Marketing Midterm (CH. 1-9)

Your firm has decided to localize its products and services to meet local market demands. A good approach to use would be ________ segmentation
Which type of market buys goods and services for further processing or for use in the production process?
With an expected increase in minority ethnic populations, marketers are likely to place a greater emphasis on ________.
cause-related marketing
Targeted advertising messages
Mainstream advertising
Geographic segmentation
Mass marketing
Workers, managers, and members of the board of directors are all part of a company's ________.
Local public
Market public
Internal public
General public
Intermediary public
You are directed to study the factors that are larger societal forces that affect your company–demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural. What are you studying?
The micro-environment
The macro-environment
The marketing mix
The marketing environment
The global environment
Which stage in the PLC normally lasts longer and poses strong challenges to the marketing managers?
When a company identifies the parts of the market it can serve best and most profitably, it is practicing ________.
Market Targeting
Mass Marketing
Concentrated Marketing
What are the four steps, in order, to designing a customer-driven marketing strategy?
Market segmentation, differentiation, positioning, and targeting
Positioning, market segmentation, mass marketing, and targeting
Market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning
Market alignment, market segmentation, differentiation, and market positioning
Market recognition, market preference, market targeting, and market insistence
Through market segmentation, companies divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments that can be reached more ________ with products and services that match their unique needs.
Both efficiently and effectively
Even though several options are available at any one time, there ________ to segment a market.
Is no single way
Is one single best way
Is a most effective way
Are limited ways
Are four ways
Pendergraff Pet Supplies divides the pet market according to the owners' race, occupation, income, and family life cycle. What type of segmentation does Pendergraff use?
"Less-for-much-less" positioning involves meeting consumers' ________.
Lower quality requirements at the lowest possible price
High quality requirements at a discounted rate
High quality requirements at the lower possible price
Quality performance requirements at a lower price
Lower quality requirements in exchange for a lower price
A product's position is based on important attributes as perceived by ________.
Market conditions
Ad man Rosser Reeves believes that firms should develop a USP for each brand and stick to it. What does USP stand for?
Universally strategic practice
Unique services practice
Unique sales pitch
Unique selling proposition
Unique selling product
Brown's Pet Supplies divides the pet market according to the owners' race, occupation, income, and family life cycle. What type of segmentation does Brown use?
By studying its less loyal buyers, a company can detect which brands are most ________ with its own.
Often overlooked
Consumer and business marketers use many of the same variables to segment markets. In addition, business marketers use all of the following except which of the following?
Personal characteristics
Brand personalities
Situational factors
Purchasing approaches
Operating characteristics
Demographic variables are so frequently used in market segmentation because they ________.
Are comparatively easy to measure
Create more easily reached segments
Create smaller segments
Do not involve stereotypes
Are believed to be the most effective starting point
Developing a strong position within several market segments creates more total sales than ________ marketing across all segments.
International Drilling Company segments its foreign markets by their overall level of economic development. This firm segments on what basis?
Legal factors
Economic factors
Cultural factors
Geographic facts
Political factors
Jay Bee Promotions tailors its advertising and promotional services to the needs and preferences of individual customers. Which of the following does not apply to this type of marketing?
Mass customization
Many marketers believe that ________ variables are the best starting point for building marketing segments.
Family size
Marketers must be careful to guard against ________ when using age and life cycle segmentation.
Traditional marketing
Cultural bias
Markets can be segmented into group of nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users of a product. This method of segmentation is called ________.
User status
Loyalty status
Usage rate
Niche marketing offers smaller companies the opportunity to compete by focusing their limited resources on serving niches that may be ________ or ________ larger companies.
Unimportant to; overlooked by
Unimportant to; unwanted by
Too small; undesirable to
Disappointed by; geographically far from
Unknown by; unwanted by
Once it has chosen a position, a company must take strong steps to deliver and communicate the desired position to target consumers. Which step is not correct?
The company must deliver the position first.
Positioning the company calls for concrete action, not just talk.
