Eaten or touched the carcass of a flying insect with four legs and no joints
Consumed blood
Been lazy
Refused to get baptized
Burned yeast or honey as an offering
Not visited a person in prison
Had sex with a family member
Eaten something with fat
Not testified against a wrongdoing
Not stood in the presence of an elderly person
Touched God's servants
Accepted a bribe
Made an idol
Let your hair become unkempt
Had multiple spouses
Eaten an animal that doesn't chew cud and have a divided hoof
Worn wool
Cross-bred an animal
Not taught your kid about God
Eaten or touched the carcass of a rat or lizard
Had sex with an animal
Planted different seeds in the same field
Had a grudge
Falsely swore on God's name
Had period sex
Practiced divination
Not spanked a disobedient child
Made your kid become a prostitute
Picked up grapes that fell into your yard
Sacrificed your children to Molek
Not included salt in an offering to God
Put Earth before God
Eaten or touched the carcass of seafood without fins or scales
Cut your hair at the sides
Touched an unclean animal
Eaten fruit from a tree within four years of planting it
Slept with someone else's slave
Eaten an animal that walks on four legs and has paws
Worn something flamboyant
Discriminated against a blind/deaf person
Mixed clothing fabrics
Gone to church within 33 days of giving birth to a boy
Gone to church within 66 days of giving birth to a girl
Eaten or touched the carcass of a bird of prey or a bat
Discriminated against foreigners
Got a tattoo
Trimmed your beard
Watched other people have sex or be naked
Had a divorce
Worked on a Sunday
Had your sexual organs crushed/destroyed
Been in the presence of a dead body if you are a priest
Turned to a medium/spiritualist
Done drugs
Sold land
Made an excuse
Killed a cow/sheep and its young on the same day
Been sarcastic
Worn ripped/torn clothes
Worn linen
Drank alcohol in church
Worn jewelry
Touched the genitals of someone who was attacking you
Worn revealing clothes
Gone to church even though you are blind, deaf or disfigured
Gone to church even though your eyes/nose are flat
Spoken in church if you are a woman
Sworn at your parents
Lied about your virginity
Looked at someone lustfully
Had sex before you were married
Helped your husband in a fight if you are a woman
Remained friends with someone who doesn't glorify Jesus
Forgotten about the poor
Not wanted to go to Heaven
Loved your life
Lived for yourself
Not paid taxes
{"name":"Are you going to hell or what", "url":"","txt":"Have you ever:","img":""}