ASEAN WAR Readiness by C asean (English v2)

You are...
An employee of ThaiBev Group
An employee of another TCC Group member
Please select the corporate level you belong to?
The Springs & Streams 1 (L4 - 7)
The Springs & Streams 2 (L8 - 9)
The Rivers 1 (L10 - 12)
The Rivers 2 (L13 - 14)
The Oceans (L15 - UC)
���ื่นๆ (Other)
Your friend wants to go Bungee Jumping, you would…
Jump with them
Drive them there
Stay at home
You are offered a fantastic job to relocate a country you've never been to, but have to answer immediately. Do you...
Pack your bags and go
Consider the pros and cons
Pass on the opportunity
At an amusement park, you automatically gravitate toward the highest, fastest, most intense rides.
Completely agree
Completely disagree
You look for ways to spice up my daily routine.
As the stock market is on its downturn, you would…
Saw it as a good buying opportunity to load up on your favorite stocks
Sold in a hurry to avoid any further losses.
Just watched and waited for recovery.
You are given near impossible sales target to meet, you would
Give up altogether
Negotiate for a more achievable target
Give it your best
Do you have social relationships with people from different religions, cultures, ethnicities and/or sexual orientations?
No, I don't. I prefer to socialize with people I can relate to.
Sort of. I think a diverse group of friends can really enrich your life, but I don’t have that many
Yes, my social circle reflects the diversity around me.
Do you inform yourself about key issues in the international news?
Not really. I generally just pay attention to local news.
Sort of. I follow major international news stories that are reported on national stations.
Yes, I follow the media and regularly consult Websites or publications from outside my home country (i.e. BBC World, The Economist, The Guardian, etc.)
Have you been abroad to volunteer, intern, study, work or for cross-cultural travel?
No, I haven’t.
Yes. I have spent time in another country for up to three months.
Yes. I have spent time in another country for a year. It was a great experience.
How would you feel in a country where you had to be very conscious of your appearance, gestures or deal with daily inconveniences, such as a lack of infrastructure, limited access to clean water, etc.?
I would feel a little uncomfortable, but it’s ok if it was only for a short period.
I would feel anxious.
I understand, be realistic and respectful try to adapt
If you met someone with different customs or different beliefs, how would you interact with them?
I wouldn’t. An interaction might lead to a disagreement.
I’d befriend them, but I’d just avoid talking about subjects we don’t agree on.
I’d try to learn as much as possible about their culture in relation to my own.
Do you enjoy trying new foods and having new adventures?
I like what I’m used to.
Depending on what it is, I might try it. I’m open to certain things.
I jump at every opportunity to try new foods, meet new friends and visit new places.
Which is one of the three pillars of ASEAN Community?
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
ASEAN Business Community (ABC)
ASEAN Environmental Community (AEC)
What is the name of major river that borders Laos and Thailand?
Salween River
Irrawaddy River
Mekong River
Which country is NOT a member of ASEAN+6?
Papua New Guinea
Which of the following has BOTH a President and a Prime Minister?
When was ASEAN founded?
August 8, 1967
December 31, 2015
January 01, 2016
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