Head and Neck Part 1

A detailed illustration of the human head and neck anatomy, highlighting various regions, bones, and muscles in a colorful and educational style.

Head and Neck Anatomy Quiz

Test your knowledge of head and neck anatomy with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers various regions, bones, and muscles, enhancing your understanding of this crucial area in human anatomy.

Why take the quiz?

  • Challenge yourself with multiple-choice questions
  • Learn more about important anatomical structures
  • Suitable for students, teachers, and anyone interested in anatomy
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by AnatomyExplorer42
Name #11
Occipital region
Nasal region
Buccal region
Temporal region
Name #8
Infraorbital region
Orbital region
Mental region
Parietal region
Name #3
Name #3
Auricular region
Temporal region
Frontal region
Occipital region
Name #7
Trapezius muscle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Hyoid bone
Name #3
Name #3
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Hyoid bone
Trapezius muscle
Name #5
Name #5
Hyoid bone
Trapezius muscle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Name #12
Name #12
Sphenoid muscle
Frontal bone
Temporal bone
Ethmoid bone
Name #10
Name 10
Sphenoid bone
Frontal bone
Occipital bone
Temporal bone
Name #11
Name #11
Occipital bone
Sphenoid bone
Ethmoid bone
Temporal bone
Name #4
Name #4
Nasal bone
Lacrimal bone
Inferior nasal concha
Name #2
Name #2
Lacrimal bone
Zygomatic bone
Nasal bone
Name #5
Nasal bone
Zygomatic bone
Name #5
name #5
Canine fossa
Infraorbital foramen
Alveolar process of the maxilla
Canine eminence
Name #12
Name #12
Canine eminence
Canine fossa
Infraorbital foramen
Body of the maxilla
Name #11
Name #11
Body of the maxilla
Zygomatic process
Canine fossa
Canine eminence
Name #9 
Mandibular ramus
Mental protuberance
Alveolar process of the mandible
Coronoid process
Name #13
Name #13
Angle of the mandible
Neck of mandibular condyle
Coronoid notch
Mental protuberance
Name #11
Name #11
Coronoid process
Mandibular notch
Neck of mandibular condyle
Articulating surface of the condyle
Name #7
Name #7
Mental foramen
Mental protuberance
Body of mandible
Mandibular ramus
Name #16
Name #15
Angle of the mandible
Mental foramen
Mandibular ramus
Alveolar process of the mandible
Name #2
Name #2
Coronoid notch
Retromolar triangle
Mandibular ramus
Name #4
Name #4
Mandibular ramus
Mandibular foramen
Coronoid notch
Name #9
Sublingual fossa
Submandibular fossa
Mandibular foramen
Name #6
Name #6
Sublingual fossa
Mandibular ramus
Mandibular foramen
Name #3
Name #3
Sublingual fossa
Coronoid notch
Retromolar triangle
Name #9
Name #9
Incisive foramen
Maxillary tuberosity
Lesser palatine foramen
Greater palatine foramen
Name #3
Palatal processes of the maxillae
Horizontal plates of the palatine bones
Transverse palatine suture
Maxillary tuberosity
Name #5
Name #5
Lesser palatine foramen
Incisive foramen
Mental foramen
Greater palatine foramen
Name #7
Transverse palatine suture
Medial palatine suture
Maxillary tuberosity
Horizontal plates of the palatine bones
Name #8
Name #8
Mentalis m.
Platysma m.
Buccinator m.
Zygomaticus major m.
Name #4
Name #4
Zygomaticus minor m.
Orbicularis oris m.
Zygomaticus major m.
Platysma m.
Name #7
Name #7
Buccinator m.
Mentalis m.
Platysma m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Name #5
Name #5
Zygomaticus major m.
Mentalis m.
Zygomaticus minor m.
Buccinator m.
Name #12
Name #12
Orbicularis oris m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Mentalis m.
Platysma m.
Name #5
Name #5
Masseter m. (cut)
Medial pterygoid m.
Superior head of the lateral pterygoid m.
Temporalis m.
Name #10
Name #10
Temporalis m.
Masseter m. (cut)
Medial pterygoid m.
Name #9
Name #9
Superior head of the lateral pterygoid m.
Temporalis m.
Masseter m. (cut)
Medial pterygoid m.
Name #6
Name #6
Temporalis m.
Superior head of the lateral pterygoid m.
Masseter (cut)
Medial pterygoid m.
Name #10
Name #10
Occipital artery
External carotid artery
Facial artery
Maxillary artery
Name #12
Name #12
Facial artery
External carotid artery
Occipital artery
Maxillary artery
Name #4
Name #4
Maxillary artery
Occipital artery
Facial artery
External carotid artery
Name #5
Name #5
Occipital artery
Facial artery
External carotid artery
Maxillary artery
Name #17
Name #17
Infraorbital a.
Posterior superior alveolar a.
Inferior alveolar a.
Mental a.
Name #7
Incisive a.
Mental a.
Infraorbital a.
Anterior superior alveolar a.
Name #8
Name #8
Mental a.
Anterior superior alveolar a.
Posterior superior alveolar a.
Infraorbital a.
Name #2
Name #2
Posterior superior alveolar a.
Infraorbital a.
Anterior superior alveolar a.
Mental a.
Name #4
Name #4
Mental a.
Posterior superior alveolar a.
Anterior superior alveolar a.
Incisive a.
Name #3
Name #3
Incisive a.
Mental a.
Inferior alveolar a.
Posterior superior alveolar a.
Name #14
Name #14
Ext. Jugular v.
Int. Jugular v.
Pterygoid plexus of veins
Facial v.
Name #21
Name #21
Int. Jugular v.
Facial v.
Ext. Jugular v.
Pterygoid plexus of veins
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