Periodontitic Prof lim sokun

Periodontics Mastery Quiz
Test your knowledge on periodontics with this comprehensive quiz designed for dental professionals and students! With 100 multiple-choice questions, this quiz covers various aspects of periodontal tissues, anatomy, and histology.
Improve your understanding and retention of critical periodontal concepts through:
- Engaging questions
- Thorough explanations
- Immediate feedback
Which of the following structures is NOT part of the enamel organ?
Stellate reticulum
Stratum intermedium
Odontoblast layer
Stellate reticulum Odontoblast layer
Which portion of the tooth germ is the primary source of the periodontal ligament?
Dental follicle
Hertwig's epithelial root sheath
Stratum intermedium
Dental follicl Stratum intermedium
Which portion of the tooth germ is the primary source of the junctional epithelium?
Outer enamel epithelium
Stellate reticulum
Stratum intermedium
Stellate reticulum, Stratum intermedium
Which of the following structures does not belong to the periodontal tissues?
Alveolar bone
Basal bone
Alveolar bone Cementum
Basal bone is not part of the periodontium, as it is located under the alveolar process that houses the dentition. Following completion of amelogenesis in humans, the anatomic crown is lined with a layer of reduced enamel epithelium. This layer is derived primarily from which of the following?
Outer enamel epithelium and stellate reticulum
Stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium
Stratum intermedium and ameloblast layer
Stellate reticulum and stratum intermedium&Stratum intermedium and ameloblast layer
In the presence of HEAVY function the periodontal ligament undergoes certain changes as compared to a ligament in light function. Which of the following statements best describes these changes?
Increased width and increased cellularity
Decreased width and increased cellularity
Increased width and decreased cellularity
Decreased width and increased cellularity Increased width and decreased cellularity
Which of the following tissues is the MOST likely source of cementogenic cells in adults who have undergone root planing?
Bone marrow
Periodontal ligament
Residual cementum patches
Bone marrow Periodontal ligament
Which of the following fiber groups DO NOT contribute to tooth anchorage?
Periapical fiber group
σ Horizontal fiber group
σ Intergingival fiber group
σ Periapical fiber group, Horizontal fiber group
Which of the following statements about periodontal probing is MOST accurate?
σ Generally underestimates anatomic sulcus or pocket depth
σ Generally overestimates anatomic sulcus or pocket depth
σ Generally accurately measures anatomic sulcus or pocket depth
σ Generally underestimates anatomic sulcus or pocket depth,Generally overestimates anatomic sulcus or pocket depth
Which of these collagen types are NOT found in the periodontal ligament?
σ Type I
σ Type II
σ Type IV
σ Type I Type II
Which of these cell combinations are responsible for the production of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum?
Cementoblasts and cell rests of Malassez
σ Cementoblasts and osteoblasts
σ Cementoblasts and periodontal ligament fibroblasts
σ Cementoblasts and cell rests of Malassez Cementoblasts and osteoblasts
The narrowest zone of gingiva is found in the region of?
σ The buccal surface of the maxillary first molar
σ The lingual surface of the mandibular first molar
σ The buccal surface of the mandibular canine and first premolar
σ The buccal surface of the maxillary first molar The lingual surface of the mandibular first molar
. The gingival groove, when present, is a good indicator of ?
σ Gingival health
σ Location of the gingival sulcus bottom
σ Neither of the above
σ Gingival healthLocation of the gingival sulcus bottom
The retrocuspid papilla is ?
σ A mucosal projection located lingual to the mandibular canines
σ A pathologic alteration of the interdental gingiva between the mandibular canines and first premolar
σ A gingival anomaly associated with periodontal pockets
σ A mucosal projection located lingual to the mandibular canines A pathologic alteration of the interdental gingiva between the mandibular canines and first premolar
Which of the following is the most permeable portion of the gingival epithelium?
σ The junctional epithelium
σ The sulcular epithelium
σ The oral epithelium
σ The sulcular epithelium The oral epithelium
Which of the following is not a gingival fiber group?
σ Semicircular
σ Alveolar crest
σ Transsepta
σ Semicircular, Alveolar crest Transsepta
Anchoring fibrils are found?
σ Between the lamina densa and the lamina lucida
σ Between the epithelial cell surface and the lamina lucida
σ In the connective tissue adjacent to the lamina densa
σ Between the lamina densa and the lamina lucida Between the epithelial cell surface and the lamina lucida
The lamina densa contains what type of collagen?
σ Type I
σ Type IV
σ Type VII
σ Type IType IV
The anchoring fibrils are composed of what type of collagen?
σ Type I
σ Type IV
σ Type VII
σ Type I Type IV
20. The term epithelial attachment properly refers to ?
σ Junctional epithelium
σ The interface of the junctional epithelium with the tooth
σ The hemidesmosomes of basal cells
σ Junctional epithelium , The interface of the junctional epithelium with the tooth
The average width of the periodontal ligament around a functional permanent tooth is ?
0.5 - 1.0 mm
0.2 - 0.3 mm
0.03 - 0.05 mm
0.2 - 0.3 mm, 0.03 - 0.05 mm
Which of the following has the highest rate of desquamation (i.e. Number of cells shed per unit surface area) ?
