Work Day Trivia

A vibrant illustration depicting caregivers interacting with clients in various work settings, showcasing professionalism and care, with supportive visuals of office settings and communication scenarios.

Work Day Trivia Quiz

Test your knowledge on best practices and protocols in the workplace with our engaging Work Day Trivia quiz! This quiz is designed for caregivers to help reinforce important guidelines and enhance your professional skills.

Topics covered include:

  • Client interactions
  • Communication with family members
  • Emergency response
  • Office protocols
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by HelpingHand102
If a client or their family member asks for your personal cell phone number, what should you do?
Call the office
Give them your number
Give them a fake number
Inform them that you are unable to provide your personal cell number and any changes or updates need to be made through the office to ensure the correct information is provided
If your client falls while you are with them but isn't hurt, what should you do?
A. Assist them and tell them to rest
B. Call the office
C. Update the client journal and tell them to rest
D. Call the office and update the client journal
If your client's family member asks you to administer medication and you know you are not supposed to, what do you do?
Give the client the medication
Log it in the client journal.
Politely tell the family that you are not allowed to, call the office to let us know and we will follow up with the family.
Your client's family member has asked you to make up/ create a exercise routine for your client, what do you do?
Unfortunately, you are not allowed, as you are not qualified to develop a exercise routine for the client. You are unable to manipulate and maneuver any part of the client's body to assist with exercises. You can only encourage the client to do their exercises
You respond that you would love to and do the exercises with the client
You help the client move parts of their body to complete exercises.
Your client wants to give you a house key what do you do?
Accept it and keep it for when you need to get into the home
You are not allowed to take a key or make a copy unless you contact the office and out 'Key Policy Document' has been filled out
Tell the client you will make a copy of the key
4.) Is it acceptable to have a family member call the office if you need the day off?
No- you are responsible for calling into the office, to ensure we have the correct information
If you are uncomfortable continuing to see one of your ongoing clients, what do you do?
Tell the client you are not returning and call the office
Call the office, give 2 weeks notice and relay your concerns to the service coordinators.
Call the office
Should you ask the client if you could use their Wifi?
No- This could leave an unprofessional first impression
If you are a driving caregiver and your client asks you to drive them to a quick appointment or to the grocery store, can you take them in your car?
No- you cannot take the client in your car to an appointment or to the grocery store. You will need a 6A insurance form to be filled out and submitted to the office.
You have noticed that your client's behavior has changed over the last few weeks, what do you do?
Chat with the client's family about your concerns
Log it into the client journal
Log it into the client journal, call and notify the office
Should you share with your new client how long it takes you to get to their home or share personal information when you first meet them?
No- Sharing too much information when you first meet your new client can be overwhelming for them. Sharing how long it takes you to travel to their home can also be off-putting and interpreted as you not be interested in continuing to see them ongoing due to the distance between your home and theirs, which could create panic and concern
If you need an extended period of time off (10-15 days off) who do you tell first?
The office
Service Coordinators
Recruitment and Retention Coordinator (HR)
If you are not feeling well and need to go home what do you do?
Call the office and notify them
Tell the client you are leaving
Look for the next bus time and catch the next bus
If the client's buzzer code is not working, what do you do?
Call security/ concierge
Call the office
Wait in the lobby
All of the above
If a client becomes very upset and asks you to leave what do you do?
Go home right away
Clock out
Call the office and let them know.
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