MCQs of Sedation

1. Anxiolytics are used to treat:
Bipolar disorders
2. Anxiolytic agents should:
Produce drowsiness, encourage the onset and maintenance of a state of sleep
Relieve pain
Reduce anxiety and exert a calming effect
Improve mood and behavior in patient with psychotic symptoms
3. Anxiolytics are also useful for:
All are corrected
Treatment of epilepsy and seizures
Muscle relaxation in specific neuromuscular disorders
4. Indicate the agents of choice in the treatment of most anxiety states:
Lithium salts
5. The choice of benzodiazepines for anxiety is based on:
All are corrected
A relatively high therapeutic index
Availability of flumazenil for treatment of overdose
A low risk of physiologic dependence
6. Which of the following anxiolitics is a benzodiazepine derivative:
Chloral hydrate
7. Indicate the benzodiazepine, which has the shortest elimination half-life:
8. Which of the following benzodiazepines has the shortest duration of action?
σ� Triazolam
 Clorazepate
σ� Prazepam
 Clordiazepoxide
9. Which of the following benzodiazepines is less likely to cause cumulative and residual effects with multiple doses?
σ� Clorazepate
 Quazepam
σ� Lorazepam
σ� Prazepam
10. Anxiolytic dosage reduction is recommended:
σ� All are corrected
σ� In patients taking cimetidine
 In elderly patients
σ� In patients with hepatic dysfunction
11. Which of the following benzodiazepines is preferred for elderly patients?
 Clorazepate
σ� Clordiazepoxide
 Prazepam
σ� Triazolam
12. Which of the following anxiolytics is preferred in patient with limited hepatic function?
σ� Buspirone
σ� Quazepam
σ� Diazepam
 Chlordiazepoxide
13. Indicate the mechanism of hypnotic benzodiazepine action:
σ� Increasing the duration of the GABA-gated Cl-channel openings
σ� Directly activating the chloride channels
σ� All are corrected
σ� Increasing the frequency of Cl-channel opening events
14. Which of the following anxiolytics is a partial agonist of brain 5-HT1A receptors?
σ� Buspirone
σ� Alprozolam
σ� Chlorazepat
σ� Lorazepam
15. Indicate the competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors:
σ� Flumazenil
 Diazepam
 Picrotoxin
σ� Buspirone
16. Indicate the agent, which interferes with GABA binding:
σ� Chlordiazepoxide
σ� Thiopental
σ� Bicuculline
σ� Picrotoxin
17. Antianxiety agents have:
 All are corrected
σ� Sedative and hypnotic activity
σ� Muscle relaxing and anticonvulsant effects
σ� Amnesic properties
18. Which of the following disadvantages does not limit using benzodiazepines as antianxiety agents?
 The formation of active metabolites
σ� Tendency to develop psychologic dependence
σ� A high risk of drug interactions based on liver enzyme induction
σ� Synergic CNS depression with concomitant use of other drugs
19. Indicate the anxiolitic agent, which relieves anxiety without causing marked sedative effects:
σ� Diazepam
σ� Clorazepate
σ� Buspirone
 Chlordiazepoxid
20. Which of the following anxiolytics has minimal abuse liability?
σ� Flumazenil
σ� Oxazepam
σ� Buspirone
σ� Alprazolam
21. In contrast to benzodiazepines, buspirone:
σ� Has more marked hypnotic, anticonvulsant, or muscle relaxant properties
σ� Interact directly with gabaergic system
σ� Causes less psychomotor impairment and does not affect driving skills
σ� Has maximal abuse liability
22. Which of the following sedative-hypnotic drugs does not potentiate the CNS depressant effects of ethanol, phenothiazines, or tricyclic antidepressants?
σ� Buspirone
σ� Chloralhydrate
σ� Diazepam
σ� Phenobarbital
23. Limitation of buspirone is:
 Impairment of mentation or motor functions during working hours
σ� A low therapeutic index
σ� An extremely slow onset of action
σ� A high potential of development of physical dependence
24. Which drugs may be used as antianxiety agents?  BETA-blocking drugs  Clonidine - a partial agonist of alfa2 receptors  Tricyclic antidepressants  All are corrected
 All are corrected
σ� BETA-blocking drugs
σ� Clonidine - a partial agonist of alfa2 receptors
σ� Tricyclic antidepressants
25. Which of the following benzodiazepines is more likely to cause “hangover” effects such as drowsiness, dysphoria, and mental or motor depression the following day?
