In the text book's classification of types of sales jobs, which one of the following involves the most complex problem solving?
Consultative sellers
New business sellers
Sales support salespeople
Delivery sellers
Order takers
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to a program designed to:
Establish new accounts
Manage the expenses of calling on customers
Help companies manage customer information
Manage the distribution of goods and services to customers
Minimize company liability with regard to the product it sells to customers
All of the following are common responsibilities of today's sales managers, EXCEPT:
Hiring and training
Territory design
Forecasting and budgeting
Performance evaluation
Product design
Today's sales manager must be sensitive to individual needs, caring more about communicating and coaching than:
Monitoring and controlling
People skills
Relationship selling is:
Focused on generating new accounts.
Building long term associations with a select number of carefully chosen accounts.
Building short term associations with a large number of accounts
Reminiscent of the back-slapping, joke-telling sales professional of days gone by.
Sony Electronics sells its products through its own Sony retail stores, through traditional retail stores (like Best Buy), and through its website This most directly relates to:
Selling to executives
Complex channels of distribution
In the introduction to chapter 1, the textbook argues that it is critical for sales managers to hire salespeople who:
Deliver a great sales pitch
Understand the product
Are excellent closers
Work hard
Listen to customers
When using selling teams, firms tend to
Have more cross-functional communication
Eliminate middle management positions
Be flatter
All of these
None of these
If a salesperson can make an appointment with a C-level executive, the sales process tends to be:
More complex
Both B and C
Red Motley, a noted sales trainer and writer, once said, “Nothing happens until somebody…
Sells something
Goes to work
Pays attention
Wines and dines the customer
A firm is least likely to sell through a wholesale distributor in situations where:
Buyers want local service facilities
Individual sales are small
Rapid delivery to customers is important
The buying process is very complex
Producer wants inventories located near the customers
A drawback to organizing the sales force in a geographical specialization is that:
There is usually no specialization of marketing activities
Leads to uneven coverage of the market
Results in more travel time for each sales rep
Customers may get called on by multiple reps from the same selling firm
All of these are drawbacks
Which of the following is the greatest limitation of a geographical territory type of sales organization?
The company must develop territorial sales executives.
Sales reps may not have the necessary expertise in all the products they sell.
It is difficult to set up sales territories.
It is a high cost type of organization.
Large customers cannot be serviced properly
When a company has its salespeople use virtual offices:
The company still has district offices
They are 'virtual' because salespeople are 'in' them wherever they are.
Sales manager must see their reps more frequently.
It creates higher selling costs due to the increase use of technology.
All of the above
With regard to the roles of the buying center, a purchasing agent is almost always the:
In addition to their large buying size, strategic accounts are likely to be differentiated from smaller accounts by their:
Desire to concentrate on domestic markets, to the exclusion of foreign markets.
Complex buying process
Desire to avoid dealing with a selling team - preferring instead to deal with one sales rep.
Preference for using a line organizational structure
None of the above
Which of the following factors account for the growing use of e-commerce and telemarketing as a form of sales force specialization?
Many marketers find that it increases the efficiency of their selling effort.
Many buyers prefer it over personal sales calls in certain selling situations.
Many buyers prefer it over personal sales calls in certain selling situations and many marketers find that it increases the efficiency of their selling effort.
It is especially adaptable to major-account selling
All of these contribute to the telemarketing's growth.
Team selling is not the best alternative in every situation because:
it does not lend itself to complex situations.
It tends to be expensive
Customers generally do not like it
There is no specialization of marketing activitiesa
All of these
An organization which has many cross-functional teams:
Is usually a vertically structured organization
Utilizes top-down control
Is a thing of the past
Does not believe that all marketing activities should be organizationally integrated and coordinated
Is usually a flatter organization is which coordination is across activities
When a sales force is organized by product lines:
A company cannot effectively use staff assistants who specialize by product line.
More than one sales rep may call in the same customer.
There is no opportunity for geographical specialization.
This is not a good structure for selling complex, technical products.
Usually each customer is called on by only one salesperson in the company.
"Someone with experience, position, or power who adopts you as a protege and helps you advance your career" best describes a:
Peer group
None of these
According to your text, the most commonly used interview is:
Totally structured
Non directed
Something between guided and non-directed
All of the following represent different types of mentoring programs except for:
Senior manager assigned to a sales rep in order to learn the corporate culture.
Senior executives help new salespeople climb the corporate ladder.
New hires selected to share the learning experience with other new hires.
Experienced co-workers chosen to guide and teach new reps the ropes.
Co-workers who are chosen to be advisors and/or trainers to new hires.
A problem with stress interviews is that:
They are too costly to conduct.
They are not valid predictors of performance.
They are illegal.
They are too difficult to conduct.
Applicants may get upset about having a stress interview.
A personal interview with a sales rep is a reliable predictor of success in the sales job because:
Interviews are the most widely used selection tool.
The sales job requires skills similar to those which are on display in the interview.
It enables the interviewer to get a "gut" reaction instead of a merely objective evaluation.
The sales manager is known to be a highly effective interviewer and can consistently react so as to affect applicants' responses.
Which of the following is not a selection tool?
Job advertisements
Application forms
Personal interviews
Employment tests
Assessment centers
As a general rule in an interview for a sales job, which of the following questions are you legally allowed to ask an applicant before hiring the person?