Designing the marketing mix involves working out the strategic details of the positioning strategy.
The company's service personnel must be highly trained and provide superior service.
The company's marketing mix efforts must support the positioning strategy.
Sanguine Services practices a marketing strategy where its limited resources are used to go after a large share of two small niches. Sanguine practices which one of these strategies?
Geographically dispersed
Shampoo marketers rate buyers as light, medium, or heavy product users. This is ________ segmentation.
Usage rate
User status
The 55-year-old baby boomers share common needs in music and performers. When a music company decides to serve this group, the group is called a(n) ________.
Market segment
Well-defined market
Undifferentiated market
Target market
Differentiated market
What competitive positioning strategy can attack a more-for-more strategy by introducing a brand offering with comparable quality but at a lower price?
When a company interacts one-on-one with large numbers of customers to create customer-unique value by designing products and services tailor-made to individual needs, it is following ________.
Mass marketing
Differentiated marketing
Mass customizing
One-to-one marketing
When a company identifies the parts of the market it can serve best and most profitably, it is practicing ________.
Mass targeting
Mass marketing
Concentrated marketing
When competitors use differentiated or concentrated marketing, ________ marketing can be disastrous.
When the size, purchasing power, and profiles of market segments can be determined, they possess the requirement of being ________.
Which of the following is the narrowest strategy?
Undifferentiated marketing
Local marketing
Mass marketing
Segmented strategy
Differentiated marketing
Which of the segmenting strategies carries higher-than-average risks in consumer markets?
Which one of the listed choices is not a positioning task?
Survey frequent uses of the product.
Identify a set of possible competitive advantages upon which to build a position.
Effectively communicate and deliver the chosen position to the market.
Select an overall positioning strategy.
Selecting the right competitive advantages.
Which type of differentiation is used to gain competitive advantage through the way a firm designs its distribution coverage, expertise, and performance?
Product differentiation
Channel differentiation
Services differentiation
People differentiation
Price differentiation
Which type of statement first states the product's membership in a category and then shows its point-of-difference from other members of the category?
Mission statement
Vision statement
Differentiation statement
Statement of intent
Positioning statement
With concentrated marketing, the marketer goes after a ________ share of ________.
Large; the mass market
Large; one or a few niches
Small; a large market
Small; a small market
Moderate; local
You have discovered that effective programs can be designed for attracting and serving your chosen segments. This segmenting requirement is called ________.
You have just created the "perfect" ad. It communicates the full mix of benefits upon which the brand is positioned. This full positioning is called ________.
Capturing the consumers' attention
Differentiated marketing
The brand's value proposition
Target marketing
Value profiling
________ are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort.
Shopping products
Specialty products
Line extensions
Industrial products
Unsought products
________ are industrial products that aid in the buyer's production or operations, including installations and accessory equipment.
Capital items
Specialty items
________ are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products.
Consumer products
Straight extensions
Line extensions
Industrial products
________ are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business.
Industrial products
Specialty products
Unsought products
Shopping products
________ contributes to a product's usefulness as well as to its looks.
________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
Product line
________ is an approach in which all the company's people are involved in constantly improving the products, services, and business processes.
Total Quality Management
Product quality
Brand equity
Specialty product marketing
________ is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs designed to influence individuals' behavior to improve their well-being and that of society.
Social marketing
Product line
Interactive marketing
Unsought product marketing
Internal marketing
________ means that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought.
Service intangibility
Service inseparability
Service heterogeneity
Service perishability
Service variability
________ occurs when two established brand names of different companies are used on the same product.
A brand extension
Brand equity
Internal marketing
A ________ involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category.
Brand extension
Line extension
Product line
Brand symbol
Private brand
A clothing marketer is planning to launch an existing brand name into a new product category. Which brand development strategy is being implemented?
New brands
Line extension
Brand extension
A company can increase its business in four ways. Which is not one of these ways?
It can add more versions of each product and thus deepen its product mix.
It can add new product lines, thus widening its product mix.