σ� Oxazepam
σ� Lorazepam
σ� Clorazepat
σ� Triazolam
26. Additive CNS depression can be predicted if benzodiazepines are used with:
 All are corrected
σ� Ethanol
σ� Morphine
σ� Clorpromazine
27. Which dosage of benzodiazepines for 60-90 days may produce severe withdrawal symptoms?
σ� 50-60 mg/d
σ� Less than 400 mg/d
σ� More than 800 mg/d
σ� Less than 40 mg/d
28. Restlessness, anxiety, orthostatic hypotension, generalized seizures, severe tremor, vivid hallucination, and psychosis are possible symptoms of:
σ� None of all
σ� Tolerance
σ� Withdrawal
σ� Drug interactions between barbiturate and diazepam
29. Flumazenil is used to:
 All are corrected
σ� Reverse the CNS depressant effects of hypnotic benzodiazepines overdose
σ� Hasten recovery following use of hypnotic benzodiazepines in anesthetic and diagnostic procedure
σ� Reverse benzodiazepine-induced respiratory depression
30. Flumazenil given intravenously:
 Has duration of action longer than 6 hours
σ� Has intermediate onset and duration of action about 2 hours
σ� Acts rapidly but has a short half-life
σ� Has an effect lasting 3-5 hours
31. All are true about Minimal sedation, except
 Unaffected cardiovascular function
σ� Normal response to normal stimulation
σ� Possibly impaired cognitive function
σ� Affected ventilatory function
32. All are true regarding Moderate sedation, except
 Airway is patent
σ� Verbal commands are effective
σ� Cardiovascular function is affected
 Spontaneous ventilation is adequate
33. All are false about Moderate sedation, except
 Inadequate ventilation
σ� Obstructed airway
σ� Painful provocation is needed
σ� Unaffected cardiovascular function
34. All are true about Deep sedation, except
 Possibly inadequate spontaneous ventilation
σ� Painful stimulation is needed
σ� Possibly impaired ventilatory function
σ� Easily aroused patient
35. All are true about Deep sedation, except
 Depression of consciousness is drug-induced
σ� Cardiovascular function is maintained
σ� Patient is easily aroused
σ� Assistance might be required for patent airway maintaining
36. All are true about General anesthesia, except
 Impaired ventilator function
σ� Loss of consciousness
σ� Painful stimulation is needed
σ� Patient is not able to be aroused
37. All are true about General anesthesia, except
 Positive pressure ventilation may be required
σ� Possibly impaired cardiovascular function
σ� Assistance might be required for patent airway maintaining
σ� Patient is not easily to be aroused
38. Good effects of Benzodiazepines are all, except
σ� Anticonvulsant
σ� Amnesia
σ� Anxiolysis
σ� Airway clearing
39. All are good effects of Benzodiazepines, except
σ� Anxiety reliever
σ� Anticonvulsant
σ� Sedation
σ� Vision enhancement
40. The incorrect group of Benzodiazepines is
σ� Short-acting
 Extra long-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Long-acting
41. The duration of action of Benzodiazepines is dependent on
σ� The half-life
σ� The patient’s body
 The complete-life
σ� The active component
42. The duration of action of Benzodiazepines is dependent on
 Dose of drug
σ� The patient’s body
σ� Activeness of organs
σ� The metabolic fate
43. Classification of action of Midazolam
 Extra long-acting
σ� Short-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Long-acting
44. Classification of action of Triazolam
 Extra long-acting
σ� Short-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Long-acting
45. Classification of action of Diazepam
σ� Extra long-acting
σ� Short-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Long-acting
46. Classification of action of Lorazepam
 Extra long-acting
σ� Short-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Long-acting
47. Classification of action of Alprazolam
