Is Plein Air Painting For Me?

As a Painter Would You Describe Yourself as ...
An absolute beginner who needs to get the basics of painting.
Reasonably familiar with the basics and looking for a new challenge.
A little bored with studio work and in need of inspiration.
Keen to try outdoor painting, but you have concerns about it.
The thought of painting outdoors makes you ...
Excited to learn direct from nature
Break out in a nervous sweat
Think of the impressionist painters
Curious about what it all entails
You See Outdoor Painting as ...
An opportunity to meet other artists
A way to meet potential collectors
Add a new skill to your painting
A risky venture for the reckless types
A way to loosen up your painting
If you have tried outdoor painting would you describe the experience as ...
Fun but much to learn still
A nightmare!
Encouraging and keen to work on it more.
Tried it once or twice, but not sure if it is for me
Ready to try Plein Air, but
It seems expensive to get the kit together
No idea where to go paint
I am worried about safety issues
No time for new things
No buts, I am ready to go!
I think Plein Air Paintings
Look exciting and filled with energy
Are amateurish and cannot compete with studio work
Catch the eye of collectors
Are a way to get great references from the scene.
Could be a new source of revenue for my art business
{"name":"Is Plein Air Painting For Me?", "url":"","txt":"As a Painter Would You Describe Yourself as ..., The thought of painting outdoors makes you ..., You See Outdoor Painting as ...","img":""}
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