Project Management

Create a professional office setting with a project manager at a desk, surrounded by project management tools like Gantt charts, sticky notes, and a laptop. The atmosphere should convey organization, teamwork, and productivity, with a soft focus on teamwork and planning.

Master Project Management Quiz

Challenge your knowledge of project management concepts and principles with this engaging quiz! Designed for both beginners and seasoned professionals, this test covers a wide range of topics and knowledge areas essential for effective project management.

  • 130 carefully crafted questions
  • Multiple choice format
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130 Questions32 MinutesCreated by TaskMaster207
Program is a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique purpose:
Stakeholders are people involved in or affected by project activities:
A Project will normally have a fixed, and well defined objectives:
A project is normally initiated by the project manager:
Knowledge areas describe the key skills that the stakeholder must posses in order to have a successful project:
Much of the knowledge needed to manage projects is unique to the discipline of project management:
Project managers do not need to have general management skills to manage a project:
Project mangers use the Gantt chart as the primary tool to communicate project schedule information:
The project management profession is decreasing at an alarming rate:
Low-end project management tools generally cost thousands of dollars:
Project Management provides many organizations advantages such as:
Better control of financial, physical, and human resources
Improved productivity
Higher worker morale
All of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a “project”?
Unlimited funds
Has a unique purpose
Is temporary
Has a primary sponsor or customer
A program is characterized as:
A grouping of related tasks lasting one year or less
A unique undertaking having an indefinite time period
A grouping of projects managed in a coordinated way
A project with a cost of $1 million
The “triple constraint” of project management refers to:
Managing the hardware, software, and time of a project
Managing the scope, time, and cost dimensions of a project
Managing the changes, risk, and costs of a project
None of the above
A stakeholder is:
A project engineer
An individual that controls contingency funds
An individual or organization that is involved in or may be effected by project activity
An accountant
Scope management:
Is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is or is not part of the project
Is not a concern of the project manager
Involves managing the work content of the project
All of the above
Time Management includes:
Estimating how long it will take to complete the work
Developing an acceptable project schedule
Ensuring timely completion of the project
All of the above
Quality management deals with the following except:
Satisfying the needs of the customer
Making the product more desirable and luxurious
Conformance to requirements and specifications
All of the above
Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in:
Carrying out human resource, integration, and procurement management
Carrying out scope, time, cost, and quality management
Generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information
All of the above
Gantt Charts are used to:
Help managers identify critical tasks
Model the relationships among project tasks
Help managers measure performance
All of the above
A project is a ____________________ endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique purpose.
A project should have a primary ____________________.
To create a successful project, ____________________, time and cost must all be taken into consideration.
Knowledge areas describe the key ____________________ that project managers must develop.
Low-end project management tools are often recommended for ____________________ projects.
High-end project management tools are often recommended for ____________________ projects.
Project management overlaps somewhat with ____________________ management and application area knowledge.
The Gantt chart, network diagram, and critical path analysis are project ____________________ tools.
Project management software is making specialized project management techniques ____________________ to use.
Program is a group of ____________________ managed in a coordinated way.
What three knowledge areas comprise the triple constraint of project management?
Scope, time, and cost
Name two tools and techniques that are unique to project management.
Any of the following: project charter, WBS, Gantt chart, network diagram, critical path analysis, project cost estimates, earned value chart
Modern project management began with what project?
The Manhattan Project
What is the designation for people certified as project managers by the Project Management Institute?
PMP for Project Management Professional
The term systems approach describes a holistic and analytical approach to solving complex problems:
Systems are sets of projects with no interacting components:
Project life cycle is a collection of project phases:
WBS defines the total scope of the project:
Project acquisition refers to purchases required to complete the project:
Project feasibility focuses on the two phases implementation and close-out:
Deliverable is a product produced as part of a project:
The waterfall model of the SDLC is best used for operational software:
The RAD model of the SDLC is used to produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality:
Politics in organizations takes the form of competition among groups or individuals for power and leadership:
Systems Management addresses:
A) The business
B) Technological and organizational issues associated with making a change to a system
C) Hardware and software configuration
A and b
A project life cycle is a:
Collection of project phases
Collection of unassociated tasks
Collection of fixed programs
All of the above
Which of the following statements are true of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?
