Effect and affect questions for a grade 5 student

What is the difference between "effect" and "affect"?
"Effect" refers to a result or consequence, while "affect" means to influence or have an impact on something.
"Effect" and "affect" are synonyms and can be used interchangeably.
"Effect" is a noun, while "affect" is a verb.
"Effect" is spelled with an "e," while "affect" is spelled with an "a."
Which sentence uses "effect" correctly?
The loud noise had an effect on my concentration.
I couldn't affect but laugh at the funny movie.
She tried to effect her opinion on others.
The storm didn't have any affect on the trees.
Choose the correct form of "affect" in the following sentence: "The rain will ________ our plans for a picnic." (Single Answer: Score 6) A) affect (correct) B) effect C) effected D) affact Explanation: The correct answer is A because "affect" is the verb form that means to influence or have an impact on something. 4. Which sentence uses "affect" correctly?
The sunny weather didn't affect my mood.
The teacher gave us an effect test.
His words had a great affect on me.
The new rule didn't effect any changes.
Which of the following words is a synonym for "effect"?
Choose all the sentences that use "effect" correctly.
The medicine had no effect on my headache.
She tried to effect change in her community.
The storm affected the power lines.
His actions had a negative affect on the team.
The new law will have an effect on taxes.
What part of speech is "effect"?
What part of speech is "affect"?
Fill in the blank with the correct form of "affect": "The loud noise ________ my ability to concentrate." (Text: Score 1) Answer: affected Variations: affect, affects, affecting, has affected, had affected, will affect, would affect, is affecting, was affecting Explanation: The correct answer is "affected" because it describes the past tense action of the loud noise influencing the speaker's ability to concentrate. 10. Fill in the blank with the correct form of "effect": "The new law will ________ positive changes in our community." (Text: Score 2) Answer: effect Variations: effecting, effects, effected, will effect, would effect, is effecting, was effecting, has effected, had effected, will have effected Explanation: The correct answer is "effect" because it describes the future action of the new law bringing about positive changes in the community. 11. Which sentence uses "affect" correctly?
The music had a calming affect on her.
He tried to effect his opinion on others.
The rain didn't affect our plans for the day.
The teacher gave us an effect assignment.
Choose all the sentences that use "effect" correctly.
The medicine had a positive effect on my health.
She tried to affect change in her school.
The storm caused significant effects on the environment.
His actions had no affect on the outcome.
The new policy will effect improvements in safety.
What is the main difference between "effect" and "affect"?
"Effect" is a noun that refers to the result or consequence, while "affect" is a verb that means to influence or have an impact on something.
"Effect" and "affect" are synonyms and can be used interchangeably.
"Effect" is spelled with an "e," while "affect" is spelled with an "a."
"Effect" is used in positive contexts, while "affect" is used in negative contexts.
{"name":"Effect and affect questions for a grade 5 student", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the difference between \"effect\" and \"affect\"?, Which sentence uses \"effect\" correctly?, Choose the correct form of \"affect\" in the following sentence: \"The rain will ________ our plans for a picnic.\" (Single Answer: Score 6) A) affect (correct) B) effect C) effected D) affact Explanation: The correct answer is A because \"affect\" is the verb form that means to influence or have an impact on something. 4. Which sentence uses \"affect\" correctly?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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