Social Knowledge Quiz

To celebrate the official launch of the Social Practice Site, we invite everyone from engineers to technicians to test your knowledge of the information available on the practice site through a knowledge quiz. (Almost) all answers can be found if you dig around the practice site ( Non-monetary (but equally valuable) awards will be given to the best performers! Please enter your name and surname below.
Who are the regional contacts for the social safeguards team in NASA?
Toby Nugent and Kirsty Haymon
Marianne Lupton and Aline Martins
Pierre Gouws and Hannah Mills
Which one is not a characteristic of Indigenous Peoples as recognised by IFC?
A close attachment to ancestral terri-tories and to the natural resources in these areas
Self-identification and identification by others as members of a distinct cultural group
Land and resources available for development and extraction for human benefits
An indigenous language, often different from the national language
What does FPIC stand for?
Free, prior and informed consensus
Free, prior and informed consent
Financial Private Investment Corporation
Full, prior and informed consent
What is an example of a project where the Social Safeguards team delivered SIA services?
Pwalugu Multi-Purpose Dam Project, Ghana
Majnoon Oilfields, Iraq​
ADASAS Toll Roads, Honduras​
Kpone CCGT Project, Ghana​
Which service is not offered by the Social Safeguards team?
Ecosystem Services Assessment
Human Rights Due Diligence
Stakeholder Engagement Planning
Land Acquisition and Resettlement Planning
Geographic Information System
A process whereby a public authority, usually in return for compensation, requires a person, household, or community to relinquish rights to land that it occupies or otherwise uses. Which is the right title for this definition?
Affected household
Land expropriation
Livelihood restoration plan
Involuntary resettlement
What does PAP stand for?
Project Affected Person/ People
Person/ People Affected Project
Project Affected Place
None of the above
Which one is the correct definition of stakeholders?
Any and all individuals, groups, organisations, and institutions interested in and potentially affected by a project or having the ability to influence a project.
People living in or around areas to which physically displaced people will be resettled. These people may, in turn, also may be affected by the resettlement.
All members of a household affected by a project, whether they are related or not and who operate as a single economic unit.
People who by virtue of gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental disability, economic disadvantage, or social status may be more adversely affected by resettlement than others.
Which topic will Hannah Mills be presenting on during Excellence Week?
Avoiding impacts on natural resources based livelihoods in international infrastructure projects
The Inexact Science of Community Investment: Case Study of the Tangguh LNG Project, Indonesia
Delivering Socially Inclusive Services and Infrastructure
Labour, Health and Safety Challenges Pakistan Hydropower Projects
What services can the Economic and Social Development (ESD) team provide?
Impact assessment
Equality, diversity, inclusion, advice and training
Engagement and consultation
Quantification and measurement
All of the above
How many protected characteristic groups are there as defined by the UK Equality Act (2010)?
How many of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals include a focus on inclusivity and equality?
What benefits can be realised by assessing projects prior to their delivery?
Avoid delays
Minimise reputational risks
Reduce any adverse commercial impacts
All of the above
Who is the social and community practice lead for the Economic and Social Development team?
Kerry Scott
James Beard
Steve Wilson
Bonus Question: Which country has the Social Safeguards team never worked in?
St Lucia
If you have any feedback or suggestions on the Social practice site, for example how useful the information is or how easy it is to navigate, please enter them here.
{"name":"Social Knowledge Quiz", "url":"","txt":"To celebrate the official launch of the Social Practice Site, we invite everyone from engineers to technicians to test your knowledge of the information available on the practice site through a knowledge quiz. Prizes will be awarded to the best performers! Please enter your name and surname below., Who are the regional contacts for the social safeguards team in NASA?, Which one is not a characteristic of Indigenous Peoples as recognised by IFC?","img":""}
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