σ Oral epithelium
σ Sulcular epithelium
σ Junctional epithelium
σ Oral epithelium Sulcular epithelium
Anchorage of the tooth to the alveolar process is mediated through which of the following?
σ Transseptal fibers
σ Oxytalan fibers
σ Sharpey's fibers
σ Transseptal fibers Oxytalan fibers
24. The cell rests of Malassez are?
σ Cells derived from odontogenic epithelium
σ Endothelial cell remnants
σ Glandular elements secreting gingival fluid
σ Cells derived from odontogenic epitheliu Endothelial cell remnants
. The alveolus is lined with?
σ A cribriform plate of compact bone
σ A cancellous bone surface
σ A continuous layer of Haversian bone
σ A cribriform plate of compact bone A cancellous bone surface
Which of the following best describes the histology of a predominantly resorbing bone surface?
σ Reversal lines
σ Howship's lacunae
σ Reversal lines and Howship's lacunae
σ All of the above
27. Failure of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath to separate from the dentin surface during root development may give rise to which of the following anomalies?
σ Hypercementosis
σ Sessile cementicles
σ Enamel pearls
σ Sessile cementicles , Enamel pearls
. In humans, bundle bone is most likely to be found?
σ On the mesial surface of the alveolus
σ On the distal surface of the alveolus
σ Lining the fundus of the alveolus
σ On the distal surface of the alveolus Lining the fundus of the alveolus
Which of the following cell types is unable to undergo mitosis?
σ Ameloblasts
σ Pre-ameloblasts
σ Stratum intermedium cells
σ Ameloblasts Pre-ameloblasts
CELLULAR cementum is most likely found around ?
σ The cervical portion of the root
σ The root of an unerupted tooth
σ The apical portion of the root
σ The root of an unerupted tooth The apical portion of the root
In human teeth, afibrillar cementum is most likely encountered as ?
σ Coronal cementum
σ Radicular cementum in furcations
σ On the roots of unerupted teeth
σ Coronal cementum Radicular cementum in furcations
The major type of collagen associated with bone matrix is?
σ Type I
σ Type II
σ Type X
σ Type I & Type II
The lamina dura on radiographs corresponds to: ?
σ The buccal and lingual cortical plates of the jawbone
σ The supporting cancellous bone between the teeth
σ The alveolar bone proper
σ The supporting cancellous bone between the teeth The alveolar bone proper
Dental calculus:?
σ Is a causative agent in periodontitis& Forms on the coronal aspects of teeth only
σ Is plaque that has become mineralised with ionsfrom gingival crevicular fluid
σ Contains predominantly crystals ofhydroxyapatite when mature
σ Does not contain bacteria
. Porphyromonas gingivdis:?
σ Is one of the first bacterial species to colonise a newly cleaned tooth surface
σ Has the ability to invade gingival soft tissues, Is generally encapsulated
σ Is a causative organism for localised aggressive periodontitis
σ Is an obligate aerobe
Concerning the following organisms associated with periodontal diseases:
σ Porphyromonas gingivdis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans are frequently isolated from healthy sites
σ Streptococci and Actinomyces spp. Are early colonising organisms& Fusobacterium nudedum is an anaerobic motile rod implicated in chronic periodontitis
σ Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is effectively removed from periodontally involved sites by scaling and root planing
σ Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is an indigenous component of oral microflora
The established inflammatory lesion of gingivitis:
σ Is recognisable histologically within 2–4 days of plaque growth,
σ Represents the transition between gingivitis and periodontitis
σ Is dominated by a T lymphocyte infiltrate
σ Is associated clinically with increased flow of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF)
σ Can be diagnosed clinically by the presence of gingival erythema and oedema
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils):
σ Are not found in the gingival sulcus
σ Secrete matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) type 1
σ Contribute to the destruction of the periodontal tissues during periodontitis
σ Represent the first line of cellular defences against periodontal pathogens, Contribute to the destruction of the periodontal tissues during periodontitis and are almost always found in the gingival tissues
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR):
σ Is indicated in class I furcation defects
σ Is dependent on the formation of a stable blood clot for best results
σ Typically results in clinical improvements in probing depths, attachment levels and gingival recession
σ Requires the use of a non-resorbable membrane (e.g. ePTFE) for best results in osseointegration
40. Periodontal flap surgery:
σ Is indicated when non-surgical treatment is contraindicated owing to poor plaque control
σ Is the surgical treatment of choice for druginduced gingival overgrowth
σ Results in the formation of a long junction epithelium, Frequently results in compromised aesthetics through gingival recession
σ Usually results in loss of the keratinised gingiva
Regarding alveolar bone destruction in periodontitis:
σ Vertical bony defects have a better prognosis than horizontal defects following non-surgical treatment& Fenestrations and dehiscences predispose sites to periodontal breakdown
σ Three-walled vertical defects are well suited for treatment by guided tissue regeneration
σ Radiographs provide an accurate representation of sites undergoing active bone loss
σ Osteoclasts are stimulated to resorb bone by interferon-y
σ The dentition is divided into five segments. and Pocketing of 4-5 mm, that is, when the gingival margin is on the clear area is code no. 3.
