How much do you know about Coronavirus? Guyana

What are some of the reported symptoms of COVID-19? Tick all that apply.
Dry, tickly cough
Difficulty breathing
Body pains
All of the above
You start presenting some of the symptoms of Coronavirus. What should you do first?
Go to Georgetown Public Hospital
Call the Coronavirus Hotline
Take a long, hot bath
Go to the supermarket and stock up on food; you may be in quarantine for a long time.
Act normal, don't break your routine and fight through it.
Take paracetamol and try to sleep it off
Which of the following means of transmission are applicable to COVID-19? Tick all applicable answers
Mosquito bites
Airborne droplets spread through coughing or sneezing
Droplets spread through person-to-person contact
Food poisoning
All of the above
True or false: regularly touching your face will help prevent infection from Coronavirus
How long should you wash your hands with soap and water for?
You shouldn't wash your hands
Less than 5 seconds
At least 20 seconds
1 minute
Only wash your hands if they appear dirty
True or false: Gargling salt water can help kill coronavirus bacteria trapped in your throat
True or false: Wearing gloves is an effective way of reducing the risk of coronavirus infection
According to the WHO, how much distance should you maintain between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever?
Less than 20cm
At least 1m
It depends if you know them or not
What is the temperature range at which Coronavirus can thrive?
Only <10 degrees celsius
In mild, dry environments
Only in hot and humid environments
In all environments
How many locations have the authority and capacity to test for COVID-19?
1 in every region
1 in Lethem, 1 in Georgetown
There is nowhere authorised to test in Guyana
1 location only: the National Public Health Reference Laboratory operated by the Ministry of Public Health
Which of the following foods has been shown to help fight infection with COVID-19?
All of the above
None of the above
Does taking a hot bath help to avoid infection with the new COVID-19 virus?
Only if rubber ducks are involved
When should you wash your hands? Tick all that apply
Before touching your face
After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
After using the toilet
Before and after changing diapers
Before preparing or eating food
Before and after visiting and caring for someone who is ill
After taking out the garbage
After touching door handles
After being in crowded public places
None of the above
According to the WHO, when should you use a mask?
If you are coughing or sneezing
If you are caring for someone who is suspected of being infected with COVID-19
Whenever you leave the house
{"name":"How much do you know about Coronavirus? Guyana", "url":"","txt":"What are some of the reported symptoms of COVID-19? Tick all that apply., You start presenting some of the symptoms of Coronavirus. What should you do first?, Which of the following means of transmission are applicable to COVID-19? Tick all applicable answers","img":""}

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