It can increase the consistency of its product mix.
It can lengthen its existing product lines.
It can discontinue some of its lines.
A key element in a company's relationship with consumers, a ________ represents consumers' perceptions and feelings about a product and its performance.
Product line
Product experience
Product attribute
Advertising campaigns can help to create name recognition, brand knowledge, and maybe even some brand preference. However, brands are not maintained by advertising but by the ________.
Marketing experience
Word-of-mouth elements
Product mix
Line extensions
Brand experience
An increasing number of retailers and wholesalers have created their own ________, also called store brands.
Private brands
Shopping products
Unsought products
Service variability
Specialty products
At the very least, the ________ identifies the product or brand. It might also describe several things about the product.
Social marketing
Specialty product
Line extension
Because service quality depends on the quality of buyer-seller interaction during the service encounter, service marketers use ________ to train employees in the art of interacting with customers to satisfy their needs.
Internal marketing
Service differentiation
External marketing
Service productivity
Interactive marketing
Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by ________ such as quality, features, and style and design.
Product attributes
Product mixes
Marketing tools
Private brands
Consumer products
Gina's Nail Salon is serious about pleasing its customers. Employees are trained to immediately and pleasantly respond to any customer complaints, and they are empowered to offer discounts and free add-ons to customers who believe they have received anything less than the best service. Gina's Nail Salon focuses on ________.
Its image
Internal marketing
Differentiating its offer
Good service recovery
Maheu Piano Company can expand its product line in one of two common ways. Which of the following is one of the ways that might prove productive?
Line filling
Internal marketing
Social marketing
Product mix
Line mixing
Many companies now use a combination of phone, e-mail, fax, Internet, and other technologies to provide ________.
Brand equity
Packaging advantages
Product mixes
Support services
Labeling information
Paper, pencils, lubricants, paint, nails, and brooms are examples of ________.
Specialty products
Capital items
Raw materials
Product is a key element in ________. At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible goods or at the other extreme, pure services.
The market experience
Brand extension
The market offering
Brand equity
Product mix ________ refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. Procter & Gamble markets around 250 brands organized into many product lines.
Product planners must design the actual product and find ways to ________ it in order to create the bundle of benefits that will create the most customer value.
Product planners need to think about products and services on three levels. The most basic level is the ________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?"
Core benefit
Augmented product
Actual product
The fundamental asset underlying brand equity is ________–the value of the customer relationships that the brand creates. A powerful brand is important, but what it really represents is a set of loyal consumers.
The service encounter
Customer equity
The customer mix
Line equity
Service variability
The strongest brands go beyond attributes or benefit positioning; they are positioned on ________.
Good packaging
Service inseparability
Strong beliefs and values
Desirable benefit
Customer image
We define a ________ as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
Service encounter
Private brand
Service variability
When a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range, it is ________.
Product line filling
Product line stretching
Building brand equity
Product mixing
Increasing product depth
Which of the following does not belong to the materials and parts group of industrial products?
Farm products such as wheat
Natural products such as iron ore
Repair and maintenance items
Which of the following is not one of the links in the service-profit chain, linking service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction?
Evidence management
Satisfied and loyal customers
Satisfied and productive employees
Healthy service profits and growth
Internal service quality
Which of the following is an advantage offered by co-branding?
Manufacturers do not have to invest in creating their own brand names.
Brand equity is stabilized.
Retailers have exclusive products that cannot be purchased from competitors.
A company can expand its existing brand into a category it otherwise might have difficulty entering alone
Advertising, sales, promotion, and marketing must be carefully coordinated.
Which of the following types of quality refers to freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance?
Total quality management
Private brand
Which type of strategy involves weeding out weaker brands and focusing marketing expenditure only on brands that can achieve the number-one or number-two market share positions in their categories?
Unsought product
Service inseparability
Social marketing
________ is a new-product development approach in which one company department works to complete its stage of the process before passing the new product along to the next department and stage.
