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New submissions in physics on Wed, 27 Jan 21
[2101.10362] M. L. Day, K. Choonee, Z. Chaboyer et al.: A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions
[2101.10378] Zan Nie, Fei Li, Felipe Morales et al.: In Situ Generation of High-Energy Spin-Polarized Electrons in a Beam-Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator
[2101.10381] E. T. Jensen: Contrasting Mechanisms for Photodissociation of Methyl Halides Adsorbed on Thin Films of C$_6$H$_6$ and C$_6$F$_6$
[2101.10405] Yang Wan, Alice Lux Fawzi, Haneesh Kesari: Determining rigid body motion from accelerometer data through the square-root of a negative semi-definite tensor, with applications in mild traumatic b...
[2101.10413] Mesfin Asfaw Taye: The efficacy of antiviral drug, HIV viral load and the immune response
[2101.10429] Lianjie Xue, Song Liu, Yang Hang et al.: Unraveling Ultrafast Photoionization in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
[2101.10433] Wilton J. M. Kort-Kamp, Abul K. Azad, Diego A. R. Dalvit: Space-Time Quantum Metasurfaces
[2101.10442] Novianty Rizky Ardiani, Setianto Setianto, Budy Santosa et al.: Quantitative analysis of iron sand mineral content from the south coast of Cidaun, West Java using rietveld refinement method
[2101.10446] Santiago P. Clavijo, Luis Espath, Victor M. Calo: Extended Larché--Cahn framework for reactive Cahn--Hilliard multicomponent systems
[2101.10470] Martin V. Goldman, David. L. Newman, Jonathan P. Eastwood et al.: Multi-Beam Energy Moments of Complex Measured Ion Velocity Distributions
[2101.10526] Enrique G. Neyra, Pablo Vaveliuk, Emilio Pisanty et al.: Principal frequency of an ultrashort laser pulse
[2101.10528] Chenyue Xie, Xiangming Xiong, Jianchun Wang: Artificial neural network approach for turbulence models: A local framework
[2101.10538] Shi-Yong Liang, Ting-Xian Zhang, Hua Guan et al.: Probing Multiple Electric Dipole Forbidden Optical Transitions in Highly Charged Nickel Ions
[2101.10544] Andrey Starikovskiy, Nickolay Aleksandrov, Mikhail Shneider: Streamer Self-Focusing in External Longitudinal Magnetic Field
[2101.10547] Keegan Finger, David Atri-Schuller, Nicolas Douguet et al.: High-Harmonic Generation in the Water Window from mid-IR Laser Sources
[2101.10577] Andrey Pototsky, Alexander Oron, Michael Bestehorn: Equilibrium shapes and floatability of static and vertically vibrated heavy liquid drops on the surface of a lighter fluid
[2101.10604] Rongqian Wang, Jincheng Lu, Jian-Hua Jiang: Moderate-temperature near-field thermophotovoltaic systems with thin-film InSb cells
[2101.10623] L. H. Zhang, J. Y. Tang, Y. Hong et al.: Optimization of Design Parameters for SPPC Longitudinal Dynamics
[2101.10628] Lucas Amoudruz, Petros Koumoutsakos: Independent Control of Microswimmers with a Uniform Magnetic Field
[2101.10638] Irving Rondon, Jooyoung Lee: Generalized optical theorem for Rayleigh scattering approximation
[2101.10660] Kayn A. Forbes: On the transfer of optical orbital angular momentum to matter
[2101.10676] Christopher Aleshire, Albrecht Steinkopff, Cesar Jauregui et al.: Simplified Design of Optical Elements for Filled-Aperture Coherent Beam Combination
[2101.10691] J. Praks, M. Rizwan Mughal, R. Vainio et al.: Aalto-1, multi-payload CubeSat: design, integration and launch
[2101.10700] J. Dubois, Ulf Saalmann, Jan M. Rost: Semiclassical Lindblad master equation for spin dynamics
