Module 7

Since 1982-84 in general prices of services sold to consumers have
Increased relative to the prices of goods sold to consumers.
Decreased relative to prices of goods sold to consumers
Increased relative to prices of nondurable goods sold to consumers, but decreased relative to prices of durable goods
Increased at about the same rate as prices of goods sold to consumers
Which of these statements is false?
If the federal funds rate is decreased enough to cause inflation it will also cause a recession.
If the federal funds rate is too low, it will cause inflation
If inflation occurs, and begins to increase, the only way to reduce it is to increase the federal funds rate
Increases in the federal funds rate sufficient to reduce inflation might cause a recession
Over relatively long periods of time inflation as measured by the PPI is
Usually lower than that as measured by the CPI.
Usually about the same as that as measured by the CPI
Usually greater than that as measured by the CPI-U, but not the CPI-W
Usually greater than that as measured by the CPI
On Monday, August 13, 2012 the yield to maturity on a 5-year loan to the US government was 0.71% per year. Around that same time results from a survey of professional forecasters suggested that the expected rate of inflation over the next five years was 2.5% per year. What is the corresponding real rate of interest?
-1.746% per year
-1.79% per year
0.0% per year
1.025% per year
In the lectures we derived the aggregate demand curve by considering the effect of a change in the price level on:
A firm's willingness to produce additional output
Personal consumption expenditures
Government spending
The location of the expenditure curve
Suppose the vertical AD curve lies to the right of the long-run AS curve. When this is the case, then
Prices increase but output remains near the full employment (or natural) level of GDP.
Prices decrease but output remains near the full employment (or natural) level of GDP
Prices decrease and the economy most likely will be in a recession
The rate of inflation will decrease
Suppose Samuel borrows $5000 at a rate of 8% per year to invest in making wine. He purchase $2500 worth of grapes and spend $1,000 on bottles, corks and storage while the wine is fermenting and spends $1500 on labor. At the end of one year he will have 400 bottles of sparkling wine that currently sell for $15 each. If he expects the price of wine to be 10% higher than it is todaya year from now , what accounting profit will he make?
Aggregate supply is
The relationship between the price level and the amount of output economic actors wish to produce.
The relationship between the price level and the amount of output economic actors wish to purchase
An upward sloping curve in the long-run
A downward-sloping curve in the short-run
Suppose John expects the rate of inflation to be zero and he is willing to lend $3,000 for one year at a rate of interest of 12% per year (compounded annually). If he suddenly learns that most forecasters are predicting that the rate of inflation is going to be 4% per year (compounded annually), then what rate of interest would he have to earn for it to be equivalent to earning 12% with no inflation?
16% per year (compounded annually)
16.48% per year (compounded annually)
8.48% per year (compounded annually)
15.52% per year (compounded annually)
What is the current base year (or years) for the CPI-U?
The rate of inflation as measured by the PPI for finished goods (less food and energy) tends to increase when the purchasing manager’s index for prices
Is below 50% and declining
Is above 50%
Is above 50% and increasing
Is increasing
The Fed usually
Increases the federal funds rate if total capacity utilization increases to a value above 83.
Increases the federal funds rate if total capacity utilization declines
Decreases the federal funds rate if total capacity utilization increases to a value above 83.
Decreases the federal funds rate if total capacity utilization increases to a value below 65.
Suppose Joe buys 12 oranges for $1 and 10 apples for $1. Suppose the price of oranges increases to $1.50 and the price of apples decreases to $0.50. Which of the following statements is true if Joe continues to buy 12 oranges and 10 apples?
From Joe’s point of view, given his fixed basket of goods, the price level has increased.
Joe's total expenditure has increased from $22 to $24
From Joe's point of view, given his fixed basket of goods, the price level has declined
Joe's total expenditure has decreased from $22 to $21
Which of the following equations is the Fisher equation solved for the expected rate of inflation? (i = nominal rate of interest, and r = real rate of interest.)
