DR.A.ELSAYED git anatomy 1

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? The tongue:
A) Is attached to the hyoid bone
B) hypoglossal N is the motor supply
C) Has straited muscle fibres forming its bulk
D) Has a sulcus terminalis marking the junction between its posterior two thirds and anterior third
E) Has lymphoid nodules in its posterior part
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ? The parotid gland:
A) Has a duct which enters the oral cavity opposite the second upper premolar tooth
B) Is almost entirely serous in man
C) Receives autonomic nerve fibres via the otic ganglion
D) Lies deep to skin innervated by the great auricular nerve
E) Is traversed by branches of the facial nerve
The branch from the hypoglossal nerve that supplies geniohyoid muscle is actually derived from _____
A. C1
b. C2.
c. C3.
d. C4.
e. C5.
Parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland is provided through the ______ ganglion
: a. Otic
b. Ciliary.
c. Geniculate.
d. Submandibular.
e. Pterygopalatine
Sensory innervation of the parotid sheath is carried by ___ nerve:
A. Facial.
b. Vidian.
c. Maxillary.
d. Great auricular.
e. Glossopharyngeal
Sensory innervation of the parotid gland is carried by _______ nerve:
A. Vagus.
b. Buccal.
c. Great auricular.
d. Auriculotemporal.
e. Glossopharyngeal
The preganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion reach it through the ______ nerve:
A. Vidian.
b. Deep petrosal.
c. Lesser petrosal.
d. Greater petrosal.
e. Lesser occipital
The ________ muscle depress the mandible
A. mylohyoid
B. styloglossus.
C. sternomastoid.
D. Genioglossus
E. sternohoid.
Which one of the following branches of the mandibular nerve supplies the anterior belly of Digastric muscle:
a. Buccal.
b. Masseteric.
c. Deep temporal.
d. Nerve to Mylohyoid.
e. Nerve to Lateral pterygoid.
Which one of the following muscles forms the diaphragm of the oral cavity?
A. Digastric.
B. Mylohyoid.
C. Genohyoid.
D. Stylohyoid.
E. Genoglossus.
Regarding hypoglossal nerve injury (at one side), the deviation of the tongue and weak protrusion is produced mainly due to the paralysis of _____ muscle:
A. Stylohyoid.
b. Hyoglossus.
c. Mylohyoid.
d. Genioglossus.
e. Palatoglossus.
Special sensation from the tip of the tongue is carried by the ______ nerve:
a. Vagus.
b. Lingual.
c. Hypoglossal.
d. Chorda tympani.
e. Glossopharyngeal.
The ____ muscle of the tongue is innervated by the cranial accessory nerve
A. Hyoglossus.
b. Styloglossus.
c. Palatoglossus.
d. Intrinsic vertical.
e. Intrinsic Transverse.
Which one of the following muscles of the palate is innervated by the trigeminal nerve?
a. Palatoglossus.
b. Musculus uvulae.
c. Palatopharyngeus.
D. Tensor palatine.
e. Levator veli palatine.
Nasopalatine nerve block affects the alveolar bone of the:
a. Upper molars.
b. Upper incisors.
c. Lower incisors.
d. Lower canines.
e. Lower premolars.
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