Sexuality test

Enter your name:
Let's start of with the most difficult question: What do you THINK you are?
Other LGBTQIA+ member
What gender do u have?
Gender fluid
Which gender do you think is the prettiest?
The same sex
The oppiside sex
People who indentify as none of these
Both/I cant choose
To which gender do you feel more attracted to?
The same sex
The oppiside sex
Both/I cant choose
Do you see yourself in a relationship with the same sex?
Not at all
Ofcouse, why not
Maybe but I wouldnt tell the outside world, I would keep it to myself
Yes but I would also with people of the oppiside sex
I cant imagine myself in a relationship with anyone
I dont do relationships lol
I might would for attention
I wouldnt because im too scared
Which sex do you fantasise sex with?
The oppiside sex
The same sex
Both but more with the same sex
Both but more with the oppiside sex
I dont know
I dont fantasise about sex with anyone
What type of videos do you see on your fyp on tiktok?
Meme videos
Dance videos
Night vibe videos
Car videos
Animal videos
Cooking videos
POV videos
Sad videos
Tutorial videos
Shopping videos
Fit check videos
Stripper videos
Gay videos
Videos with girls just being pretty
Videos with boys just being pretty
Videos with people talking about their sexuality
Videos where people make fun of others
Anime videos
Youtube/netflix fragment videos
Goal videos
Homophobic videos
Politic videos
Only trending videos (almost all videos you see have 500k+ likes)
Celebrity/influencer videos
Skincare videos
Aesthatic videos
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{"name":"Sexuality test", "url":"","txt":"Enter your name:, Let's start of with the most difficult question: What do you THINK you are?, What gender do u have?","img":""}
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