Fashion Consumer Research

A collage of vibrant fashion items, eco-friendly materials, and symbolic representations of activism, showcasing the intersection of style and sustainability in modern consumer culture.

Fashion Consumer Behavior Quiz

Discover your fashion mindset and spending habits with our engaging quiz! This quiz explores your views on brands, sustainability, and your personal style choices.

Join us to learn more about:

  • Your fashion spending habits
  • Awareness of ethical brands
  • Personal identity and activism in fashion
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ShoppingSage247
What gender do you identify as?
What age group do you fit into?
Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)
Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
How much do you spend on fashion per month on average? (Tick other if you spend more than £400 and write down the amount of money you would spend on fashion per month average)
Please Specify:
Do you support people who actively protest against global warming?
Do you actively support brands which are not involved with fast-fashion?
Do you contemplate the environmental effects of what you're buying when you buy fast-fashion?
Yes I do. I don't buy fast-fashion because of this.
Yes I do. I continue to buy fast-fashion regardless.
No I don't.
Have you heard of the brand Vivienne Westwood?
If you have heard of Vivienne Westwood, have you ever purchased anything from the brand?
I have heard of Vivienne Westwood and I have purchased products from this brand before.
I have heard of Vivienne Westwood but I have not purchased products from this brand before.
I have not heard of Vivienne Westwood and I have not purchased products from this brand before.
If you have heard of Vivienne Westwood, what is it that you like most about the brand? If you haven't heard of Vivienne Westwood or know any of the products, please select the last box.
Price range
Quality of products
Brand morals and values
I haven't heard of Vivienne Westwood/I don't know what their products and stores are like.
Are you aware that Vivienne Westwood herself, is an activist?
Do you consider yourself an activist and have you ever bought anything from Vivienne Westwood? (This only applies to products you have bought for yourself. This does NOT apply to products that have been gifted or given to you.)
Yes I am! I have also purchased products from the brand.
Yes I am! I have never purchased products from the brand.
No I'm not! I have also purchased products from the brand.
No I'm not! I have never purchased products from the brand.
{"name":"Fashion Consumer Research", "url":"","txt":"Discover your fashion mindset and spending habits with our engaging quiz! This quiz explores your views on brands, sustainability, and your personal style choices.Join us to learn more about:Your fashion spending habitsAwareness of ethical brandsPersonal identity and activism in fashion","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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