Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 11 Mar 22
[2203.04986] Daniele Guerci, Jie Wang, J. H. Pixley et al.: Designer Meron Lattice on the Surface of a Topological Insulator
[2203.04990] Aavishkar A. Patel, Haoyu Guo, Ilya Esterlis et al.: Universal $T$-linear resistivity in two-dimensional quantum-critical metals from spatially random interactions
[2203.04996] Kelvin Yao, Felix Steinbach, Martin Borchert et al.: All-optical switching on the nanometer scale excited and probed with femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses
[2203.05000] Igor I. Mazin: Notes on altermagnetism and superconductivity
[2203.05001] Andrei E. Tarkhov, A. V. Rozhkov, Alfred Zong et al.: Dynamics of topological defects after a photo-induced melting of a charge-density wave
[2203.05002] Mazhar Chebl, Xing He, Ding-Shyue Yang: Ultrafast carrier-coupled interlayer contraction, coherent intralayer motions, and phonon thermalization dynamics of black phosphorus
[2203.05004] Luca V. Delacretaz, Yi-Hsien Du, Umang Mehta et al.: Nonlinear Bosonization of Fermi Surfaces: The Method of Coadjoint Orbits
[2203.05014] I.A. Golovchanskiy, I.V. Yanilkin, A.I. Gumarov et al.: Exchange spin waves in thin films with gradient composition
[2203.05032] Jason Z. Kim, Dani S. Bassett: A Neural Programming Language for the Reservoir Computer
[2203.05033] Ofer Neufeld, Jin Zhang, Umberto De Giovannini et al.: Probing phonon dynamics with multi-dimensional high harmonic carrier envelope phase spectroscopy
[2203.05035] A. Ataei, A. Gourgout, G. Grissonnanche et al.: Electrons with Planckian scattering obey standard orbital motion in a magnetic field
[2203.05038] Domenico Di Sante, Bongjae Kim, Werner Hanke et al.: Electronic correlations and universal long-range scaling in kagome metals
[2203.05039] Taras Bryk, Walter Schirmacher, Giancarlo Ruocco: Comment on "Deformations, relaxation and broken symmetries in liquids, solids and glasses: a unified topological field theory"
[2203.05055] Ritu Gupta, Debarchan Das, Charles Mielke III et al.: Two types of charge order in the superconducting kagome material CsV$_3$Sb$_5$
[2203.05059] Pil Saugmann, José Vargas, Yann Kiefer et al.: Route towards classical frustration and band flattening via optical lattice distortion
[2203.05077] Perry T. Mahon, Jason G. Kattan, J. E. Sipe: Polarization and orbital magnetization in Chern insulators: A microscopic perspective
[2203.05088] Jinhua Hong, Mark Kamper Svendsen, Masanori Koshino et al.: Momentum-dependent oscillator strength crossover of excitons and plasmons in two-dimensional PtSe2
[2203.05116] Benjamin M. Fregoso: Bulk photospin effect
[2203.05124] Shuo Li, Junjie He, Thomas Frauenheim: Ultrafast optically induced magnetic state transition in 2D antiferromagnets
[2203.05136] Kristin Kliemt, Marius Peters, Isabel Reiser et al.: Strong influence of the Pd-Si ratio on the valence transition in EuPd$_2$Si$_2$ single crystals
[2203.05138] Huiyuan Zheng, Dawei Zhai, Wang Yao: Anomalous magneto-optical response and chiral interface of dipolar excitons at twisted valleys
[2203.05155] Takamoto Yokosawa, Masahiro Kamada, Taisuke Ochi et al.: Nanoscale Fabrication of Graphene by Hydrogen-Plasma Etching
[2203.05168] Xu-Tao Zeng, Ziyu Chen, Cong Chen et al.: Topological hinge modes in Dirac semimetals
[2203.05171] Wei Tao, Zheng Jue Tong, Anirban Das et al.: Multi-Band Superconductivity in Strongly Hybridized 1T'-WTe$_2$/NbSe$_2$ Heterostructures
[2203.05172] Victor Drouin-Touchette, Elio J. König, Yashar Komijani et al.: Interplay of charge and spin fluctuations in a Hund's coupled impurity
