khoo, Falko Pientka, Inti Sodemann: The universal shear conductivity of Fermi liquids and spinon Fermi surface states and its detection via spin qubit noise magnetometry
[2103.05125] Richard W. Clarke: Theory of cell membrane interaction with glass
[2103.05141] Ryo Okugawa, Ryo Takahashi, Kazuki Yokomizo: Non-Hermitian band topology with generalized inversion symmetry
[2103.05153] Changting Dai, Fusheng Ma: Strong Magnon-Magnon Coupling in Synthetic Antiferromagnets
[2103.05165] Sayaka Yamamoto, Ryo Matsumoto, Shintaro Adachi et al.: High pressure effects on La(O,F)BiS$_{\mathrm{2}}$ single crystal using diamond anvil cell with dual-probe diamond electrodes
[2103.05166] Praneeth Ranga, Arkka Bhattacharyya, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks et al.: N-type doping of LPCVD-grown \b{eta}-Ga2O3 thin films using solid-source germanium
[2103.05208] Yuri Yu. Tarasevich, Andrei V. Eserkepov, Renat K. Akhunzhanov et al.: Nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Identification of a current-carrying subset of rods using a modified wall followe...
[2103.05210] Hui Zhang, Benjamin Gilbert, Jillian F Banfield: An atomic perspective on the serpentine-chlorite solid-state transformation
[2103.05211] Thomas Bolton Plumb-Reyes, Nicholas Charles, L. Mahadevan: Combing a double helix
[2103.05215] Wei-Xiong Wu, Yang Feng, Yun-He Bai et al.: Gate Tunable Supercurrent in Josephson Junctions Based on Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator Thin Films
[2103.05229] Ajit Kumar Dash, Mainak Mondal, Manvi Verma et al.: Effect of electron-irradiation on layered quantum materials
[2103.05258] David Richard, Edan Lerner, Eran Bouchbinder: Brittle to ductile transitions in glasses: Roles of soft defects and loading geometry
[2103.05261] Mohammad Aminpour, Sergio Andres Galindo Torres, Alexander Scheuermann et al.: Slip flow regimes in nanofluidics: a universal super-exponential model
[2103.05273] A. Kell, M. Link, M. Breyer et al.: A compact and fast magnetic coil for the interaction manipulation of quantum gases with Feshbach resonances
[2103.05278] Matthew Chilcott, Ryan Thomas, Niels Kjærgaard: Experimental observation of the avoided crossing of two $S$-matrix resonance poles in an ultracold atom collider
[2103.05286] Cătălin Paşcu Moca, Ireneusz Weymann, Miklós Antal Werner et al.: The fate of the Kondo cloud in a superconductor
[2103.05297] Philipp M. Mutter, Guido Burkard: Pauli spin blockade with site-dependent g-tensors and spin-polarized leads
[2103.05312] Ryosuke Akashi, Ryotaro Arita, Chao Zhang et al.: Chemical physics of superconductivity in layered yttrium carbide halides from first principles
[2103.05328] Aleksander Rodek, Thilo Hahn, Jacek Kasprzak et al.: Exciton dynamics in hBN/MoSe$_{\boldsymbol 2}$/hBN heterostructures measured in pump-probe spectroscopy
[2103.05335] Sandip Bera, Ipsita Mandal: Floquet scattering of quadratic band-touching semimetals through a time-periodic potential well
[2103.05361] V. C. Miguel, D. S. Fini, V. S. Pinto et al.: Crack-free caustic magnesia-bonded refractory castables
[2103.05370] Gesualdo Delfino, Marianna Sorba, Alessio Squarcini: Interface in presence of a wall. Results from field theory
[2103.05373] Pablo Vales-Castro, Miquel Vellvehi, Xavier Perpiñà et al.: Direct visualization of antiferroelectric switching dynamics via electrocaloric imaging
[2103.05392] Tomotake Yamakoshi, Shinichi Watanabe: Loading ultracold atoms onto nonlinear Bloch states and soliton states in bichromatic lattices
[2103.05403] Jan Košata, Oded Zilberberg: Second-order topological modes in 2D continuous media
[2103.05404] V.A. Shestakov, M.M. Korshunov, Yu.N. Togushova et al.: Decisive proofs of the $s_\pm \to s_{++}$ transition in the temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth
[2103.05409] Thorbjørn Skovhus, Thomas Olsen: Dynamic transverse magnetic susceptibility in the projector augmented-wave method. Application to Fe, Ni, and Co