[2101.10704] Rui Zhang, Xiaomeng Wang, Ming Cheng et al.: The evolution of network controllability in growing networks
[2101.10715] Georgios Bletsos, Niklas Kühl, Thomas Rung: Adjoint-based Shape Optimization for the Minimization of Flow-induced Hemolysis in Biomedical Applications
[2101.10716] H. F. Yazdi, G. Ghasemi, Majid Mohseni et al.: Tuning the dynamics of magnetic droplet solitons using dipolar interactions
[2101.10727] António Faria, Tiago Soares, Zenaida Mourão et al.: Liberalized market designs for district heating networks under the EMB3Rs platform
[2101.10768] Adnan Ghribi, Muhammad Aburas, Yoann Baumont et al.: Cryogenic thermo-acoustic oscillations highlight and study in the SPIRAL2 superconducting LINAC
[2101.10779] Yizun He, Qingnan Cai, Lingjing Ji et al.: Unraveling disorder-induced optical dephasing in an atomic ensemble
[2101.10788] Laura Mercadé, Karl Pelka, Roel Burgwal et al.: Floquet phonon lasing in multimode optomechanical systems
[2101.10789] Evangelos Mitsokapas, Benjamin Schäfer, Rosemary Harris et al.: Statistical Characterization of Airplane Delays
[2101.10796] Darya Shchepanovska, Robin J. Shannon, Basile F. E. Curchod et al.: Nonadiabatic kinetics in the intermediate coupling regime: comparing molecular dynamics to an energy grained master equation
[2101.10805] Daniel Feinstein, Ebrahim Patel: Max-Plus Opinion Dynamics With Temporal Confidence
[2101.10814] Arya Tanmay Gupta: Spread and defend infection in graphs
[2101.10824] Claudius Gros: Collective strategy condensation: When envy splits societies
[2101.10826] Jarita Holbrook: ASTROMOVES: Astrophysics, Diversity, Mobility
[2101.10839] Nilutpal Bora, Rajib Biswas: Spatial variation of Coda Q in Kopili fault zone of northeast India as a probe for heterogeneous media
[2101.10859] Martha Maria Frysztacki, Jonas Hörsch, Veit Hagenmeyer et al.: The strong effect of network resolution on electricity system models with high shares of wind and solar
[2101.10885] A A Mamun, Abdul Mannan: Solitary waves and double layers in complex plasma media
[2101.10887] Feraz Azhar, Mohammad Hossein Namjoo: Spacetime singularities and a novel formulation of indeterminism
[2101.10891] Adam Koberinski: Regularizing (away) vacuum energy
[2101.10903] Ali Mansour Khaki, Amin Mohammadnazar: A probabilistic model for pedestrian gap acceptance behavior at uncontrolled midblock crosswalks
[2101.10929] Prajal Chettri, Ananth R., Shailesh Srivastava: Time resolved femtosecond dynamics of carbon disulfide (CS2) molecules using Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing
[2101.10930] C. Schwarz, A. Ali, A. Belias et al.: The PANDA /home/jinno/arXiv/Cs
[2101.10944] Hugh G. A. Burton: Generalised Nonorthogonal Matrix Elements: Unifying Wick's Theorem and the Slater-Condon Rules
[2101.10946] Gokhan Altan, Yakup Kutlu, Yusuf Garbi et al.: Multimedia Respiratory Database (RespiratoryDatabase@TR): Auscultation Sounds and Chest X-rays
[2101.10976] Behzad Ghanbarian, Allen G. Hunt, Marco Bittelli et al.: Incorporating effects of surface roughness and probing molecule size for estimation of soil specific surface area
[2101.10996] Vincent Dufour-Décieux, Rodrigo Freitas, Evan J. Reed: Atomic-level features for statistical learning of the chemical kinetics from molecular dynamics simulations
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 27 Jan 21","img":""}
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