(101-150) Dental pathology

Which of the following is type of nursing bottle caries ?
The first change to occur in caries of enamel is?
Loss of rod enamel
Loss of inter rod enamel
Loss of rod sheath
Increased prominence of enamel rods
Which surface of a tooth has maximum susceptibility for occurrence of dental caries?
In enamel caries, the advancing front of the lesion is called?
Body of lesion
Dark zone
Surface zone
Translucent zone
Of all the zones in enamel caries which zone is not always present?
What is the earliest histological evidence of dentinal caries?
Transparent dentin
Fatty degeneration of odontoblastic processes
Lateral spread of caries along dentino-enamel junction
Miller’s liquefaction foci
What is the percentage of fluoride in acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) gels?
2.34 percent
1.23 percent
3.45 percent
1.24 percent
The mechanism of cariostatic action of chlorhexidine is?
Absorption into enamel crystals
Absorption into enamel crystals and salivary mucins
Inhibition of microorganisms
Inhibition of carbohydrate degradation
The most common cause of odontalgia is?
Dental caries
Root fracture
Most accepted explanation for anachoretic pulpitis is?
Increased capillary permeability
Increased vascular pressure
Presence of large number of dilated capillaries
Lack of collateral blood supply
Pulpitis aperta and pulpitis clausa refer to types of pulpitis classified on the basis of?
Severity of inflammation
Extent of inflammation
Location of inflammation
Presence/absence of direct communication with oral cavity
The more accepted terminology for pulp hyperemia is?
Focal irreversible pulpitis
Focal reversible pulpitis
Subtotal pulpitis
Pulpitis clausa
Focal reversible pulpitis is most commonly seen in all of the following cases except?
Large metallic restorations
Shallow carious lesions
Deep carious lesions
Restorations with defective margins
Pain which increases in intensity as the patient lies down is characteristic of?
Focal reversible pulpitis
Acute pulpitis
Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
Chronic pulpitis
All of the following occur as a sequel to pulpitis Except?
Lateral periodontal cyst
Periapical granuloma
Apical periodontal cyst
Periapical abscess
All of the following are common radiological features associated with a periapical granuloma EXCEPT.?
Thickening of PDL around root apex
Well-defined radiopacity
Root resorption of involved tooth
Well-defined radiolucency with sclerotic borders
Foam cells within periapical granulomas that have ingested lipids are called:?
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Langerhans cells
Plasma cells
Cholesterol clefts observed in periapical granulomas are derived From?
Breakdown of adipose cells
Breakdown of epithelial cells
Breakdown of RBCs
Breakdown of cholesterol
Apical periodontal cyst usually occurs as a sequela of?
Acute pulpitis
Periodontal abscess
(c) Osteomyelitis
Periapical granuloma
The lesion that is least likely to produce any noticeable signs or Symptoms is called.?
Radicular cyst
Acute pulpitis
Periapical abscess
Ludwig angina
Which amongst the following is not a predisposing factor of osteomyelitis?
Trauma to bone
Radiation damage to bone
Paget’s disease
Fibrous dysplasia
What is the most frequent cause of acute osteomyelitis of jaw?
Dental infection
Paget disease
Condensing osteitis is another name for?
Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
Chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis
Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
Garre’s osteomyelitis
In which type of osteomyelitis will you find focal gross thickening of periosteum with peripheral reactive bone formation?
Chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis
Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
Florid osseous dysplasia
Garre’s osteomyelitis
Root resorption is commonly seen in?
Radicular cyst
Garre’s osteomyelitis
Periapical abscess
If a periapical abscess drains intraorally through a sinus tract after perforating the buccal cortical plate and surface epithelium it forms a mass of granulation tissue known as?
Phoenix abscess
Residual cyst
Lateral radicular cyst
The lateral radicular cyst arises from?
Cell rests of Malassez
Cell rests of Serres
Overlying oral epithelium
Dental lamina
Which of the following lesions cannot be differentiated from each other on the basis of size and radiographic appearance?
Periapical granuloma from periapical cyst
Periapical abscess from periapical cyst
Periapical granuloma from periapical abscess
Periapical cyst from phoenix abscess
Chronic apical periodontitis is another name of?
Phoenix abscess
Periapical abscess
Periapical granuloma
Periapical cyst
What DOES NOT prevent the calculus formation “build up”?
Tooth shape
Tooth inclination and crowding
Salivary flow
Oral flora
Using fluoride in the root surface caries is to protect?
Dentine and cementum
All of the above
Transillumination is used to**?
To find intrinsic tooth coloration
To detect caries
Hemorrhagic pulp
The emergency treatment for painless necrotic pulp is?
Drainage through canals
Root canal treatment
Internal resorption of RC usually?
Sensitive to cold
Sensitive to heat
In young children what is the commonest finding after dental complaint?
Acute periodontal abscess
Chronic periodontal abscess
Apical abscess
Chronic alveolar absces
What are the commonest congenitally missing teeth?
12, 22
35, 45
15, 25
33, 43
Dental plaque produces?
Dental caries
All of the above
The most prominent feature of acute apical periodontitis is?
Tenderness of tooth to pressure
Extra oral swelling
Intermittent pain
None of the above
Which antibiotic administered in childhood may result in tooth discolouration?
All of the above
The MOST cariogenic sugar is?
Which of the following is a radiographic feature of dentinogenesis imperfecta ?
Small pulp chambers and root canals, normal enamel
Enamel is missing but dentine formation is normal
Enamel and dentine show disturbances
Pulp is normal but dentine is abnormal
The most accepted theory on mechanism of action of ingested fluoride is?
Absorption of fluoride ions on hydroxyapatite crystallites
Prevention of carbohydrate degradation
Inhibition of microorganisms
Incorporation of fluoride in crystal structure of enamel
The most commonly employed fluoride in dentifrices is?
Sodium monofluorophosphate
Stannous fluoride
Acidulated phosphate fluoride
Sodium fluoride
Most accepted explanation for anachoretic pulpitis is?
Increased capillary permeability
Increased vascular pressure
Presence of large number of dilated capillaries
Lack of collateral blood supply
Microabscess formation within inflamed pulp is characteristicOf?
Acute pulpitis
Focal reversible pulpitis
Chronic pulpitis
Pulp hyperemia
Sensitivity to electric pulp vitality tester in acute pulpitis is lost in later stages because of?
Necrosis of pulp
Reduction in inflammatory exudate
Increase in the size of capillaries locally
Decreased secretion of prostaglandins
Pulp reacts to electric pulp vitality tester at higher levels in chronic pulpitis due to?
Slow advance of pulp inflammation
Lack of edema fluid collection within inflamed pulp
Degeneration of nerves in affected pulp
Deposition of collagen around inflamed area
Which amongst the following characteristics is not associated with chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?
Open carious lesion
Occurs in children and young adults
Occurs in people with high tissue resistance
Occurs around margins of a restoration
Which teeth are most commonly involved by chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?
Deciduous anteriors and permanent canines
Deciduous molars and permanent 1st molars
Deciduous canines and permanent incisors
Exclusively deciduous molars
All of the following are deposits found on tooth surfaces Except .?
Acquired pellicle
Nasmyth’s membrane
{"name":"(101-150) Dental pathology", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which of the following is type of nursing bottle caries ?, The first change to occur in caries of enamel is?, Which surface of a tooth has maximum susceptibility for occurrence of dental caries?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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