[2103.05410] Jessica Padilla-Pantoja, Arnau Romaguera, Xiaodong Zhang et al.: Ferromagnetic metallic Sr-rich Ln$_{1/2}$A$_{1/2}$CoO$_3$ cobaltites with spontaneous spin rotation
[2103.05411] Omar Tricinci, Marco Carlotti, Andrea Desii et al.: Two-step MEMS microfabrication via 3D direct laser lithography
[2103.05420] Marcos A. Madrid, C. Manuel Carlevaro, Luis A. Pugnaloni et al.: Enhancement of the flow of vibrated grains through narrow apertures by addition of small particles
[2103.05450] H. A. Vinutha, Daan Frenkel: Computation of the chemical potential and solubility of amorphous solids
[2103.05459] István A. Kovács, Tamás Pető, Ferenc Iglói: Extreme statistics of the excitations in the random transverse Ising chain
[2103.05470] Bipasha Pal, Arvind Kumar Gupta: Reservoir crowding in a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with Langmuir Kinetics
[2103.05480] S. Mandal, R. Banerjee, T.C.H. Liew: From the topological spin-Hall effect to the non-Hermitian skin effect in an elliptical micropillar chain
[2103.05482] D. Pelc, R. J. Spieker, Z. W. Anderson et al.: Unconventional short-range structural fluctuations in cuprate high-$T_c$ superconductors
[2103.05483] Paul R. Dawson, Matthew P. Miller: Mechanical Analyses using Discrete Harmonic Expansions of Grain-Based Field Data
[2103.05493] Marco Ornigotti, Luca Ornigotti, Fabio Biancalana: Nonlinear Response of Graphene Under the influence of Artificial Gauge Fields
[2103.05498] N. Temahuki, F. Jomard, A. Lusson et al.: Identification by deuterium diffusion of a nitrogen-related deep donor preventing the p-type doping of ZnO
[2103.05501] D. J. P. de Sousa, C. O. Ascencio, P. M. Haney et al.: Gigantic tunneling magnetoresistance in magnetic Weyl semimetal tunnel junctions
[2103.05507] Karsten Balzer, Michael Bonitz: Neutralization dynamics of slow highly charged ions passing through graphene nanoflakes--an embedding self-energy approach
[2103.05510] James Nelson, Rajarshi Tiwari, Stefano Sanvito: Machine-learning semi-local density functional theory for many-body lattice models at zero and finite temperature
[2103.05511] Gernot Heine, Wolfgang Lang, Roman Rössler et al.: Anisotropy of the In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Resistivity and the Hall Effect in the Normal State of Vicinal-Grown YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-δ}$ ...
[2103.05512] D. J. P. de Sousa, Fei Xue, J. P. Wang et al.: Current-induced torques in magnetic Weyl semimetal tunnel junctions
[2103.05540] X. Zhang, A. Romaguera, O. Fabelo et al.: Tuning the tilting of the spiral plane by Mn doping in YBaCuFeO5 multiferroic
[2103.05545] X. Cao, Y. Lu, P. Hansmann et al.: Tree Tensor-Network Real-Time Multiorbital Impurity Solver: Spin-Orbit Coupling and Correlation Functions in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
[2103.05548] Karsten Flensberg, Felix von Oppen, Ady Stern: Engineered platforms for topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes
[2103.05567] Junaid Ahmed, Matthew Daly: Hall-Petch insensitivity in a dual-phase high entropy alloy
[2103.05584] Tobias Eul, Jürgen Braun, Benjamin Stadtmüller et al.: Spectroscopic evidence for a new type of surface resonance at noble metal surfaces
[2103.05587] Alemayehu S. Admasu, Durga Sankar Vavilapalli: The Laser-Diode Heated Floating Zone Method for Automated Optimal Synthesis of Refractory Oxides and Alloys
[2103.05591] Ikuma Tateishi, Viktor Könye, Hiroyasu Matsuura et al.: Characteristic singular behaviors of nodal line materials emerging in orbital magnetic susceptibility and Hall conductivity
[2103.05622] Daniel F. Tracey, Eva G. Noya, Jonathan P.K. Doye: Programming patchy particles to form three-dimensional dodecagonal quasicrystals
[2103.05628] Sankar Das Sarma, Haining Pan: Disorder-induced zero-bias peaks in Majorana nanowires
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 10 Mar 21","img":""}
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