Nursing as a profession
Nursing Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge of nursing as a profession with our engaging quiz! Dive into the history, principles, and key figures that have shaped nursing throughout the ages.
- Multiple choice questions
- Covering historical events and important practices
- Perfect for nursing students and enthusiasts alike
The ability to use your hands in a skillful. (Kagaanan ng kamay)
The hando
Za hando
Skillful hand
Refers to the dynamic skills and methods in assisting sick and well individual in their recovery and in the promotion and maintenance of health.
Nursing As an Art
Nursing As a Science
The scientific knowledge and skills in assisting individual to achieve optimal health.
Nursing As an Art
Nursing As a Science
Nursing was untaught and instinctive.
Intuitive period
Apprentice period
Educational period
Contemporary period
11TH century – 1836 - “On the Job” training period
Intuitive period
Apprentice period
Educational period
Contemporary period
Began on June 15, 1860 when the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing opened at St. Thomas Hospital in London.
Intuitive period
Apprentice period
Educational period
Contemporary period
This refers to the period after World War I and the changes and development in the trends and practice of Nursing occurring since 1945 after World War II.
Intuitive period
Apprentice period
Educational period
Contemporary period
The first known surgery was or drilling the skull to remove evil spirit
They move from one place to the other after they consume the resources in that area.
Nomadic life
Agrarian society
Urban community life
Knows how to cultivate soil and plant trees that’s why they stay in one area.
Nomadic life
Agrarian society
Urban community life
A leader was born, political system and civilization.
Nomadic life
Agrarian society
Urban community life
1st recording on the medical practice also known for their Code of Hammurabi
Mummification, removing the internal organs of the dead, the art of embalming
Teaching of moses
The Father of Sanitation”
Florence Nightingale
"Materia Medica" a Book that indicates the pharmacologic drug used for treatment.
China (far east)
India (far east)
Use of wax to preserve the body of the dead.
China (far east)
India (far east)
"Shushurutu" 1st recording on the nursing practice.
China (far east)
India (far east)
Caduceus & Hippocrates
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Paganism, Fabiola (Marcella and Paula)
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Made her home the first hospital in the Christian World.
Florence Nightingale
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Catherine of Siena
Insignia of medicine (staff = leader ship) (wings = service) (serpent = cure)
Father of scientific/ Modern Medicine
Paganism is
Christian Philosophy
Christian Value
Christian Belief
Also Known as holy war or religious war
Fate stay night unlimited blade works
The Crusades
Fate stay night
The patroness of nursing
St. Vincent De Paul
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Catherine of Siena
Little saint” – took care of the sick as early as 7 years old. 25th child
St. Vincent De Paul
St. Catherine of Siena
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Community of Sisters of Charity.”
St. Vincent De Paul
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Catherine of Siena
The American Civil War was led by Martin Luther, the war was a religious upheaval that resulted to the destruction in the unity of Christians
The Dark Period of Nursing
The dark age of nursing
Founder of american Red Cross
Clara Barton
Clare Barton
Clarra Barton
Mother of modern nursing
Florence Nightingale
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Catherine of Siena
The 2nd lady with a lamp
Florence Nightingale
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Catherine of Siena
Florence Nightingale was
Born on May 12, 1821 in Florence, Italy.
Born on May 13, 1820 in Florence, Italy.
Born on May 14, 1820 in Florence, Italy.
Born on May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy.
Select the contributions of Florence Nightingale
Environmental Theory
Nurse Salary
Decent Quarters
Correlate Theory To Practice
Notes in Nursing
Founder of public health nursing
Lillian Wald
Clara Barton
Florence Nightingale
Hospital for the lepers. (Named after the Knights of St. Lazarus )
Hospital Real De Manila
San Lazaro Hospital
Hospital de Indios
Hospital De Aguas Santas
1st hospital established
Hospital Real De Manila
San Lazaro Hospital
Hospital de Indios
Hospital De Aguas Santas
Named after its location (near spring) because people believed that spring has a healing power.
Hospital Real De Manila
San Lazaro Hospital
Hospital de Indios
Hospital De Aguas Santas
For poor people Located at Roxas Boulevard
Hospital Real De Manila
San Lazaro Hospital
San juan de Dios Hospital
Hospital De Aguas Santas
For poor Filipinos
Hospital Real De Manila
San Lazaro Hospital
Hospital de Indios
Hospital De Aguas Santas
Wife of Jose Rizal installed a field hospital in an estate in Tejeros that provided nursing care to the wounded night and day.
Josephine Bracken
Maria Agoncilla de Aguinaldo
Hilaria de Aguinaldo
Melchora Aquino
1st president of Philippine Red Cross (Batangas chapter
Josephine Bracken
Maria Agoncilla de Aguinaldo
Hilaria de Aguinaldo
Melchora Aquino
Wife of Emilio Aguinaldo organized the Filipino Red Cross
Josephine Bracken
Maria Agoncilla de Aguinaldo
Hilaria de Aguinaldo
Melchora Aquino
Nursed the wounded Filipino soldiers, gave them shelter and food
Josephine Bracken
Maria Agoncilla de Aguinaldo
Hilaria de Aguinaldo
Melchora Aquino
1st hospital ran by baptist foreign mission society of america
Iloilo Mission Hospital Training School of Nursing (1906)Iloilo Mission Hospital Training School of Nursing (1906)
Iloilo Mission Hospital Training School of Nursing (1976)
Iloilo Mission Hospital Training School of Nursing (1907)
1st college of nursing in the Philippines
UST College of Nursing – 1946
MCU College of Nursing – 1947
UP College of Nursing - 1948
Miss Sotejo – 1st dean
UST College of Nursing – 1946
MCU College of Nursing – 1947
UP College of Nursing - 1948
1st college who offered BSN – 4-year program
UST College of Nursing – 1946
MCU College of Nursing – 1947
UP College of Nursing - 1948
Founder of Filipino Nurses Association, 1st Filipino chief nurse of PGH, 1st Filipino superintendent of nurses in the Philippines
Anastacia Giron Tupas
Francisca Delgado
Cesaria Tan
1st Filipino to receive master’s degree in nursing abroad
Anastacia Giron Tupas
Francisca Delgado
Cesaria Tan
1st president of Filipino Nurses Association
Anastacia Giron Tupas
Francisca Delgado
Cesaria Tan
Hands on patient
Client Advocate
Promote decision making to patient and family.
Client Advocate
Communicate to patient, family, and other health care provider.
Client Advocate
To give advise.
Client Advocate
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