How does inclement weather effect RADAR/ARPA?
maximum range of contact is reduced
the distance of detection increased gradually
unwanted echoes are not produced by sea return
maximum range of contact is increased
n ARPA acquisition, targets NOT detected in 5 consecutive scans become ______?
lost echoes
bad target
lost target
new target
Which structures would NOT caused blind and shadow sectors to radar?
king posts
Which of the following is NOT stabilized?
Ship's head-up relative motion
North-up, True motion
True motion
North-up, relative motion
Which ARPA display mode shows without azimuth stabilization in which the line connecting the center with the top of the display indicates own ship’s heading?
North-up mode
Head-up mode
Course-up mode
Head-up TB mode
The position of own ship on such a display moves in accordance with it’s own motion is called_____.
Relative motion display
Relative target motion display
True motion display
Target's predicted motion
After switching power on radar, you will have to wait until the set warms up for _______seconds.
Which of the following would NOT be considered an input to the computer of a collision avoidance system?
Own ship's exact position from navigation satellite receiver
Own ship's wind velocity from an anemometer
Own ship's gyrocompass heading
Own ship speed from doppler log
Which factor is NOT considered in establishing a safe CPA?
Rules of the Road
Own vessel's characteristics
Weather and sea condition
ETA of the vessel
The length of a vector depends on the _________
Time that the operator enters
Range of the target
Course of the target
Ownship course
Which name is associated with a tracked target which appears to have been temporarily lost or which has a poorly defined radar aspect, in so much that, the target does NOT have tracking ability?
Lost target
Lost echo
Bad echo
Bad target
A symbol that shows on the PPI scope a flashing triangle apex down, used to mark the target.
Target entering guard ring
CPA/TCPA warning
Collision warning
Lost target warning
A symbol that shows a flashing diamond formed from two equal triangle, one apex up the other apex down.
Collision warning
Target entering guard ring
Lost target warning
CPA/TCPA warning
A symbol that shows a flashing triangle apex up, used to mark the target.
Lost target warning
CPA/TCPA warning
Target entering guard ring
Collision warning
Which of the following ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target vessel?
Relative track information
Predicted time of CPA
Bow cross-time
Set and drift of the current
When using an ARPA, which of the following should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?
Target vessels generated course and speed are based solely on radar inputs
Navigational constraints may require a target vessel to change course
The trial maneuver feature automatically determine a course that will clear all target
The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarm
A navigator fixing a vessel’s position by radar ____.
should never use radar bearings
should only use radar bearings when range increase
must use information from targets forwards of the beam
Can use radar information from one objects to fix the position
Which term refers to the selection of targets that requires tracking procedure and the initiation of their tracking?
Radar plotting
From the following remarks on Rule 8 of COLREGS 72 are mentioned correct EXCEPT:
Taking all way off
Succession of little alteration
Optimistic approach in a ample time
Stacken speed by moving rudders hard to both side
When navigating in restricted visibility a power driven vessel shall _____.
Operate at a speed to be able to stop on the distance of her visibility
Have her engine ready for immediate maneuver
When making way, sound one prolonged blast at intervals of not more than one-minute
Stop her engine when hearing a fog signal forward of her beam, even if risk of collision does not exist
As per COLREGS, in radar maneuvering it is better to make a 30 degrees course change in ____.
3 alterations of 10 degrees each
6 alterations of 5 degrees each
1 alteration of 30 degrees
2 alterations of 15 degrees each
Which rule obligates the mariner to determine if a closed quarter’s situation is developing and/or risk of collision exists by radar plotting?
Rule 18 (b)
Rule 18 (d)
Rule 19 (b)
Rule 19 (d)
A technique used as a measure to monitor the progress of a vessel on the track and to minimize the cross-track distance.
Radar Plotting
Trial maneuver
Parallel indexing
The distance the vessel is to one side of the straight line between two waypoints.
Cross-track error
Vector length
Variable range marker distance
All of the above
ARPA is based on ___
+/- 5 of roll
+/- 10 of roll
+/- 15 of roll
+/- 20 of roll
Which ARPA display mode shows without azimuth stabilization in which the line connecting the center with the top of the display indicates ownship's heading?
Head-up mode
North-up mode
Course-up mode
Head-up TB mode
The display on which ARPA information is presented should have an effective diameter of at least
300 mm
310 mm
320 mm
It shows a square indicated by its corners centered around the target symbol.
Tracked target
Target entering zone warning
Selected target
Target in acquisition state
Which of the following ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarter situation will develop with vessel?
