ECDIS Navigation Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge of Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS) with this comprehensive quiz designed for maritime professionals. Whether you're preparing for certification or simply wish to enhance your understanding of ECDIS and its requirements, this quiz covers essential topics.
- Multiple-choice and checkbox questions
- Challenges you on various aspects of ECDIS
- Ideal for navigators, maritime students, and educators
When was the mandatory carriage of ECDIS implemented?
01 January 2009
01 January 2011
01 January 2010
01 January 2012
Which of the following is not included in the elements that compose ECDIS?
What maritime convention covers the carriage requirements of ECDIS
When planning a route on ECDIS, always consider ENC ________ settings?
Data Target
Great circle
What is a geographic information system used for nautical navigation that complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations?
When a route on ECDIS, always consider ENC display settings and, as with paper, use the best scale. Take time to check and scan routes?
Cross check
In this stage of passage planning, the navigating officers work out the plan that has been prepared. Safety settings should be adjusted throughout the voyage to reflect the demands of the situation?
Do not rely solely on automatic alarms. A prudent navigator should always seek to prove the ECDIS wrong, rather than assuming it is correct. This happens during ________.
Cross check
Which of the mandatory sensors of ECDIS are NOT included?
ECDIS shall be supplied by an emergency source of electrical power
ECDIS is required to connect to Radar (video and ARP information)
ECDIS is required to connect to the SART
AIS as well as gyrocompass, speed log, and GPS receiver
What is a direct copy or a scan of the paper charts? It looks identical to a paper chart as all the information shown is directly printed?
Raster Charts (RNC)
Vector Chart (ENC)
One layer Charts
ECDIS charts
What are computer-generated charts? The details can be turned on and off depending on the requirement of the user?
Raster Charts( RNC)
Vector Chart (ENC)
One layer Charts
ECDIS charts
What updates to the ECDIS charts may reach the ship in various ways, depending upon the capabilities of the service provider and the onboard communication facilities?
On data distribution media (DVD)
As an email attachment (SATCOM)
As a broadcast message via SATCOM plus additional communication hardware
All of the above
Who studies the entire route, suggests improvements, and eventually approves the final plan?
Chief Mate
Second Mate
Third Mate
Who created the draft plan of a route?
Chief Mate
Second Mate
Third Mate
What are the stages of passage planning?
All of the above
What is the first step to broadly consider the routing and factors affecting the voyage?
All deck officers require a briefing on the plan.
Are ENC appropriate scale/up to date.
Admiralty Information Overlay available.
All of the above
It incorporates and displays information contained in other nautical publications such as Tide Tables and Sailing Directions as well as additional maritime information such as radar information, weather, ice conditions, and automatic vessel identification?
What is the IMO Performance Standard for ECDIS?
ECDIS should emphasize soundings equal to or less than the safety depth.
ECDIS complies with IMO Regulation V/19 & V/27 of the SOLAS Convention as amended.
ECDIS utilizes the feature of the Global Positioning System (GPS) to successfully provide positions.
All of the above
Which of the following is the main source of own ship's position in ECDIS?
Doppler log
Echo sounder
What do you call the draft when the vessel is making way and subjected to squat, sea, and swell states and the increase of draft due to heel when turning?
Aft Draft
Forward Draft
Mid ship Draft
Dynamic Draft
What is the term commonly used to define the distance between the lowest point on the ship's keel (or hull) and the highest point on the channel bottom beneath the ship?
Decrease Depth
Increase Depth
A steady angle of heel is created by an external force such as ___________.
Angle of line
Wind or Waves
Angel of keel
Speed of ship
Refers to an offset that is intentional or expected, as caused by wind pressure on sails, turning or other crew actions.
What is the primary function of ECDIS?
Safe Communication
Contribute to Safe Navigation
Fast Search and Rescue
Which IMO regulation ensures that master and mates are knowledgeable in using ECDIS?
SOLAS Convention
What are the ENC (Electronic Navigational Chart) Layers?
Base Display (No information can be deleted)
Standard Display
Full Display
Custom Display
Give 6 Advantages of vector charts.
Chart information is stored in layers
Users may customize chart displays to suit the particular needs of their vessels
The chart data is seamless
It is possible to zoom in without distorting the charted data
It is possible to select a safety depth & a safety contour
Alarms or indications can be given when the own ship is expected to cross safety contour or to enter a specified area
Give 5 Disadvantages of Vector charts?
Vector charts are technically far more complex than raster charts
Vector charts take longer and cost more to produce than raster charts
Significant worldwide coverage will not be provided by official vector charts for many years
Training in the use of vector charts is likely to be longer and more costly than for raster charts
It is significantly more difficult to ensure the quality and integrity of the displayed vector data.
Give 5 Advantages of Raster charts?
Raster charts are simpler & easier to produce & update than official IHO compliant vector charts
It is much easier to ensure the quality & integrity of the displayed data
They cost less to produce
Official produced raster charts are widely available. For example, ARCS can now provide worldwide coverage
Information from other nautical publications may be displayed in the same raster format.
Give 5 Disadvantages of Raster charts.
The display cannot be customized
When raster charts are overlaid with other information
The display may appear cluttered
Raster charts cannot directly provide alarms or indications to show that own ship is expected to cross a safety contour or to enter a specified area
Raster charts cannot be interrogated without some form of additional database with a common reference system Raster charts cannot be sensibly rotated to head-up or other orientations.
What are the ways to avoid over-reliance on ECDIS?
Avoid over-reliance on ECDIS for monitoring the route
Correlation of visual, radar, echo sounder, and electronic navigation information is critical to maintaining good situational awareness, especially on a coastal passage in a traffic separation scheme
{"name":"NAV 6", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS) with this comprehensive quiz designed for maritime professionals. Whether you're preparing for certification or simply wish to enhance your understanding of ECDIS and its requirements, this quiz covers essential topics.Multiple-choice and checkbox questionsChallenges you on various aspects of ECDISIdeal for navigators, maritime students, and educators","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}