The WBS is deliverable oriented
Each level represents an increasing level of detail
The WBS is an unstructured list of activities in chart form
None of the above
What is the WBS typically used for?
As the basis for organizing and defining the total scope of the project
To define the project schedule
To identify the logical person to be project sponsor
All of the above
The last phase of the project life cycle is called close-out. In the close-out phase:
All of the work is completed
Customer accepts the entire project
Project experience is documented
All of the above
SDLC stands for:
Systems deployment life cycle
Systems development life cycle
Systems development life circle
Systems delivery life cycle
Rapid application development (RAD) model is used:
To produce well defined, linear stages of systems development and support
For developing software prototypes to clarify user requirements
To produce systems quickly without sacrificing quality
For progressive development of operational software, with each providing added capabilities
Having specific project deliverables and kill points at the end of project phases:
A) Helps managers make better decisions about whether to proceed, redefine, or kill a project
B) Improves project success rates
C) Eliminates project cost over-runs
A and b
Which of the following organization holds the project manger’s authority to be the weakest?
Strong matrix
Weak matrix
What helps projects succeed?
Executive support
Formal methodology
Clear business objectives
All of the above
Using a ____________________ approach is critical to successful project management.
Systems system
The first two phases of a project life cycle focus on planning and are referred to as project ____________________.
The second two phases of a project life cycle focus on delivering the actual work and are referred to as project ____________________.
The Work Breakdown Structure is an outcome-oriented document that defines the total ____________________ of the project.
The ____________________ model has well-defined, linear stages of systems development and support.
The ____________________ model recognizes the fact that most software is developed using an iterative approach rather than a linear approach.
The human resources frame focuses on producing harmony between the needs of the ____________________ and the needs of the people.
In a ____________________ organization, the staff have a variety of skills needed to complete the particular project.
Most colleges and universities have strong ____________________ organizations.
A very important factor in helping project managers successfully lead projects is the level of ____________________ and support they receive from top management.
What are the phases of the project life cycle?
Concept, development, implementation, and close-out
What are the project management process groups?
Initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing
What type of organizational structure gives the least amount of authority to project managers?
Name two significant characteristics of effective project managers?
Any of the following: lead by example, are visionaries, are technically competent, are decisive, are good communicators, are good motivators, stand up to upper management when necessary, support team members, and encourage new ideas
Interface management involves identifying and managing the points of interaction between various elements of the project:
Project organizational chart is used to show the lines of responsibility for the customer’s company:
Work authorization system is a method for ensuring that qualified people do the work at the right time and in the proper sequence:
Status review meetings are irregularly scheduled meetings used to exchange project information:
Change is unavoidable and often expected on many information technology projects:
Configuration management is a process that ensures that the descriptions of the project’s products are correct and complete:
Project plan execution is carrying out the project plan by performing the activities it includes:
The majority of a project’s budget should be spent on project plan initiation:
The project plan provides the baseline for identifying and controlling project changes:
Tools included in overall change control are:
Configuration management
Performance measurement
Project management information system
All of the above
A change control board is:
An informal or formal group of team members responsible for changes to a project
A formal group of people responsible for approving or rejecting changes to the project baselines
The project manager and several key team members working to ensure cost and schedule control during the life of the project
An informal group that has oversight of project implementations
Project integration management includes the following processes:
Scope planning
Scope definition
Scope verification
Integrated change control
The project plan is used to:
A) Coordinate all project planning documents
B) Improve management’s general skills
C) Guide a project’s execution and control
A and c
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a project plan:
Subject to change
A process is a series of actions to bring about a result. In a project, the four basic processes are:
Initiating, checking, planning, and delivering
Planning, executing, monitoring, and closing
Planning, executing, monitoring, and delivering
Concept, development, implementation, and close-out
A change control system often includes:
A) Change control board
B) Configuration management
C) A process for documenting expenses
A and b
Configuration management is any documented procedure used to apply technical administrative direction and surveillance to:
Test new systems against
Identify and document physical characteristics of an item
Control cost overruns
Identify and document functional problems of project implementation
Work authorization system is:
A method for ensuring that qualified people do the work at the right time and in the proper sequence
A method for which the project stakeholders approve the project team
A method for which the project stakeholders approve all change requests
A method for which all Configuration management documents are approved by the project stakeholders
Work results is one of the ____________________ of the project plan execution phase.