σ� Long-acting
σ� Short-acting
σ� Intermediate-acting
σ� Extra long-acting
48. Drug class of Midazolam is all, except
 Long-acting
σ� Benzodiazepines
σ� Sedative
 Anesthesia adjunct
49. Mechanism of actions of Midazolam is all, except
 Amnesia
σ� Anxiolysis
σ� Hypnosis
σ� Fatigue
50. All are mechanism of actions of Midazolam, except
σ� Anxiolysis
σ� Anticonvulsant
σ� Muscle relaxant
σ� Vision enhancement
51. The incorrect use of Midazolam is for
 Postoperative sedation
σ� Conscious sedation
 GA induction
σ� Intubation
52. The incorrect use of Midazolam is for
σ� Sedation of diagnostic endoscope
σ� Intubation
 LA replacement
σ� Amnesia
53. All are true about pharmacokinetics of Midazolam, except
σ� Can be removed through hemodialysis
σ� 97% protein binding
σ� Primarily excreted in urine
σ� Well-absorbed after IM administration
54. All are true about pharmacokinetics of Midazolam, except
σ� Well-absorbed after IM administration
σ� Half-life: 30 minutes to 2 hours
 Metabolized in the liver to active metabolite
σ� 97% protein binding
55. All are frequent side effects of Midazolam, except
 Hiccups
σ� Decreased respiratory rate
σ� Pain during injection
σ� Nausea
56. All are frequent side effects of Midazolam, except
 Pain during injection
σ� Hypotension
σ� Oxygen desaturation
σ� Hiccough
57. The occasional side effect of Midazolam is
 Hiccups
σ� Nausea
σ� Vomiting
σ� Hypotension
58. The occasional side effect of Midazolam is
σ� Pain during injection
σ� Paradoxical CNS reaction
σ� Headache
σ� Coughing
59. The rare side effect of Midazolam is
 Paradoxical CNS reaction
σ� Coughing
σ� Hypertension
σ� Decreased respiratory rate
60. The rare side effect of Midazolam is
 Tenderness at the injection site
σ� Vomiting
σ� Hypotension
σ� Oxygen desaturation
61. All are the contraindications of use of Midazolam, except
 Patient with epilepsy
σ� Patient with shock
σ� Patient with coma
σ� Patient with acute glaucoma
62. All are drugs contraindicated with Midazolam, except
 Indinavir
σ� Nelfinavir
σ� Ritonavir
σ� Erythromycin
63. Inadequate or excessive dosage or improper administration may result in all, except
σ� Voluntary movements
σ� Cerebral hypoxia
σ� Agitation
σ� Hyperactivity
64. All are symptoms of overdose of Midazolam, except
σ� Confusion
σ� Loss of coordination
 Drowsiness
σ� Unable to speak
65. All are therapeutic effects of Lorazepam, except
 Airway assisting
σ� Anticonvulsant
σ� Antiemetic effects
σ� Anxiolysis
66. All are therapeutic effects of Lorazepam, except
σ� Sedation
 Memory enhancement
σ� Anxiolysis
σ� Muscle relaxant
67. All are the drug uses of Lorazepam, except
 Acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms
σ� Treatment of anxiety
σ� Muscle spasm
σ� Alcohol toxication
68. All are pharmacokinetics of Lorazepam, except
σ� Primary excreted in urine
σ� Well-absorbed after PO or IV administration
σ� 97% protein binding
 Metabolized in liver
69. All are pharmacokinetics of Lorazepam, except
 Well-absorbed after PO or IV administration
σ� Not removed by hemodialysis
σ� Half-life 10 to 20 hours
σ� Metabolized in kidney
70. Frequent side effect of Lorazepam is
 Headache
σ� Somnolence
σ� Hypotension
σ� Hypertension
71. Frequent side effect of Lorazepam is
 Paradoxical CNS restlessness
σ� Ataxia
σ� Blurred vision
σ� Slurred speech
72. Frequent side effect of Lorazepam is
 Hypotension
σ� Headache
σ� Confusion
σ� Paradoxical CNS excitement
73. Occasional side effect of Lorazepam is
 Hypertension
σ� Somnolence
σ� Ataxia
σ� Blurred vision
74. Occasional side effect of Lorazepam is
 Ataxia
σ� Slurred speech
σ� Paradoxical CNS restlessness
σ� Confusion
75. Occasional side effect of Lorazepam is
 Hypertension
σ� Hypotension
σ� Paradoxical CNS excitement
σ� Somnolence