πe = (i – r)/(1+r)
πe = (i – r)/(1-r)
πe = (i +r)/(1+r)
πe = (i – r)/(1*r)
From the mid-1990’s to 2012 the prices of durable goods (as a whole)
Have declined
Have increased at a slower rate than the prices of non-durable goods
Have increased at a faster rate than non-durable goods
Have increased slowly, but not declined
The way in which on-going inflation differs from a once-for-all change in the price level is
Once-for-all inflation is a one-time change in the price level that does not continue.
On-going inflation is not expected to continue
With on-going inflation relative prices always change
With a once-for-all change in the price level relative prices never change
There was a sharp increase in the rate of inflation in the United States from 1977 to 1980. In one of the lectures your instructor attributes this to
The federal funds rate being below the rate of inflation in 1975 and 1976
High government spending
The federal funds rate being about equal to the rate of inflation in 1975 and 1976
The federal funds rate being too high in 1975 and 1976
When we derived the AD curve in the lectures, we found the AD curve was vertical because
as the price level decreases the rate of interest does not change because the Fed controls the general level of interest rates.
As the price level decreases the rate of interest also decreases
As the price level decreases the rate of interest increases
As the price level decreases the Fed causes the general level of interest rates to decline
Periods of rising inflation during the 1960’s and 1970’s were characterized by
values of total capacity utilization above 85%.
values of total capacity utilization above 70% but below 75%
values of total capacity utilization below 80%
Rising values of total capacity utilization
Aggregate demand is
Correct the relationship between the price level and the amount of output economic actors wish to purchase.
Correct the relationship between the price level and the amount of output economic actors wish to produce
An upward sloping curve in the long-run
Is downward sloping as long as the Fed pegs the rate of interest
Which of the following statements about the personal consumption expenditures implicit price deflator excluding food and energy is true?
The PCE excluding food and energy grows at about the same rate as the overall PCE, but over short periods of time is less volatile.
The PCE excluding food and energy increases faster than the overall PCE over long periods of time
The PCE excluding food and energy fluctuates more over short periods of time than the overall PCE
The PCE excluding food and energy is less volatile than the overall PCE but over long periods of time grows more slowly
To say inflation is a monetary phenomenon
Means that inflation can be caused by or prevented by monetary policy.
Does not mean that inflation can be prevented by good monetary policy
Means that inflation is caused by interest rates being too high
Means that higher taxes cannot cause the price level to increase once-for-all
If the price level goes down, then (in the Keynesian Cross model)
The location of the expenditure curve shifts upwards if the rate of interest goes down as a result of the price level decrease.
The location of the expenditure curve always shifts upwards
The location of the expenditure curve shifts downwards unless the rate of interest goes down
The location of the expenditure curve shifts downwards if the Fed pegs the rate of interest
Periods of declining inflation are usually
Preceded by declines in total capacity utilization.
Followed by declines in total capacity utilization
Preceded by decreases in the federal funds rate
The result of an economic boom
Suppose you observe that in country A output is relatively high and prices are not increasing, while in country B output also is relatively high but prices are increasing. This implies
The interest rate in country A is about right while that in country B is too low.
The interest rates in both countries are about right
The interest rate in country A is too low and that in country B is too high
The interest rate in both countries is too low
Suppose the nominal rate of interest on a 5-year loan is 8% per year compounding annually and the real rate of interest is 4.5% per year. What is the expected rate of inflation?
From 2002 to the middle of 2012 the prices of nondurable consumer goods have
Increased at about the same rate as prices of services sold to consumers.
Decreases relative to the prices of durable consumer goods
Increased relative to the prices of services sold to consumers
Have declined but at a slower rate than prices of consumer durable goods
During July 2012 the CPI-U (not seasonally adjusted and rounded to the nearest whole number) equaled 229, while its value in July 2011 was 226. This means
That prices in July 2012 were about 1.4% higher than those in July 2011.
That prices in July 2012 were about 3% higher than those in July 2011.
That prices in July 2012 were 2.29 times as high as those in 1990, the base year for the CPI
That prices in July 2012 were 2.29 times as high as those in 1985, the base year for the CPI
{"name":"Module 7", "url":"","txt":"Since 1982-84 in general prices of services sold to consumers have, Which of these statements is false?, Over relatively long periods of time inflation as measured by the PPI is","img":""}
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