Team-based product development
Product life-cycle analysis
Sequential product development
Simultaneous product development
A detailed version of a new idea stated in meaningful customer terms is called a ________.
Product image
Product movement
Product proposal
Product idea
Product concept
A manufacturer with a product in the decline stage of the product life cycle might decide to ________ if it has reason to hope that competitors will leave the industry.
Search for replacements
Maintain the product without change
Delay planning
Drop the product
Harvest the product
After concept testing, a firm would engage in which stage in developing and marketing a new product?
Business analysis
Marketing strategy development
Product development
Idea screening
Test marketing
An attractive idea must be developed into a ________.
Test market
Product strategy
Product idea
Product image
Product concept
During which stage of new-product development is management most likely to estimate minimum and maximum sales to assess the range of risk in launching a new product?
Product development
Test marketing
Business analysis
Concept testing
Marketing strategy development
Executives, manufacturing employees, and salespeople are all examples of ________.
Research and development team members
Internal sources for new-product ideas
New-product committee members
Core members of innovation management systems
External sources for new-product ideas
GrayBerry Gifts has just brainstormed a large number of ideas for adding new products and services after visiting several buying fairs. The owners will begin the first idea-reducing stage, called ________ , to arrive at a realistic number to adopt.
Concept development
Idea screening
Product concept
Idea dissemination
Idea generation
In the ________ stage of new-product development, products often undergo rigorous tests to make sure that they perform safely and effectively or that consumers will find value in them.
Product development
Concept development and testing
Idea generation
Business analysis
Marketing mix
In the ________ stage, the firm faces a trade-off between high market share and high current profit.
In the concept testing stage of new-product development, a product concept in ________ form is presented to groups of target consumers.
Physical or symbolic
In which stage of the PLC will promotional expenditures be high in an attempt to react to increasing competition?
Product development
Increasing profits will most likely occur at which stage of the PLC?
Product development
Mattel's Barbie is an example of an age-defying product. Barbie, simultaneously timeless and trendy, is in the ________ stage of the PLC.
Most products in the marketplace are in the ________ stage of the product life cycle.
Sales decline in the decline stage of the PLC because of technological advances, increased competition, and ________.
Shifts in consumer tastes and preferences
Shifts in the economy
New market pioneers
Shifts in unemployment
Marketing mix modifications
Schmidt Steel Corporation lacks the confidence, capital, and capacity to launch its new steel product into full national or international distribution. Even though test market results look promising, what will be management's next step?
Seek the help of a nationally known consultant
Secure a loan to provide confidence, capital, and capacity
Develop a prototype
Retest the product in additional markets
Develop a planned market rollout over time
The advantages of standardizing an international product include all of the following except ________.
Lower product design costs
Lower marketing costs
The adaptation of products to different markets
The development of a consistent image
Decreased manufacturing costs
The creation of a successful new product depends on a company's understanding of its ________ and its ability to deliver ________ to customers.
Product life cycle, legal responsibilities, and social responsibilities; innovations
Product, marketing mix, and marketing strategy; functional features
Competitors, distributors, and employees; new styles
Customers, brands, products; product images
Customers, competitors, and markets; superior value
The major purpose of test marketing is to provide management with the information needed to make a final decision about ________.
Which market to compete in
How to compete in the market
How to develop a market strategy
Whether to launch the new product
How long to compete in the market
The PLC concept can be applied by marketers as a useful framework for describing how ________.
Products and markets work
Product ideas are developed
Concept testing is conducted
To forecast product performance
To develop marketing strategies
The search for new-product ideas should be ________ rather than haphazard.
Strategically planned
The second part of the marketing strategy statement outlines the product's planned price, distribution, and ________ for the first year.
Marketing budget
Target market
The team-based new-product development approach is faster because departments work closely together through _______.
A step-by-step process
The help of a consultant
Cross-functional teams
Team efforts
Under what circumstances might it be wise for a company to do little or no test marketing?
When management is not sure of the marketing program.
When management is not sure of the product.