76. Rare side effect of Lorazepam is
 Confusion
σ� Nausea
σ� Paradoxical CNS restlessness in elderly
σ� Hypotension
77. All are conditions contradicted to the use of Lorazepam, except
 Diabetics
σ� Severe uncontrolled pain
σ� Glaucoma
σ� Preexisting CNS depression
78. All are the results of Lorazepam overdose, except
 Hearing disorder
σ� Somnolence
σ� Confusion
σ� Coma
79. All are therapeutic effects of Diazepam, except
σ� Increase level of alertness
σ� Anxiolysis
σ� Elevation of seizure threshold
σ� Skeletal muscle relaxation
80. All are drug uses of Diazepam, except
 Skeletal muscle spasm
σ� Anxiety
σ� Acute alcohol withdrawal
 Local anesthesia replacement
81. All are drug uses of Diazepam, except
 Alcohol toxin reliever
σ� Conscious sedation
σ� Adjunct in seizure disorders
σ� Skeletal muscle spasm
82. All are pharmacokinetics of Diazepam, except
 Not removed by hemodialysis
σ� Well-absorbed from the GI tract
σ� Widely distributed
σ� Excreted in urine
83. All are pharmacokinetics of Diazepam, except
σ� 98% protein binding
σ� Half-life 5 t0 10 hours
σ� Metabolized in the liver
σ� Widely distributed
84. Frequent side effect of Diazepam is
 Headache
σ� Slurred speech
σ� Orthostatic hypotension
σ� Somnolence
85. Frequent side effect of Diazepam is
 Hypoactivity
σ� Diarrhea
σ� Fatigue
σ� Blurred vision
86. Frequent side effect of Diazepam is
 Hyperactivity
σ� Constipation
 Ataxia
σ� Nervousness in children
87. Occasional side effect of Diazepam is
 Excitement
σ� Somnolence
σ� Constipation
σ� Hyperactivity
88. Occasional side effect of Diazepam is
 Pain with IM injection
σ� Fatigue
σ� Blurred vision
σ� Ataxia
89. Occasional side effect of Diazepam is
σ� Nausea
σ� Hyperactivity
σ� Orthostatic hypertension
σ� Diarrhea
90. Rare side effect of Diazepam is
 Nausea
σ� Headache
σ� Slurred speech
σ� Nervousness in children
91. Rare side effect of Diazepam is
σ� Somnolence
σ� Excitement in elderly
σ� Blurred vision
σ� Hypoactivity
92. Rare side effect of Diazepam is
σ� Constipation
σ� Ataxia
σ� Hyperactivity
σ� Fatigue
93. All are conditions contraindicated to Diazepam, except
 Alcohol withdrawal symptoms
σ� Coma
σ� Glaucoma
σ� Preexisting CNS depression
94. All are conditions contraindicated to Diazepam, except
 Glaucoma
σ� Respiratory depression
σ� Severe uncontrolled pain
 Status epilepticus
95. All are drugs which help prolong the effects of Diazepam, except
σ� Cimetidine
σ� Fluconazole
σ� Erythromycin
σ� Saquinavir
96. All are drugs which help prolong the effects of Diazepam, except
σ� Rifamycin
σ� Clarithromycin
 Ketoconazole
σ� Saquinavir
97. IV administration of Diazepam might produce all, except
 Urinary frequency
σ� Swelling
σ� Pain
σ� Thrombophlebitis
98. IV administration of Diazepam might produce all, except
σ� Swelling
σ� Carpel tunnel syndrome
 Diarrhea
σ� Thrombophlebitis
99. All are general considerations of Diazepam using in dental field, except
 Allow the patient to walk independently to and from the operation room
σ� Assessment of saliva flow
σ� Lower dose for geriatric patients
σ� Avoid using it for patients with history of drug abuse
100. All are general considerations of Diazepam using in dental field, except
 Stop the procedure if the patient feels sleepy
σ� Ask the patient’s family to drive the patient to and from dental clinic
σ� Physical dependence might occur with chronic administration
σ� Psychological dependence might occur with chronic administration
101. All are the assessment of the patient prior to sedation, except
 Examination
σ� History
σ� Treatment plan
σ� Social status
102. All are ideal properties of sedative agents, except
 Quick recovery
σ� No respiratory depression
σ� Cheap
σ� Delayed onset
103. All are ideal properties of sedative agents, except