Relative track information
Predicted time of CPA
Set and drift of the current
Bow cross-time
Vessels required to have an Automatic Radar Plotting Aid must have a device to indicate the ___
distance to the next port
time of the next navigational satellites passes
speed of the vessel over the ground or through the water
estimated time of arrival to the next port
When will ARPA provide true data?
Immediately after acquisition
Within one minute from the start of tracking
after about 2 minutes of tracking
After about three minutes of tracking
What is the purpose or function of the "Trial mode" used in most ARPA equipment?
It selects trial dots for targets recent past positions
It is used to allow the results of the proposed maneuver to be assessed
It is used to display target position and your ownship data such as CPA
None of these
Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log due to currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over the ground. What should you expect under these circumstances?
The target true course vector will be in error.
The range of initial target acquisition will be less than normal
The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPA
The generated CPA will be less than the actual CPA
In for you observe your radar and determine that the risk. You should ____
stop your engines
sound the danger signal at two minutes intervals of collision exists with a vessel that is 2 miles off your port bow
Hold course and speed until the other vessel is sighted
take avoiding action as soon as possible
You have been tracking a target and have generated the target course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather. What should you expect under these circumstances?
The ARPA will give an audible and for visual lost target alarm
The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lost
The ARPA will not generate any data
The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radar.
What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm, audible alarm, or both?
An acquired target entering into a guard zone.
A tracked target fost for one radar scan.
A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limit
A target being initially detected within a guard zone.
In ARPA, in what case you have lost target?
False echo
Target too far
Small target in bad weather
Poor sensitivity
Your ARPA had two guard zones, what is the purpose of the inner guard zone?
Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the preset CPA limit
Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering situation
Warm of small targets that are initially detected closer than the outer guard zone
Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone
When will ARPA emit an alarm to denote that a target is lost?
Immediately when no evidence of target is found
After one minute when no evidence of target is found
When no evidence of the target is found after five successive sweeps of the antenna
When no evidence of the target is found after three successive sweeps of the antenna
The recognition of the presence of a target is called __________
The closest point of approach of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined
Immediately when the contact is noted on the radar
only if radar scope is watched constantly
by an occasional glance at the radar
After the contact has been marked at least twice
Comparing manual and automatic acquisition in ARPA, which is most sensitive?
Manual acquisition
Automatic acquisition
Not relevant
Same sensitivity
The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two targets _____________
are tracked on reciprocal bearings
are tracked at the same range
are tracked on the same bearing
pass close together
You are using a radar in which your ownship is shown at the center, and the heading flash always points at zero. If bearings are measured in relation to the flash, what type of bearings are produced?
True bearing
Compass bearing
Relative bearing
Magnetic bearing
A radar contact will remain stationary on a relative motion radar display only when it is _________________
at the same speed as your vessel
On the same course as your vessel
on the same course and speed as your vessel
On a reciprocal course and the same speed as your vessel
These are methods of Collision Avoidance, except ____________________
Altering course, maintaining speed
Preserving course and altering speed
Simultaneous alteration of course and speed
Preserving course, maintaining speed
Target aspects are measured from _______________
Target course and direction of relative motion
Target course and bearing of an own ship from target
Target course and 2nd observation bearing
Own ship course and target course
A radar range to a small, charted object such as light will provide a line of position in which form?
The most accurate position by radar fix is _________________
the intersection of two radar bearings
radar range and visual bearing
radar range and radar bearing
two radar ranges
What is the process of observing the sequential changes in the position of a target, to establish its motion?
Does the COLREGS give any preference to ships equipped with ARPA?
Only in good visibility
Only during reduced visibility
Using the control STC on RADAR, at what distance does sea return disappear?
distance of around 2.5 to 3 nautical miles (4.63 to 5.6 kilometers)
distance of around 2 to 3 nautical miles (3.704 to 5.6 kilometers)
distance of around 1 to 3 nautical miles (1.852 to 5.6 kilometers)
distance of around 1.5 to 3 nautical miles (2.8 to 5.6 kilometers)
The sensitivity of the ARPA tracking system is increased when operating in automatic acquisition mode.
The echoes are remained between guard rings when the search area philosophy is used by the ARPA tracking system.
The processing time depends on the antenna rotation time.
The information on the ARPA is always on delayed time in relation to “real life” and this fact must be taken into account at all times.
One of the reason for loosing targets in the ARPA system is when the target entering the abeam sector.
As range increase the accuracy of bearing and range information and tracking accuracy increases.
Accuracy of the vector will only be within acceptable limits after five minutes of steady tracking.
The target causing the warning shall be clearly indicated on the display.
Only a flashing warning is activated whenever the system no longer track a target.