Are you married? (if it's a man, but not a woman.
Have you ever been arrested?
Why did you leave your prior job?
How is your health?
How old are you?
The most widely used of all sales selection tools is the:
Reference check
Psychological tests
Personal interview
Physical exam
Long application blank
Selection tools such as application blanks, interviews, and reference checks:
Are very useful in building a job description.
Can be bypassed by sales managers who are good at judging people.
Are used heavily in the recruiting stage of the selection process.
Are used to help measure each applicant against predetermined hiring qualifications.
None of these is true
When making a reference check, the key question which a sales manager should ask an applicant's former employer is:
Was he (or she) well liked by fellow workers?
Would you rehire him (or her)?
Was he (or she) a good worker?
Did he (or she) cause any problems in your firm?
Was he (or she) a good worker?
A recently promoted district sales manager was nominated by her company to attend an executive development program conducted by a well-known university. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this program is most closely related to the rep's need for:
Belonging to a group
Love and acceptance
Physiological support
When planning and conducting a sales contest, management should:
Provide each salesperson with a reasonably equal chance to win.
Not give out cash as an award.
Use an outside consulting firm to conduct the contest, thus ensuring objectivity.
Run the contest for at least six months
Not build the contest around a theme
Specific performance objectives:
Are only needed when a rep misses quota
Are impossible to measure
Should be agreed upon by both the rep and manager
Are not a critical part of motivation
To satisfy a rep's motivation needs in contrast to her hygiene needs, a company might:
Provide her with a company car.
Provide her with a larger expense account.
Promote her into a more challenging job with greater responsibility.
Provide her with a larger, better-furnished office.
Increase her salary.
An unwanted side effect of a sales contest might be:
Boost morale
Motivate salespeople
Decline in post-contest sales
Increase sales
None of these
When salespeople attribute their failure to “bad luck,” they are likely to do which one of the following:
Increase effort
Avoid the situation
Seek help
Change strategy
When salespeople attribute a failure to “task difficulty,” they are likely to do one or more of the following except:
Seek help
Change strategy
Avoid the situation
Become frustrated
The number one cause of plateauing is:
Lack of clear career path
Satisfaction with income levels
None of these
Which of the following is one of the primary determinants of whether salespeople will cooperate with team selling efforts.
Financial incentives
Non financial incentives
Peer expectations
Belief in the goal of the team
None of these
Which of the following does not contribute to job enrichment?
Greater responsibility
Greater compensation
Variety in tasks
Greater authority
All of these contribute to job enrichment
Which of the following is the best reason for having no ceilings on a sales rep's potential earnings?
The more a rep earns, the more the company makes, especially when the company is paying with some type of commission plan.
A rep should receive full financial benefit from all windfall sales.
It is good for executives' morale
It will encourage sales managers to get out in the field and do more selling.
Good sales reps should always earn more than their boss.
In a sales force compensation plan, an example of indirect financial compensation is:
Christmas cash bonus
Salary payment
Paid vacation
Field supervision
Air conditioned office
A competitive limitation to the straight salary plan for compensating a sales force is that:
It offers little direct incentive for the salespeople.
Usually it is not simple to understand or economical to administer.
It usually is not workable when the job entails only missionary activities.
Management has more difficulty controlling the activities of the sales force.
It is the highest cost plan of all the major types.
Which of the following is a major trend today in sales force compensation?
The average level of pay is decreasing
Combination plans are declining in popularity
Fringe benefits are not being used as much as in the past
Straight commission plans are increasing as a percentage of total plans.
Companies are designing plans which stress customer satisfaction rather than straight sales volume.
A company will most likely use a straight salary plan for compensating its sales force when:
Part-time salespeople or independent contractors are used.
The firm is in a weak financial position
Very little non-selling, missionary type of work is needed.
Adequate field supervision is not feasible.
The sale involves a complex product, and requires lengthy periods of service and negotiations.
The sales compensation plan that typically provides maximum security and stability of earnings for most sales reps is:
Straight salary
Straight commission
Salary plus commission
Commission plus fringe benefits
Salary plus bonus
As one of its goals, a good plan for paying salespeople should:
Equate level and method of compensation.
Discourage a salesperson from spending time on non-selling activities.
Result in a sales rep selling the same dollar volume in each product line.
Help management to direct the activities of the sales force.
Equate efforts and rewards.
Experts recommend that the incentive potential for outstanding performance compared to average performance should be:
No more than a $5000 bonus for outstanding performance.
Slightly above that of average performance.
Twenty percent more than that of average performance.
No more than a $10,000 bonus for outstanding performance.
Three times that of average performance
Which of the following factors is least likely to influence the level of sales force compensation?
The level of pay of factory and office workers in the firm.
The firm's financial position
The method of compensation.
The age of the salespeople.
The size of the company
The most widely used pay plan for sales forces today is:
Salary plus some incentive feature
Straight commission
Salary plus fringe benefits (vacation, pension, etc)
Variable-percentage commission
{"name":"SALES FORCE EXAM 1", "url":"","txt":"In the text book's classification of types of sales jobs, which one of the following involves the most complex problem solving?, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to a program designed to:, All of the following are common responsibilities of today's sales managers, EXCEPT:","img":""}
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