Leadership Quiz
How long have you been in a leadership role?
0-2 years
3-4 years
5-10 years
10+ years
What size is your organization?
1-100 employees
101 - 500 employees
501 - 5000 employees
5000+ employees
Think about your organizational structure. How would you describe your role within your organization?
VP or above
Ok great. Tell me about your team. How many direct (people who report directly to you) and indirect reports (people who report to people who report to you) do you have?
I have no direct reports
I have no direct reports, but I lead project teams
Thank you for sharing. Now, let's dig in and discover where you are in your leadership journey. At this very moment, how confident do you feel leading your team?
I am not feeling confident
Somewhat confident
Very Confident
On an average day, how confident are you navigating your leadership (team issues, internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, etc.)?
I do not feel confident
Somewhat Confident
Very confident
Thank you for sharing. Now let's focus on you. Do you set aside time on a regular basis to assess all the value that you bring to your organization (strengths, talents, skills, experiences, personality, thinking style, communication style, flexibility, values) and identify the areas where you want to develop?
I do not set time aside
Sometimes I set time aside
I always set time aside
Do you have clearly defined personal values that you leverage every day in your leadership journey?
No, I do not
I have them, but I don't leverage them enough
I use them every day
Career clarity and knowing your 'Why' often helps to anchor you as a leader. How often do you set aside time to think about whether your career path is in alignment with your Why?
Almost never
Somewhat regularly
Pause for a few seconds and think about how those that you lead might describe you. Do you believe you have a clear leadership brand?
No, I do not
I would like to say yes, but I am not sure
Yes, I think my brand is clear to those around me
OK. Whether you're meeting in person or over zoom, your appearance plays a role in how you show up as a leader. How confident do you feel about your appearance and personal style?
I want to be more confident
Some days but not every day
I feel confident every day
As a leader, do you feel like you are getting the support that you need, both personally and professionally, to accelerate your growth and potential?
No, I do not
Sometimes, but I need more
I have strong support and allies
Do you have a mentor inside or outside of your organization?
No, I do not
Yes, but we are not connecting regularly
Yes, and I have mentors to call on when I need them
Now think about your professional network. Do you have a strong tribe of women who support you and help you to grow as a leader?
No, I do not
I have a tribe but I don't have time to connect
I have a strong tribe and we connect regularly
Think about your team tribe (the people you lead). What is one word that you would use to describe the culture of your team?
Let's switch gears and focus on delivering results. Do you have a strong annual process for creating goals for yourself and your team that align with your organizational goals and strategy?
I have no idea how to do this
I have a process, but it could be better
I have a strong process that I refine as I learn more
Think about the way that you connect with your team each day. Do you have regular, ongoing discussions about projects, issues and performance?
I want to but time is a challenge
We connect, but not as often as I would like
I have regular meetings with my team and I make a concerted effort not to miss them
In this moment, think about each person on the team that you lead. Is there something about the way that you lead and develop them that helps them to become better versions of themselves every year?
I don't have time to focus on my development let alone the team's development
I am working on this, but I am not there yet
I regularly invest in the development of my team
As a leader, there are often more things on your list than hours in the day. Do you connect with each member of your team as much as you would like or need to?
No, I do not
No, but I do make an effort
I am comfortable with the way and frequency with which I connect with my team
Ok, now stop. You have just given an honest assessment of where you are in your leadership journey. Write down one word to describe how you feel.
{"name":"Leadership Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Hi there! What is your name?, What industry do you work in?, How long have you been in a leadership role?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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