When the costs of developing and introducing the product are low.
When the product has no substitutes and is new in its category.
When a new product requires a major investment.
Which of the following cannot be described by the PLC concept?
What are the two ways that a company can obtain new products?
Market mix modification and research and development
Line extension and brand management
Service development and product extension
New-product development and acquisition
Internal development and merger
Which of the following cannot be described by the PLC concept?
Product image
Product form
Product Class
Which of the following costs is most likely associated with the commercialization stage of new-product development?
Determining the product's planned price, distribution, and marketing budget
Building or renting a manufacturing facility
Identifying target markets
Paying groups of target consumers for product feedback
Developing a prototype of the product
Which of the following is perhaps the most important external source of new-product ideas?
Trade magazines, shows and seminars
Distributors and suppliers
Which of the following is not a potential cause of the failure of a new product?
An incorrectly positioned product
Higher than anticipated costs of product development
An underestimated market size
A poorly designed product
Ineffective advertising
Which of the following is a disadvantage of a team-based approach to new-product development?
The development effort is not as effective because of team members' lack of expertise.
Levels of risk can be more easily controlled.
Organizational confusion and tension can be a part of the process.
It takes longer to get the right products to market.
The process does not work with the shorter life cycles of many of today's products.
Which of the following is necessary for successful new-product development?
A market pioneer mindset and a holistic approach
An innovation management system and sequential product development
A customer-centered, team-based, systematic approach
A team-based, innovation-management approach
A holistic and sequential product development approach
Your firm wants to use external sources for new product ideas. After consulting with a friend you learn that all of the following are common external sources except ________.
The firm's executives
Trade shows and magazines
Which stage in the PLC normally lasts longer and poses strong challenges to the marketing managers?
SWOT analysis is an integral part of the first stage of the market​ process, which is analysis. The parts of the SWOT analysis that apply to external elements​ are___________ and​ __________.
​weaknesses; opportunities
Opportunities; threats
Strengths; weaknesses
Strengths; opportunities
Weaknesses; threats
If a firm like​ McDonald's wanted to expand its business by acquiring a company such as Chevron gas​ stations, it would be realizing growth through​ ____________.
Portfolio analysis
Market development
Product development
With four categories of SBUs and products arrayed on the Boston Consulting Group​ share-growth matrix, the manager needs to determine how to manage each of them. If the firm decides to take​ short-term cash flow from the brand or​ SBU, despite​ long-term consequences, it is said to be in the​ ____________ mode.
An example of a value proposition is best illustrated as which of the​ following?
Seven-Up, the Uncola.
Avis, we are the red one.
Whopper, buy two for the price of one.
VW​ Jetta, on sale this weekend.
L'Oreal, because we are the best.
Market offerings to which the marketing process applies include​ _________.
Only to tangible​ items, such as products
People, places, and ideas only
Goods, services,​ ideas, information,​ people, places, and organizations
Goods and services only
Services as well as goods if the service includes tangible elements such as hotel​ beds, tables, and so on
One of the many elements of partner relationship management that deals with outside partners in the channels of distribution from raw materials to delivering goods to the final consumer is​ ______________________.
Share of customer
Materials of management
Customer relationship management
Customer satisfaction management
Supply chain management
€�_____________ marketing is perhaps the​ fastest-growing digital marketing platform. It is ideal for engaging customers anytime and anywhere as they move through the buying process.
A social media​ vehicle, Facebook
In the process of developing marketing​ strategy, one of the two critical questions the manager must ask​ is, "What customers will we serve​ (what's our target​ market)?" Which of the following is the other​ question?
How do we engage in marketing​ management?
Who is the target​ market?
What is the value to the​ customer?
What is the value​ proposition?
What is the market​ offering?
After determining the​ market-oriented mission, what is the next step in the process of strategic​ planning?
