Academic English quiz

Generally speaking, I should use the long form rather than abbreviations or contractions in academic writing.
In academic writing, I should aim to use the single verb instead of its phrasal verb equivalent.
Which of the following is an acceptable linking/transition word or phrase?
As a result
All of the above
Which of these modal phrases demonstrates that the writer is being tentative, I.e., not sure of their claims?
It is clear that...
It is usually the case that...
It is possible that...
All of the above
A verb must agree with its subject. If there are several nouns before the verb, the verb needs to agree with the main part of the subject.
Collective nouns, such as ‘government’, can be used with either a singular or a plural verb, depending on the meaning you want to express.
Which of these words can only be used with a singular verb form?
Which two tenses in English are created only from the main verb, without needing an auxiliary?
Simple present and present continuous
Simple present and simple past
Present perfect and past perfect
Present continuous and past continuous
When is it most appropriate to use simple past tense in academic writing?
When referring to tables and figures
When describing methods of data collection from a completed study
When emphasising what has been done
When emphasising what is generally known/believed to be true
It is possible to have a sentence without a verb.
What are the elements that make up a compound-complex sentence?
An independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
Three dependent clauses
Just an independent clause
Two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses
It is acceptable to join two independent clauses with a comma.
Which of the following is the correct way to join independent clauses?
With a coordinating conjunction
With a conjunctive adverb
With a semi-colon
All of the above
Which of the following is a correct way to use a comma?
To separate independent and dependent clauses
After a linking/transition word or phrase
To separate two related independent clauses instead of using a full stop
Only A and B
A semi-colon can be used to separate two related independent clauses instead of using a full stop.
{"name":"Academic English quiz", "url":"","txt":"Generally speaking, I should use the long form rather than abbreviations or contractions in academic writing., In academic writing, I should aim to use the single verb instead of its phrasal verb equivalent., Which of the following is an acceptable linking\/transition word or phrase?","img":""}
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