[2203.05185] Artem Petrov, Vladimir Yu. Rudyak, Alexander Chertovich: Optimal Entanglement of Polymers Promotes Formation of Highly Oriented Fibers
[2203.05211] Iännis Roland, Domitille Schanne, Alexandra Bogicevic et al.: Enhancement and tuning of the defect-induced electroluminescence of ZnO mesoporous layers in the visible range
[2203.05213] Federico Fadda, D. A. Matoz-Fernandez, René van Roij et al.: Dynamical steady-states of active colloids interacting via chemical fields
[2203.05220] Qihan Zhang, Jinghua Liang, Kaiqi Bi et al.: Quantifying the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction Induced by the Bulk Magnetic Asymmetry
[2203.05223] Masaki Kashiwagi, Toshihiro Taen, Kazuhito Uchida et al.: Weak localization on moiré superlattice in twisted double bilayer graphene
[2203.05225] San-Dong Guo, Wen-Qi Mu, Bang-Gui Liu: Correlation-driven threefold topological phase transition in monolayer $\mathrm{OsBr_2}$
[2203.05228] Jiang Zhou: Critical structure and emergent symmetry of Dirac fermion systems
[2203.05233] Bryan M. Wong, Cameron Chevalier: HADOKEN: An Open-Source Software Package for Predicting Electron Confinement Effects in Various Nanowire Geometries and Configurations
[2203.05247] Snir Meiri, Efi Efrati: Non-trivial attenuation of geometric frustration by discretization of the degrees of freedom: A study of a Potts-like frustrated spin system
[2203.05255] Sergey Smirnov: Revealing universal Majorana fractionalization using differential shot noise and conductance in nonequilibrium states controlled by tunneling phases
[2203.05269] J. S. Pallister, D. M. Gangardt, A. G. Abanov: Limit shape phase transitions: a merger of arctic circles
[2203.05271] Erik D. Roede, Konstantin Shapovalov, Thomas J. Moran et al.: The third dimension of ferroelectric domain walls
[2203.05278] Fabian Sigloch, Soraya Sangiao, Pablo Orús et al.: Large output voltage to magnetic flux change in nanoSQUIDs based on direct-write Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition technique
[2203.05282] Max Boleininger, Sergei L. Dudarev, Daniel R. Mason et al.: The volume of a dislocation network
[2203.05293] Martí Raya-Moreno, Jesús Carrete, Xavier Cartoixà: Hydrodynamic signatures in thermal transport in devices based on 2D materials: an ab initio study
[2203.05295] Piotr Garbaczewski, Vladimir A. Stephanovich, Grzegorz Engel: Electron spectra in double quantum wells of different shapes
[2203.05318] Walter Schirmacher, Taras Bryk, Giancarlo Ruocco: Comment on "Explaining the specific heat of liquids based on instantaneous normal modes"
[2203.05330] Soheli Mukherjee, Sumedha: Phase transitions in the Blume-Capel model with trimodal and Gaussian random fields
[2203.05336] I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, Akashdeep Kamra et al.: Magnon-Cooparons in magnet-superconductor hybrids
[2203.05342] A. Derras-Chouk, E. M. Chudnovsky, D. A. Garanin: Dynamics of the collapse of a ferromagnetic skyrmion in a centrosymmetric lattice
[2203.05348] T. Janssen, C. S. Davies, M. Gidding et al.: Cavity-Dumping a Single Infrared Pulse from a Free-Electron Laser for Two-Color Pump-Probe Experiments
[2203.05361] Dapeng Liu, Panjun Feng, Shuo Zhang et al.: Prediction of single-atom-thick transition metal nitride CrN$_4$ with a square-planar network and high-temperature ferromagnetism
[2203.05371] Yue Li, Pan-Pan Zhang, Yu-Liang Xu et al.: Ground-state and thermal entanglements in a non-Hermitian XY system with real and imaginary magnetic fields