 Delayed recovery
σ� No side effects
σ� Easy to administer
σ� Anxiolysis
104. All are true about oral sedation, except
 It is used to alleviate fear
σ� Simple way of providing mild preoperative sedation
σ� Premedication
 It cannot be used with other sedation methods
105. All are true about oral sedation, except
 Considerable individual variation in response is advantageous
σ� It can be used alone
σ� Common oral sedation is Benzodiazepine
 It is used to alleviate anxiety
106. All are true about inhalation sedation, except
 Good for treating anxious children
σ� It is 50% drug management
σ� It is 50% behavior management
 Decrease of use in recent years
107. Stages of clinical effects of inhalation sedation include all, except
 Stage of analgesia
σ� Stage of excitement
σ� Stage of surgical anesthesia
σ� Stage of unconsciousness
108. All are indications of inhalation sedation, except
 Patient with epilepsy
σ� Patient with hypoactivity gagging reflexes
σ� Patient with physical special needs
σ� Patient with mental special needs
109. All are true of inhalation sedation, except
 Acceptable to most patients
σ� Non-invasive
σ� Require only nasal mask and electronic monitoring
 Rapid onset
110. All are true of inhalation sedation, except
 No fasting
σ� Delayed onset so patient can be well-prepared
σ� Rapid recovery
 No amnesia
111. All are true of inhalation sedation, except
 Anxiolysis
σ� Need electronic monitoring
σ� The whole procedure is remembered
 Not invasive
112. The best method for conscious sedation now is
 Inhalation sedation
σ� Oral sedation
σ� Intramuscular sedation
σ� Intravenous sedation
113. The initial intravenous sedation in dentistry was done using
 Triazolam
σ� Midazolam
σ� Diazepam
σ� Lorazepam
114. All are true about Midazolam used as intravenous sedation, except
σ� Painless on injection
σ� It is easier to control the incremental dosage
σ� It is a water-soluble at a pH of less than 3
 It is lipid-soluble at physiological pH
115. All are true about Midazolam used as intravenous sedation, except
 It is metabolized in liver
σ� It acts more rapidly than Diazepam
 It has a much more reliable patient response than Diazepam
σ� Quite painful on injection
116. All are true about Diazepam used as intravenous sedation, except
 Risk of rebound sedation
σ� Elimination half-life of 43 hours
σ� Patients were sedated to some extent for up to 2 days
σ� Soluble in water
117. All are false about Diazepam used as intravenous sedation, except
 Patients were sedated to some extent for up to 3 days
σ� Painless on injection
σ� Elimination half-life of 24 hours
σ� Production of active metabolites
118. All are psychosocial indications for IV sedation with Midazolam, except
 Patients who have considerable difficulty with vasovagal attacks prior to and during dentistry
σ� Patients with anxiety
σ� Patients with phobia related to dental instruments
σ� Patients with asthma
119. All are medical indications for IV sedation with Midazolam, except
 Patients with hypertension
σ� Patients with epilepsy
σ� Patients with mild ischemic heart disease
σ� Patients with anxiety related to dental instruments
120. All are contraindications for IV sedation, except
σ� Uncooperative patients
σ� Severe systemic disease
σ� Unwilling patients
σ� Children aged 17
121. All are contraindications for IV sedation, except
 Patients with severe chronic obstructive airway disease
σ� Patients with history of psychiatric treatment
σ� Patients with asthma
σ� Patients with severe physical special needs
{"name":"MCQs of Sedation", "url":"","txt":"1. Anxiolytics are used to treat:, 2. Anxiolytic agents should:, 3. Anxiolytics are also useful for:","img":""}
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