Learning Types

When you are not sure of how to spell a word, what will you most likely to do?
Write it down to see if it looks right
Spell it out loud to see if it sounds right
Trace the letters on a table or in the air
When you see the word "cat", what do you do?
Picture a cat
Say the word "cat" to yourself
Think about being with a cat physically
What's the best way for you to study for a test?
Read the textbook, your notes, review pictures and charts
Have someone ask you questions that you can answer out loud
Do practice papers
What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study?
People walking past you
Loud noises
An uncomfortable chair or a stuffy environment
When you are in a new place, how do you find your way around?
Look for a map or directory that shows everything in the neighborhood
Ask someone for directions
Walk around until you find the place
When you hear a song, what are you most likely to do?
Picture the video that goes along with it
Sing or hum along
Start dancing or tapping your foot
What do you like to do to relax?
Listen to music
What is the best way for you to remember a phone number?
Picture the numbers on the phone on the keypad
Say it out loud repeatedly
Write it down
What will you remember about new people you have just met?
Their face but not their name
Their name but not their face
What you talked about with them
When giving mean directions to your house, what will you most likely tell them?
A description of landmarks on the way
The names of the roads and streets they will pass by
Bring them there yourself
{"name":"Learning Types", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When you are not sure of how to spell a word, what will you most likely to do?, When you see the word \"cat\", what do you do?, What's the best way for you to study for a test?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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