[2203.05379] Jeannette De Marco, Luisa Tolle, Catalin-Mihai Halati et al.: Level statistics of the one-dimensional ionic Hubbard model
[2203.05382] Kristian Stølevik Olsen, Luiza Angheluta, Eirik Grude Flekkøy: Collective states of active matter with stochastic reversals: emergent chiral states and spontaneous current switching
[2203.05384] Christopher W. Wächtler, Javier Cerrillo: The electron shuttle as an autonomous single-electron source
[2203.05392] Saman Zare, Behrad Zeinali Tajani, Sheila Edalatpour: The Effect of Non-Local Electrical Conductivity on Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Graphene Sheets
[2203.05414] Luca Minnetti, Vittorio Marangon, Jusef Hassoun: Synthesis and Characterization of a LiFe0.6Mn0.4PO4 Olivine Cathode for Application in a New Lithium Polymer Battery
[2203.05421] Michael R. Buche, Meredith N. Silberstein, Scott J. Grutzik: On freely-jointed chain models with flexible links
[2203.05426] Javier Lopez-Piqueres, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Romain Vasseur: Integrability breaking in the Rule 54 cellular automaton
[2203.05433] Monika Sanoria, Raghunath Chelakkot, Amitabha Nandi: Percolation transition in phase separating active fluid
[2203.05439] Dibyendu Roy, Divij Mishra, Tomaž Prosen: Spectral form factor in a minimal bosonic model of many-body quantum chaos
[2203.05440] Anup Pradhan Sakhya, Cheng-Yi Huang, Gyanendra Dhakal et al.: Observation of Fermi arcs and Weyl nodes in a non-centrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetal
[2203.05445] D. Eksi, A. Yildiz Tunali, A. Siddiki: The topological inequivalence of Hall bar versus Corbino geometries in real space
[2203.05459] Alexandre Solon, Jordan M. Horowitz: On the Einstein relation between mobility and diffusion coefficient in an active bath
[2203.05470] EJ Janse van Rensburg, SG Whittington: Copolymeric stars adsorbed at a surface and subject to a force: a self-avoiding walk model
[2203.05478] Ting ting Shi, Wei Zhang, C. A. R. Sa de Melo: Tighter upper bounds on the critical temperature of two-dimensional superconductors and superfluids: Approaching the supremum
[2203.05480] Yi-Ming Wu, Zhengzhi Wu, Hong Yao: Pair-density-wave and chiral superconductivity in twisted bilayer transition-metal-dichalcogenides
[2203.05490] Elisa I. Goettems, Ricardo J. S. Afonso, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto et al.: Reconciling nonlinear dissipation with the bilinear model of two Brownian particles
[2203.05498] Raúl Fuentes-Azcatl, Hector Dominguez: Dielectric and thermodynamic study of Carbon dioxide (CO$_2$) - methanol (CH$_3$OH) mixture
[2203.05501] Giovanna Bucci, Tushar Swamy, W. Craig Carter et al.: Modeling of porous lithium metal electrodes: turning the Li-dendrite problem around
[2203.05512] Rueih-Sheng Fu, Todd R. Gingrich: Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for Langevin dynamics by scaling time
[2203.05518] Arunesh Roy, Frank T. Cerasoli, Anooja Jayaraj et al.: Long-range current-induced spin accumulation in chiral crystals
[2203.05521] T.R. Kirkpatrick, D. Belitz: Fluctuating Quantum Kinetic Theory
[2203.05524] Jakub Skórka, Konrad J. Kapcia, Paweł T. Jochym et al.: Chiral phonons in binary compounds $A$Bi ($A$ = K, Rb, Cs) with P2$_1$/c structure
[2203.05543] Paul Lauria, Wei-Ting Kuo, Nigel R. Cooper et al.: Experimental realization of a fermionic spin-momentum lattice
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 11 Mar 22","img":""}
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