First Aid(30-35)
What should you look out for after a bandage is applied on the arm?
Colour and sensation of the fingers.
Movement and sensation of the toes.
Movement and flexibility of the arm.
The action to take after checking for response in a victim with cardiac arrest(心 跳停止), is to:
The action to take after checking for response in a victim with cardiac arrest(心 跳停止), is to:
Check for pulse.
Call for help, page for a doctor and get medical equipments.
What can be done to control bleeding after the delivery of the placenta?
Drink alcoholic drinks.
Encourage the mother to walk about the cabin.
Gently massage the womb.
What is the first aid management of a wound with an impaled object in it?
Stabilize with wire splints.
Remove the impaled object and apply direct pressure.
Stabilize and sandwich the foreign body with thick dressing beside it.
What causes earache during flight?
Increased of pressure in the ear.
Increased of pressure in the nose.
Increased of pressure in the throat.
What can be done to relieve earache?
Breathing into an airsickness bag.
Yawning, swallowing and Valsalva maneuver.
Coughing and rapid breathing.
What can be done to relieve earache for baby?
Blow air into the ears.
Apply cold towels on the head.
Feed baby or allow the baby to cry.
What is the management for nosebleed?
Pinch the soft part of the nose and lie down.
Apply pressure on the forehead.
Pinch the soft part of the nose and bend head forward.
Which of the following is true when managing eye contamination?
Flush the affected eye with plenty of water and pad both eyes up after flushing.
Just cover both eyes with an eye shade.
Wipe the affected eye with alcohol swab.
How do you flush a contaminated eye?
Flush from the outer aspect to the inner aspect of the eye.
Flush from the inner aspect to the outer aspect of the eye.
Any direction.
Following childbirth, the baby's eyes are cleaned one at a time from:
Outer to the inner aspect of the eye.
Inner to the outer aspect of the eye
Any direction.
Before serving medication from the daily first aid kit to a passenger, crew must ask about drug allergy and:
Double check the medication with another crew.
Serve the medication with sugar.
Serve the medication with beer.
A medic alert tag is useful when checking an unconscious casualty because it can give information especially on:
Casualty's medical condition and choice of meals.
Casualty's medical history and drug allergy.
Casualty's marital status and address.
What is Primary Survey?
To promote first aid care for the casualty
To identify life threatening conditions and injuries
To obtain medical history
In Primary Survey, the rescuer:
Assesses condition of casualty and offers medication.
Takes history of illness and checks pulse.
Assesses airway, breathing, signs of life and bleeding.
In Secondary Survey, the first aider besides checking out signs and symptoms also:
Get the defibrillator ready.
Take history and vital signs.
Identify life threatening conditions.
A passenger complains of chest pain, he looks very pale and has difficulty in breathing. What is your immediate action?
Commence CPR.
Get the defibrillator ready.
Assess location, duration and severity of the chest pain before paging for medical assistance.
What is the immediate management for a suspected closed fracture and there is no external bleeding?
Pull the injured limb very straight.
Apply ointment and forcefully massage the injured site.
Immobilize the injury with splints and bandages.
What is the immediate management for an open fracture with a bleeding wound?
Control bleeding first.
Apply ice.
Immobilize fracture first.
The unconscious victim should be put in the recovery position to prevent:
Poor circulation to the arms and legs.
The heart and lungs from collapsing.
Choking on his / her own vomitus and to maintain a clear airway.
If the victim resumes effective breathing with other signs of life, the rescuer should place the victim in a:
Lateral position.
Sitting position.
Recovery position.
If the victim resumes effective breathing with a pulse present, the rescuer should place the victim in a:
Lateral position.
Sitting position.
Recovery position.
The recommended position to place an unconscious infant (with breathing and pulse) is the:
Recovery position.
Semi-reclined position.
Lateral position.
Which position would be most comfortable to the passenger if he or she is affected by airsickness?
Sitting upright.
Recovery position.
Lying down.
The Supplementary Oxygen Kit (SOK) is:
Uplifted only for special medical cases that require oxygen therapy throughout the flight.
For use with the mucus extractor.
Used in first aid on a passenger who suddenly complains of difficulty in breathing.
A passenger develops a severe allergic reaction and has difficulty in breathing after taking medication that the crew served. What should you do?
Tell passenger to breathe into a paper bag.
Advise passenger to have a glass of beer.
Manage signs and symptoms, give oxygen and page for medical assistance.
Why do you need to elevate the injured limb (if possible)?
It helps increase pain.
It helps to increase blood flow to the bleeding site.
It helps to reduce blood flow to the bleeding site.
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