
A detailed illustration of a racecar on a track, showcasing various engineering elements like the brake system, aerodynamics, and technology aspects in a vibrant and dynamic setting.

Automotive Engineering Quiz

Test your knowledge in the exciting field of automotive engineering with our comprehensive quiz! Dive into various topics ranging from mechanics to aerodynamics, ensuring a thorough understanding of vehicle design and performance.

Engage with challenging questions that cover:

  • Brake systems
  • Physics of motion
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Aerodynamic principles
  • Power calculations
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DrivingGear421
1.The team "Low Budget, Low Tech" build their first racecar. Due to budget constraints, they cannot install a differential between their driven rear wheels. As a solution, they installed a solid axle and called it a day. The brake system engineer of the team wants to save some rotational mass and installs a single brake disc and calipers for the rear of the car. Is this system permitted?
A)No, having a single disc is only allowed for a limited slip differential.
B)Yes, it is fine.
C)No, this setup leads to a system has a single point of failure and the rules require two independend systems to maintain brake power incase one of the systems fails.
D)No, a car cannot be run with a solid axle.
2. A car gets accelerated by a force F= 1260N.The car weight is 180kg.How much Distance does it travel in 4 s?
3.An, on both ends open, U-pipe, with a constant circular diameter contains 500cm^3 mercury. Into the right opening are filled 100cm^3 water, into the left opening 97,8cm^3 gasoline. The suface level is even. The pipe is filled with mercury at the bottom. g= 9,81 m/s^2, density (water)= 1000 g/l, density (Hg) 13,6g/cm^3.Calculate the density of gasoline.
A)587 kg/m^3
B)954 kg/m^3
C)717 kg/m^3
D)832 kg m^3
4. Analyze the system given in the equation and answer correctly:The system \dot{x} = [-1, 0; 1, 1] x + [-2; 1] u and y = [0, 1] x is
A)stable and uncontrollable
B)unstable and uncontrollable
C)unstable and controllable
D)stable and controllable
5.(A car with a friction coefficent of 0.5 drives in a 10 m braking zone. What is the maximum velocity at start of this braking zone to stop in it? Answer in km/h and round to 2 decimal places. (g=9,81m/s^2)
6.Any aerodynamic device must be able to withstand a force of 50N applied in any directionat any point and not deflect more than:
B)10mm in load carrying direction
E)25mm in load carrying direction
7. Are official announcements considered as part of the rules?
A)No, only written rules apply.
B)Yes, they are considered.
C)Yes, if agreed by all teams
D)Maybe, it depends on the situation.
8. In addition to the general modifications and repairs allowed after the technical inspection, which modification is allowed only for driverless teams?
A)Replenishment of fluids
B)Repositioning any aerodynamic device
C)Adjustment of sensors
D)Changes in software
9.Are plastic brake lines permitted?
A)No, they habe to be machined from steel
B)Yes, if they are armored
C)Yes, if they have at least 2mm wall thickness
D)No, they are permitted in any case
10. A car with a wheelbase of 1560 mm and a mass of 250 kg breakes with its maximum deceleration. The friction coefficient of the tires is 1.3. The normal force applied to the front axis is 1400 N. The COG is 230 mm over the road surface. Aero forces are not to be concidered. (g=9.81m/s^2) What is the weight distribution on the front axis? [%]Round to two places after the comma.
11.(6 mins) Assume that the power drawn during an Acceleration run is monotic and linear rising with time, starting at 0kW while crossing the start light barrier. What is the maximum energy that may be used during a run that takes 3.33s without violating the power restriction rule?
12. At which possible surface temperature a material that the the driver could contact in normal driving position needs a heat insulation?
13. At the Mahle party in Hockenheim the dancefloor got into particularly strong vibrations, as a group of persons dancing to the same song with 200 beats in 50s. Calculate the natural frequency of the dancefloor.
A)4 Hz
B)2 Hz
C)1 Hz
D)3 Hz
14. A car with sprung mass of 242.4 kg, track of 1.2 m, wheelbase of 1565 mm, x- coordinate of cog of 782,5 mm, roll centre heigth of 62 mm front and 92 mm rear corners with 2.2 G. What is the geometric weigth transfer of the front axle? Answer in N and round to 2 decimal places. (g=9,81m/s^2)
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