Own ships position input must be kept. Correct on the ARPA at all times.
ARPA can acquires 10 targets automatically.
Rain clutter suppresses over the whole screen and can also suppress small targets which is a danger.
The antenna rotates in Stand by status.
The best tuning point condition is where the tuning indicator lights to about 80% of its total length.
In True motion mode, Own ship and other moving objects move in accordance with their relative courses and speeds.
In North Up mode, the heading marker changes its direction according to the ship’s heading.
For stable reception of certain types of radar beacons (racons) or SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) as required by SOLAS 1974 as amended 1988 (GMDSS), it is recommended to turn the interference rejector on
A target entering the guard zone produces both visual (flashing) and audible (beeping) alarms.
The anchor watch feature helps you monitor whether other ship is dragged by wind and/or tide while at anchor.
True vectors can be displayed relative to own ship’s heading (Relative) or with reference to the north (True).
_________ controls the overall amplification of all returned echoes.
INT Reject
ECHO Trails
Variable Range Marker
The _____________ reduces mutual radar interference.
INT Reject
ECHO Trails
Variable Range Marker
This ____________ shows trails of target echoes in the form of simulated afterglow.
INT Reject
ECHO Trails
Variable Range Marker
The HM is used to temporarily ________ the heading marker.
This ___________ provides an accurate measurement of range to targets.
INT Reject
ECHO Trails
Variable Range Marker
_____________ adjusts the brightness of range rings
Range Rings
Interference Rejection
Selecting a short pulse length will ___________ range discrimination, making it possible to distinguish between a tug and its tow for instance.
The FTC will _______ the interference on the screen due to the rain and increase the chance of seeing targets within rain showers.
The STC is a form of swept gain control which turns _____ the gain in the area of the screen where sea clutter echoes are found.
The ___________ converts the transmitted/ received frequency of the radio wave back to a lower immediate frequency to allow proper amplifications of the returned echoes.
Range Rings
Interference Rejection
Wavelength indicates the number of crests, which pass a fixed point per unit time.
X-band radar has a wavelength of 10 cm.
Magnetron converts the input into high frequency oscillation.
The receiver amplify the incoming echoes.
A radar sweep is one complete 360 degree rotation of the antenna.
A long pulse means better resolution in range.
A short pulse means less resolution in range.
The bearing accuracy is generally better than the range accuracy of a radar.
The duplexer ensure that all circuits connected to the radar system operate in a definite time relationship with each other.
The antenna transfers the transmitter energy to signals in space with the required distribution and efficiency.
is a radar's capacity to distinguish between close-proximity targets on the same bearing.
Resolution in bearing
Resolution in range
Height of antenna and target
Reflecting quality and aspect of target
is a radar's capacity to distinguish between close-proximity targets at the same distance.
Resolution in bearing
Resolution in range
Height of antenna and target
Reflecting quality and aspect of target
The lower portion of the target won't be visible if the radar horizon is between the transmitting vessel and the target.
Resolution in bearing
Resolution in range
Height of antenna and target
Reflecting quality and aspect of target
also known as rain control for anti-clutter.
Interference Rejection
FTC (Fast Time Constant)
Blind sector
Pulse Length Control
occurs when a ship and a relatively close target, such as another ship, engage in radar beam bouncing.
Blind sector
Radar shadows
The multiple echo
Bearing accuracy
occurs when a huge radar target hides a smaller target behind it or when the curvature of the Earth hides a target.
Blind sector
Radar shadows
The multiple echo
Bearing accuracy
Antenna not placed at the ships highest point. Structures above antenna will create blind sector in radar screen. Objects within this sector will normally be invisible in the screen.
Blind sector
Heading Marker Error
Bearing And Range Distortion
Consistent Common Reference Point
If the target does not rise above the radar horizon, the radar beam cannot be reflected from the target.
Aspect Of A Target.
Targets having larger reflecting areas return stronger echoes than targets having smaller reflecting areas.
Aspect Of A Target.
The orientation to the axis of the radar beam. The nearer the angle between the reflecting and the beam axis is 90 deg., the greater is the strength of the echo returned to the antenna.
Aspect Of A Target.
Targets of identical shape may give echoes of varying strength, depending on aspect.
Aspect Of A Target.
A smooth surface will give poor radar echo because most of the energy is reflected in another direction.
Aspect Of A Target.
{"name":"NAVIGATION 05", "url":"","txt":"How does inclement weather effect RADAR\/ARPA?, n ARPA acquisition, targets NOT detected in 5 consecutive scans become ______?, Which structures would NOT caused blind and shadow sectors to radar?","img":""}
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