lag poll (help me quickly fix lag for everyone!) - (info: lag is when your game randomly stops/ runs unsmoothly)

DID Today's update REDUCE LAG for YOU? (info: Lag means when the game stutters, and randomly freezes for a bit)
It's WAY better, wow, much less lag.
It's slightly less laggy, but still needs lots of improvement
Lag is the same (no difference)
Lag got worse!
I rarely/never get lag on
How bad is your lag on (how smoothly does it run)
It's VERY laggy, fully unplayable
It's always laggy, hard to play (stutters without stopping)
It lags/freezes hard every 1-10 seconds, but is playable (I die from lag often)
It lags continuously (movement isnt smooth), but is okay
Its mostly smooth, with rare lag every minute +
It's very smooth, almost never get lag/stutter
Which game server location is the smoothest for you (least laggy)
USA (new york, texas, cali)
Europe (germany/london)
Asia/ Australia
All are equally laggy (none are good)
{"name":" lag poll (help me quickly fix lag for everyone!) - (info: lag is when your game randomly stops\/ runs unsmoothly)", "url":"","txt":"DID Today's update REDUCE LAG for YOU? (info: Lag means when the game stutters, and randomly freezes for a bit), How bad is your lag on (how smoothly does it run), Which game server location is the smoothest for you (least laggy)","img":""}
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