Determining the appropriate communications strategy
Having each business unit develop detailed marketing and other departmental plans that support the​ company-wide plan
Turning the mission into detailed supporting objectives that guide the entire company
Writing the mission statement
Deciding which portfolio of businesses and products is best for the company and how much support to give each one
The​ growth-share matrix defines four types of SBUs. The​ low-growth, high-share business or​ products, classified as​ _________, typically need less investment to hold their market share.​ Generally, they produce a lot of the cash that the company uses to pay its bills and support other SBUs that need investment.
Cash cows
Question marks
As part of the​ microenvironment, ________ form an important link in the​ company's overall customer value delivery network. They provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services.
Marketing intermediaries
Company departments
Various publics
Generation​ Y, or echo​ boomers, are also known as​ ________. They are the portion of the population that was born between 1977 and 2000.
Generation X
Baby Boomers
Generation Z
Marketing​ managers, overloaded with data and often overwhelmed by​ it, face the issue of​ ________, which​ refer(s) to the huge and complex data sets generated by​ today's sophisticated information technologies.
Customer insights
Consumer data
Sales trends
Big Data
€�________ is the first step in the marketing research process.
Developing the research plan
Analyzing data
Interpreting and reporting the findings
Defining the problem and research objectives
Collecting data
One advantage to using internal databases for information is that​ ________.
Internal information is in a form that is useful for making marketing decisions
Internal information sources are easy to manage
The information stored in internal databases is always current
They can be accessed quickly and cheaply
Internal information is accurate and complete
According to the​ text, two major public policy and ethical issues in marketing research are​ ________.
Improper sampling procedures and the misuse of research findings
Intrusions on consumer privacy and unsafe products
International research and intrusions on consumer privacy
The misuse of research findings and deceptive advertising
intrusions on consumer privacy and the misuse of research findings
Companies use​ ________ to sift through large amounts of big data and dig out interesting findings relevant to creating customer value.
Social media
Touch points
Data mining
Data warehouses
Which of the following is true of environmental​ sustainability?
Energy-efficient operations are unrelated to sustainability.
Following government regulations is sufficient to support sustainability.
Companies are learning that engaging in sustainable practices is good for business.
Sustainability is​ important, but a​ company's core mission should focus on profits and customers.
Sustainability requires​ trade-offs between present needs and needs of future generations.
A firm can be proactive by ______.
Monitoring social media
Reacting to changes in the environment as they occu
Following existing laws
Pressing lawsuits to keep competitors in line
Waiting for other firms to respond to changes in the environment
One result of changes in​ people's views of nature is​ ________.
Marketing teas that appeal to making a person feel well both physically and mentally.
The increase in mass mingling through online social media
a decline in organizational loyalty
The growth of the lifestyles of health and sustainability​ (LOHAS) market
A renewed interest in spirituality
Many small groups have a direct influence on a​ consumer's behavior. When one is not a member of the group but imagines he is a member of the group to which he wants to​ belong, it is considered​ a(n) ________ group.
Social class
In the buying​ center, which role is responsible for controlling the flow of information and might include secretaries and technical​ staff?
During supplier​ selection, members of the buying center review the proposals and select a supplier or suppliers.​ Additionally, which of the following is a task that takes place during supplier​ selection?
Review the performance.
Conduct a product value analysis.
Solicit a proposal.
Specify a general need.
Draw up a list of the desired supplier attributes and their relative importance.
Although the Internet makes it possible for suppliers and customers to share business data and even collaborate on product​ design, there are some inherent problems associated with it. How does it present a​ problem?
It relies on additional paperwork.
It lengthens delivery time.
It creates more mundane work for the firm.
It increases costs.
It can erode​ decades-old, customer-supplier relationships.
In the business​ market, a typical car manufacturer incorporates a sound​ system, which might be purchased from Pioneer. When the consumer buys the​ car, the Pioneer sound system is already installed and Pioneer relies on auto manufacturers for much of its sales. These interrelated​ markets, driven by​ consumers, are described as​ ________ demand.
Perception is the process by which people​ select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world. Consumers can form different perceptions of the same stimulus because of several perceptual processes including selective attention. Which of the following is an example of selective​ attention?
