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New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 19 Aug 21
[2108.07813] Saavanth Velury, Taylor L. Hughes: Embedded Topological Semimetals
[2108.07816] Kristian Tyn Kai Chung, Jeremy Swee Kang Goh, Aritro Mukherjee et al.: Probing Flat Band Physics in Spin Ice Systems via Polarized Neutron Scattering
[2108.07817] Jie Ren, Chenguang Liang, Chen Fang: Deformed Symmetry Structures and Quantum Many-body Scar Subspaces
[2108.07823] Ying Xiong, Li-kun Shi, Justin C.W. Song: Unblocking time-reversal forbidden photocurrents in non-magnetic materials
[2108.07831] Caroline Desgranges, Jerome Delhommelle: Similarity law and critical properties in ionic systems
[2108.07836] Caroline Desgranges, Jerome Delhommelle: Ginzburg-Landau free energy for molecular fluids: determination and coarse-graining
[2108.07837] Caroline Desgranges, Jerome Delhommelle: Benchmark free energies and entropies for saturated and compressed water
[2108.07843] Caroline Desgranges, Jerome Delhommelle: Effect of the Composition on the Free Energy of Crystal Nucleation for CuPd Nanoalloys
[2108.07860] Rajesh K. Malla, Avadh Saxena, Wilton J. M. Kort-Kamp: Emerging nonlinear Hall effect in Kane-Mele two-dimensional topological insulators
[2108.07862] Aeron McConnell, Sara Idris, Brian Opatosky et al.: Phase locking and noise driven dynamics in a Josephson junction electronic analog
[2108.07875] Rocio Ariza, Miguel Alvarez-Alegria, Gloria Costas et al.: Biomimetic laser processing of marble for reduced surface wetting
[2108.07892] Juan P. Tarigo, Cecilia Stari, Cecilia Cabeza et al.: Distribution of the multistability regions in the parameter space of the Mackey-Glass delayed system
[2108.07893] Shirin Panahi, Nelson Amaya, Isaac Klickstein et al.: Failure of the simultaneous block diagonalization technique applied to complete and cluster synchronization of random networks
[2108.07896] Jarek Duda: Framework for liquid crystal based particle models
[2108.07906] Kyoung-Whan Kim, Hogyun Jeong, Jeongwoo Kim et al.: Vertical transverse transport induced by hidden in-plane Berry curvature in two dimensions
[2108.07913] T. P. Devereaux, B. Moritz, C. Jia et al.: Web-Based Methods for X-ray and Photoelectron Spectroscopies
[2108.07916] Joseph R. Rain, PeiYu Cai, Alexander Baekey et al.: Wave functions for high-symmetry, thin microstrip antennas and two-dimensional quantum boxes
[2108.07922] Arsha N, Shabina S, Mamata Sahoo: Velocity auto correlation function of a confined Brownian particle
[2108.07946] Ning Mao, Hao Wang, Ying Dai et al.: Hidden wallpaper fermion and third-order topological insulator
[2108.07965] T. Joshi, D. P. Belanger, Y. T. Tan et al.: Geometric influence on the net magnetic moment in LaCoO$_3$ thin films
[2108.07982] Arushi, Kapil Motla, P. K. Meena et al.: Microscopic investigation of superconducting properties of a strongly coupledsuperconductor IrGe via μSR
[2108.07999] Nasim Bazazzadeh, Mohammad Hamdi, Sungjoon Park et al.: Magnetoelastic coupling enabled tunability of magnon spin current generation in 2D antiferromagnets
[2108.08006] Mario M. Piva, Marein C. Rahn, Sean M. Thomas et al.: Robust narrow-gap semiconducting behavior in square-net La$_{3}$Cd$_{2}$As$_{6}$
[2108.08037] Tapan Kumar Das, Francesco Tassinari, Ron Naaman et al.: The temperature-dependent chiral-induced spin selectivity effect: Experiments and theory
[2108.08054] B. Divinskiy, H. Merbouche, K. O. Nikolaev et al.: Dispersionless propagation of ultra-short spin-wave pulses in ultrathin yttrium iron garnet waveguides
[2108.08069] Keisuke Kitayama, Masahito Mochizuki, Yasuhiro Tanaka et al.: Predicted photoinduced pair annihilation of emergent magnetic charges in the organic salt $α$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ irradiated by lin...
[2108.08078] Michele Righi, Valentina Balbi: Foundations of viscoelasticity and application to soft tissues mechanics
[2108.08099] Alexander Yu. Cherny: Tan's adiabatic sweep theorem from the variational theorem for the scattering length
[2108.08101] L. R. Pratt, D. T. Gomez, A. Muralidharan et al.: Shapes of Non-symmetric Capillary Bridges
[2108.08110] Sonali Baral, Mukesh Kumar Dasoundhi, Indu Rajput et al.: Large linear magnetoresistance and evidence of degeneracy lifting of valence bands in rhombohedral phase of topological crystalline I...
[2108.08124] Fabian Schrodi, Alex Aperis, Peter M. Oppeneer: Induced odd-frequency superconducting state in vertex-corrected Eliashberg theory
[2108.08137] Florian Kleiner, Christian Matthes, Christiane Rößler: Argon Broad Ion beam sectioning and high resolution scanning electron microscopy imaging of hydrated alite
[2108.08138] Jin Cao, Maoyuan Wang, Zhi-Ming Yu et al.: Bulk-Fermi-Arc Transition Induced Large Photogalvanic Effect in Weyl Semimetals
[2108.08146] Shu-Xuan Wang, Shaolong Wan: Duality between Generalized Non-Hermitian HN Model in Flat Space and Hermitian System in Curved space
[2108.08150] Shinji Kawasaki, Madoka Ito, Dai Kamijima et al.: Charge Order and Fluctuations in Bi$_2$Sr$_{2-x}$La$_x$CuO$_{6+δ}$ Revealed by $^{63,65}$Cu-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
[2108.08164] Solvej Knudsen, B. D. Todd, Jeppe C. Dyre et al.: Hydrodynamics of the Lennard-Jones liquid in view of hidden scale invariance
[2108.08182] Zahra Faraei, S. A. Jafari: Half-vortices, confinement transition and chiral Josephson effect in superconducting Weyl/Dirac semimetals
[2108.08183] Yasin Yekta, Hanif Hadipour, S. A. Jafari: How to tune the tilt of a Dirac cone by atomic manipulations?
[2108.08256] James A. Blackburn: Switching Current Distributions in Josephson Junctions at Low Temperatures Resulting From Noise Enhanced Thermal Activation
[2108.08268] Joey Li, Amos Chan, Thorsten B. Wahl: Fermionic Quantum Circuits Reproduce Experimental Two-dimensional Many-body Localization Transition Point
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 19 Aug 21","img":""}
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