Outputs output
____________________ management involves identifying and managing the points of interaction between various elements of the project.
Interface interface
A project plan provides a ____________________ for progress measurement and project control.
Baseline base line
In a project management plan sections, the ____________________ process identifies methods, tools, and techniques; software documentation; and project support functions.
Work ____________________ system is a method for ensuring that qualified people do the work at the right time and in the proper sequence.
A change control board is a formal group of people responsible for approving or rejecting ____________________ on a project.
Changes change
A change control boardis a formal, documented process that describes when and how official ____________________ documents may be changed.
____________________ management ensures that the descriptions of the project’s products are correct and complete, and concentrates on the management of technology.
Configuration configuration
It is the project manager's responsibility to ____________________ all project changes so that the project stays on track.
Using the World Wide Web has made it easier to ____________________ the most current project information.
What are the three main processes of integration management?
Project plan development, project plan execution, and integrated change control
What is the main purpose of a project plan?
To facilitate action or guide project execution
3. What project management tool can you use to help manage relationships with different people involved in your project?
A stakeholder analysis
Project scope management includes the processes involved in defining and controlling what is only included in a project:
Initiation involves committing the organization to begin a project or continue to the next phase of a project:
SWOT analysis is used to aid in strategic planning:
Payback analysis is used to determine and rank project risks:
A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic process for selecting projects based on one criteria:
A work package is a deliverable or product at the highest level of the WBS:
A unit of work should appear at only one place in the WBS:
JAD uses highly organized and intensive workshops to bring together project stakeholders:
Scope creep is the tendency for project scope to keep getting bigger and bigger:
The project charter:
Is proof of upper management’s commitment to the project
Specifies the overall objectives and time frame of the project
Provides the authority for the project to proceed
All of the above
Which of the following is not a selection criteria for choosing a new project?
Rate of return
In-house personnel available
Competition’s out-sourcing method
The scope statement should not include:
Project justification
Project deliverables
Project objectives
Project budget
Reasons for investing in Information Technology Projects:
Good internal rate of return
Supports explicit business objectives
Supports implicit business objectives
All of the above
Poor scope definition may cause all but:
Higher project costs
Increased productivity
Low morale
Scope definition is necessary to:
Improve the accuracy of cost, time, and resource estimates
Define a baseline for progress measurement and control
Facilitate clear responsibility assignments
All of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a “work package”?
It is a task at the lowest level of any branch of the WBS
It is a summary task at the top level of the WBS
It consists of manageable units of work that can be planned, budgeted, scheduled, and controlled
It usually contains no more than 80 work hours (effort) to complete
Scope verification:
Is the formal acceptance of the project scope by the stakeholders
Refers to the final project report describing the project at completion
Is not necessary if the project competes on time and on budget
Occurs only when revisions or change orders are made to the project
Project ____________________ management includes the processes involved in defining and controlling what is or is not included in a project.
A project ____________________ is a key document for formally recognizing the existence and providing a broad overview of a project.
Scope ____________________ involves formalizing acceptance of the project scope.
Scope ____________________ involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components.
Scope ____________________ involves developing documents to provide the basis for future decisions.
Only projects with a ____________________ net present value should be considered if financial value is a key criterion for project selection.
A discount rate is the ____________________ acceptable rate of return on an investment.
A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a ____________________ process for selecting projects based on many criteria.
A WBS is often depicted as a task-oriented family tree of ____________________.
Activities activity
A work package is a deliverable or product at the ____________________ level of the WBS.
What is the main reason why firms invest in information technology projects?
To support explicit business objectives
If you have three independent projects with NPVs of $100, $400, and -$100, which project(s) would you recommend based solely on the NPV?
Recommend the project with an NPV of $100 and the one with an NPV of $400. Both are profitable. If you must choose one project, recommend the project with the highest NPV---$400 in this example.
What document formally recognizes the existence of a project?
A project charter
What is the main output of the scope definition process and is also an outcome-oriented analysis of the work involved in a project that defines the total scope of the project?
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