Movie-goers are exposed to messages to eat popcorn and drink​ Coca-Cola at very​ rapid, imperceptible rates within the movie.
A smoker does not read the health warning on the side of the cigarette package and has learned to hold the pack with her hand covering the warning.
A woman on a diet hears the ad say that the product is light and​ fluffy, and she interprets it as​ low-fat, low-calorie, and okay for her to consume.
A consumer observes that every June and January her favorite soft drink is offered at a greatly reduced price. After two​ years, she starts to stock up on that beverage in June and January.
A loyal USC alumnus hears about a cheating scandal at USC on the news and when asked about it by a​ coworker, he denies hearing anything about the cheating scandal.
What determines whether a buyer is satisfied or dissatisfied with a​ purchase?
Satisfaction is determined by the relationship between the​ consumer's expectations and the​ product's perceived performance.
How others feel about the purchase
The amount of information gathered in the decision process
Whether or not the buyer experienced cognitive dissonance
The number of alternatives considered in the purchase decision
Soda Stream is an innovation in soft drinks that enables consumers to create their own sodas at home with purchased​ syrup, tap​ water, and a carbonation device. To increase the adoption​ rate, the firm is advised to present the relative advantage. How would the relative advantage of Soda Stream be​ described?
The Soda Stream ads suggest the consumer can buy supplies and refills for Soda Stream in places he normally shops.
The Soda Stream ads suggest there are fewer bottles to carry and a reduced effort of having to recycle bottles.
Soda Stream is easy to demonstrate in​ stores, to display in stores like Walmart and​ Target, and to advertise on television.
The​ in-store demonstrator gives shoppers glasses of soda made with Soda Stream to taste.
The​ in-store display demonstrates how easy it is to use the Soda Stream device.
Siemens Corporation is selling an Argentinean manufacturer a​ $2 million turbine engine. In the process of this​ sale, which one of the following factors should Siemens​ avoid?
Helping customers find solutions to their problems
Selling the Argentineans an​ off-the-shelf turbine
Customizing the order and parts of the turbine engine ordered
The buyer and seller partnering with each other
Having the buyer and seller depend more on each other
Each culture contains smaller groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. These smaller​ groups, identified as​ ________, include​ nationalities, religions, racial​ groups, and geographic regions. They often make up important market segments.
Social classes
Reference groups
Market segments
According to the five-step model of the marketing process, which of the following is the final step in creating value for customers?
Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
Understanding the marketplace and customer needs
Building profitable relationships and creating customer delight
Constructing an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value
Capturing value from customers to create profit and customer equity
As discussed in class, Dunkin’ Donuts, a popular U.S. Coffee shop chain, plans to open 400 additional stores to cater to its growing number of patrons across the country. This exemplifies ________.
Product differentiation
Market penetration
Product development
Market segmentation
Millennials represent a smaller demographic segment than the baby boomers but a larger demographic segment than the Gen Xers.
Which of the following is an advantage of telephone interviews?
They are more cost-effective than mail questionnaires.
Interviewer bias is absent.
The quantity of data collected is greater compared to personal interviewing.
Response rates tend to be higher than those of mail questionnaires.
The speed with which data is collected is high.
Mandy and Jason wanted to buy a luxury condo. They viewed a YouTube video for a particular condo that highlighted the cost, design, location, and size of the condo. After viewing the ad, Mandy felt that the condo’s price was acceptable, considering the superior design and prime location. Jason thought that the condo was overpriced considering its small size. Both used the information in different ways, focusing on issues that that each considered important. Which of the following concepts does this scenario demonstrate?
Selective retention
Consumer ethnocentrism
Selective distortion
Selective attention
Cognitive dissonance
The benefits of e-procurement include access to new suppliers, lower purchasing costs, and more time-efficient order processing and delivery.
Luxury brands such as Chanel, Porsche, and Rolex tend to use ________ positioning.
