Registration Test - Saturday 18/01/2020

A dynamic scene depicting a Formula Student car on a racetrack, showcasing engineering elements like suspension systems, aerodynamic wing designs, and technical diagrams on the side.

Engineering Design Challenge Quiz

Test your knowledge and skills in automotive engineering and dynamic vehicle performance with our Registration Test.

This quiz is designed for aspiring engineers and enthusiasts who want to challenge themselves and gauge their understanding of complex engineering concepts.

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DrivingGear202
1) One corner of your car's suspension can be simplified as two mass-system with two springs, a damper and an excitation function u(t). Which set of differencial equations represents the system shown above?
2) Our vehicle completes the Acceleration Event. Its velocity is 126 km/h when it crosses the finish line. How many points did we get, if we assume that its acceleration is constant and the best corrected time was achieved by a vehicle going 133.2 km/h when it crosses the finish line?
3) Which parameters are not required to calculate the operating temperature of a conductor in open air
Operating voltage
Operating current
Cross section area
Insulator (coating)
Cross section shape
Ambient temperature
Conductor length
4) Can a team be eliminated from the Engineering Design Event by the judges, if every document of theirs was accepted and they are present at Engineering Design Event?
Yes, if the judges consider the vehicle to be in unfinished state.
Yes, if the judges consider the number of the team members present at the discussion insufficient.
No, if a team is present at the event, the judges are obligated to evaluate their performance.
Yes, if the team did not pass any scrutineering prior.
5) You are competing on the Endurance event. Unfortunately one of the throttle pedal return springs is already broken, but the car operates well. In the long straight the other return spring breaks too but the driver doesn’t recognize it, and the throttle pedal get stuck at 100%. At the end of the straight, the driver reaches a slalom and pushes the break with medium force. What happens after that?
The breaks are ineffective to slow down the car while the motors are producing full power, driver loses control over the car, hits all cones at high speed and tries to deactivate TS by pushing the cockpit killswitch.
TS may remain active, the vehicle can go through the slalom but won’t be able to gain speed anymore.
BSPD immediately shut down the TS as the driver touches the brake pedal.
The motors, and therefore the racecar, immediately stop at the end of the straight.
6) If a thin and infinitely long fibre’s diameter is reduced, which of its properties from the following will increase?
Young modulus
Peak force at failure

7) The circular Dynamic Platform at ZalaZone has 1% of slope from North to South. The diameter of the Platform is 300m. If a ball is released on the highest point of the Platform (North), from standstill state, what will be the speed of the ball at the lowest point of the Platform (South)? 

Consider that the ball rolls directly from the highest point to the lowest point.

Rolling resistance is 0

Mass of the ball is 200g

G = 10m/s^2

5.897 km/h
7.7459 km/h
7.7459 m/s
5.897 m/s
8) Assuming you have a V8 engine that has the maximum rules compliant cc for FS Austria, rotating at 12000 rpm, calculate the brake specific fuel consumption assuming your consumption is x kg of fuel per hour. Assume the mean brake pressure is 150 N/m^2.
162.25 kg/kwh
150.5 g/kwh
137.9 kg/kwh
140.85 g/kwh

9) Which of the listed material can be described with the following fictional mechanical properties?

Specific strength (σ[MPa]/ρ[g/cm^3]) = 1700

Specific strength (σ[GPa]/ρ[g/cm^3]) = 60

Failure Strain (%) = 2.3

Zylon HM fiber reinforced polymer
Aramid fiber reinforced polymer
10) What is the theoretical top speed of a Formula Student car? Of course its power is limited to 80kW. Assume that drag is the only source of friction and that the car's power is applied with 100% efficiency. Additionally, the following parameters can be used.
ρair = 1.2 kg/m^3
CL*A = 4.5 m^2
L/D = 3
m = 200 kg
120.22 km/h
135.12 km/h
142.68 km/h
154.40 km/h
160.66 km/h
11) Which driving trajectory fits the data shown in the diagram above?
12) Use the upper graph to determine the possible nature of each material. Choose the right combination from the ones below.
A: Low-Carbon Steel, B: GFRP, C: Aluminum 6082-T6, D: Titanium
A: GFRP, B: Titanium, C: Aluminum 6082-T6, D: Low-Carbon Steel
A:Titanium, B: Aluminum 6082-T6, C: GFRP, D: Low-Carbon Steel
A: Titanium, B: GFRP, C: Aluminum 6082-T6, D:Low-Carbon Steel
13) A mass m = 0.5 kg is hung from the depicted system of weightless cylindrical rods made of Inconel 600. The rods have a length L = 30cm each and have the same diameter d = 10mm. If the temperature stays 100 °C at all times calculate the oscillation period of the mass.
14) A driver, driving a 210 kg car, is racing with a speed of 50 km/h and hits a standing cone which weighs 0.8kg. Due to the impact the driver instantly slows down to a speed of 32 km/h. The cone is thrown away with a speed of 124 km/h, hits another identical, standing cone and comes to a halt. What is the speed of the second cone right after the impact? Assume the impact is ideal and completely elastic.
33.44 m/s
107.92 km/h
112.29 km/h
50 m/s
15) The Front wing of your car is attached to the front bulkhead using six 4mm dowel pins in single shear. What is the maximum allowed deceleration peak in the impact attenuator test if you are testing without the front wing and its mounting? (T3.19.4/Method b)
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