More for the same
More for less
The same for less
More for more
Less for much less
Product mix ________ refers to the number of versions offered for each product in the line.
Which of the following is the main goal of the team-based new product development approach when it uses cross-functional teams that overlap the steps in the process?
Gain a big competitive edge by getting the right new products to market
Increase production efficiency and customer satisfaction
Save time and increase effectiveness
Speed product distribution to market and reduce costs
Reduce organizational tension and confusion
Over the past 50 years, which of the following groups of workers has become smaller?
Restaurant employees
A company's marketing environment includes various ________ that are made up of groups that have an actual or potential interest in, or impact on, an organization's ability to achieve its objectives.
A country with a(n) ________ economy consumes most of is own agricultural and industrial outputs and offers few market opportunities.
A radio station that carries news, features, and editorial opinions about your area is which type of public?
A society's ________ are expressed in how people view themselves, organizations, society, nature, and the universe.
Cultural values
Social codes
Public policies
A society's basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors are all part of its ________ environment.
All of the groups within a company are called the ________.
Internal environment
As marketing manager for Laser Industries, you should be aware that legislation affecting business around the world will continue to ________.
Threaten the American domestic economy
Remain steady
Banks, credit companies, insurance companies, and other businesses that help finance transactions or insure against the risks associated with the buying and selling of goods and services are referred to as ________.
Financial intermediaries
Marketing service agencies
Physical distribution firms
Currently, Diego Calabresa is employed by a firm that conducts marketing research and creates ads for other companies that help them target and promote their products to the right markets. Who is Diego's employer?
A green marketer
A financial intermediary
A reseller
A physical distribution firm
A marketing service agency
Europeans are very mobile. In the early years of 21st century there was a net migration towards the ________ member states of the EU.
Marketers can take a(n) ________ by taking positive action to affect the publics and forces in their marketing environments.
Environmental perspective
Tnaural perspective
Proactive stance
Natural management perspective
Relationship building perspective
Marketers should be aware of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. This is the ________ environment.
Research has shown that the most important demographic trend in Europe is the ________.
Changing age structure of the population
Increase in professional jobs
Mobility of people
Slowing birth rate
Aging population
The diversity segment of ________ is expected to grow as a result of the aging baby boomer population.
EU member states residents
Adults with disabilities
The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community
The natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities are referred to as the ________.
Factors of production
Raw material market
Natural environment
Green movement
Endangered environment
The primary concern with the boom in e-commerce and Internet marketing is ________.
False advertising
The recent rash of business scandals and increased concerns about the environment have created fresh interest in the issues of ________ and ________.
Management ethics; insider trading
Promotion; pricing
Finances; employee discrimination
Ethics; promotion responsibility
Ethics; social responsibility
Which demographic group has a relatively cautious economic outlook, cares about the environment, and responds favorably to socially responsible companies?
Generation Y
Generation X
Baby boomers
Which demographic group has created large tween and teen markets?
Baby boomers
The elderly
Generation X
Baby busters
Which demographic group is characterized by a total fluency and comfort with computer, digital, and Internet technology?
Generation X
Baby boomers
The elderly
Generation Z
Question 22. Which of the following demographic groups has not seen a percentage increase in the past 50 years?
Women staying at home with their children
Non-family households
Non-traditional households
women working outside of the home
Men staying at home with their children
Which of the following groups of expenses uses up most household income?
food, travel, savings
Food, housing, retirement planning
Housing, taxes, transportation
Housing, insurance, taxes
Food, housing, transportation
Which of the following represents the most dramatic force shaping a modern marketer's destiny?
The political environment
The technological environment
The natural environment
Partnership marketing
Which of the following terms is used to describe the factors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers?
{"name":"Marketing Midterm (CH. 1-9)", "url":"","txt":"Your firm has decided to localize its products and services to meet local market demands. A good approach to use would be ________ segmentation, When a company identifies the parts of the market it can serve best and most profitably, it is practicing ________., What are the four steps, in order, to designing a customer-driven marketing strategy?","img":""}
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