σ Pocketing of 6mm or more, that is when the gingival margin is on the black area of the probe is code no. 4.
σ For appropriate treatment plan code 2 requires improvement in home care.
σ For appropriate treatment plan code 3 require supra and subgingival scaling and improvement in home care.
43. U.S. Food and drug administration for the adjunctive therapy of periodontitis has approved doxycycline hyclate:
σ Available as 100mg capsule for use twice daily and Available as 20mg capsule for use twice daily.
σ Available 200mg capsule for use twice daily
σ Available as 40mg capsule for use twice daily.
σ Available as 20mg capsule for once daily use.
Root planning is:
σ Removal of material Alba and stains from root surface. and Removal of soft tissue wall of the periodontal pocket.
σ Removal of calculus & plaque from root surface.
σ Removal of food debris from tooth surface.
σ Removal of diseased cementum along with other root deposits.
45. Greater occlusal pressure on the periodontium produces:
σ Increased resorption of alveolar bone and formation of cementum.
σ A gradation of changes in periodontal ligament starting with tension of fibers which produce areas of fibrosis.
σ Injury to fibroblasts and other connective tissue cells lead to necrosis of areas of the ligament.
σ Disintegration of blood vessels within 30 minutes. and Disintegration of blood vessels within 05 minutes.
46. The mobility of the teeth is graded 3 if:
σ The mobility is 1mm.
σ The mobility is less than 1mm.
σ The mobility is in apicoocclusal direction and 1mm in labiolingual direction. and The mobility is in apicoocclusal direction and mobility is less than 1mm in labio -lingual direction.
σ The mobility is in apicoocclusal direction and mobility in labio-lingual direction is more than 2mm.
Localized aggressive periodontitis is best treated in early stage by:
σ Tetracycline 250mg 4 times daily for fourteen days
σ Tetracycline 250mg once daily for 7 days.
σ Tetracycline 250mg twice daily for 7 days.
σ Tetracycline 250mg 4 times daily for 3 days. and Tetracycline 250mg 4 times daily for 5 days
48. Furcation involvement is measured by:
σ WHO probe.
σ CPITN probe.
σ Naber’s probe.
σ Michigan “O” probe. and Periodontal explore
49. Classically the epithelial rete ridges show a saw tooth appearance, hyperkeratosis or parakeratosis, hydropic degeneration of basal layer and a dense band like infiltrate of Tlymphocytes microscopically in:
σ Pemphigus.
σ Pemphigoid and Linear IgA disease.
σ Lichen planus.
σ Chronic ulcerative stomatitis.
The bacteria detected in localized aggressive periodontitis are:
σ Borrelia vincenti, medium size spirochetes and Fusiformis, Tanerella forsythus.
σ Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, capnocytophaga Spp., Eikenella corrodens, campylobacter rectus, prevotella intermedia
σ Mycoplasma, capnocytophaga sputigena, spirocheles.
σ Treponema denticola, fusobacterium nucleatum, rectus, Actinobacillus Actinomycetem comitans.
Tumor metastasing to gingiva is/are:
σ Papilloma.
σ Central giant cell carcinoma of the jaw.
σ Fibroma. & Lipoma.
σ Adenocarcinoma of colon, renal cell carcinoma, hypernephroma, lung carcinoma
Periodontal destruction is considered moderate when:
σ 3-4mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred in chronic periodontitis.
σ 1-2mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred in chronic peroidontitis.
σ 5mm or more of clinical attachment loss has occurred in chronic periodontitis.
σ 0-1mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred and 0.5-0.9mm of clinical attachment loss has occurred in chronic periodontitis.
False gingival enlargement is caused by:
σ Underlying drug induced gingival enlargement.
σ Underlying inflammation of periodontal ligament.
σ Underlying dental and osseous structures
σ By epulis & Sarcoidosis.
. Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis:
σ Is associated with deep periodontal pockets, and Is associated with a crater like depression at the tip of interdental papilla and vesicle formation.
σ Is associated with a crater like interdental bony depression
σ Is not responsive to any therapy.
σ Leads to gingival recession because of faulty tooth brushing.
Subclinical gingivitis is:
σ Characterized by vascular proliferation.
σ Characterized by predominantly lymphocytes microscopically.
σ Characterized by predominantly plasma cells microscopically. and Characterized by erythema, bleeding on probing.
σ Characterized by increased crevicular fluid flow and infillration of sulcular and junctional epithelium by polymorphonuclearleukocytes.
The amount of gingival crevicular fluid is:
σ Decreased when inflammation is present.
σ Increase by trauma from occlusion.
σ Decreased by mastication of coarse foods and smoking. and Decreased by ovulation and hormonal contraceptives.
σ Increased by tooth brushing and gingival massage.
. Dentogingival unit:
σ Is sulcular epithelium and gingival fibers.
σ Is junctional epithelium and gingival fibers.
σ Is sulcular epithelium and periodontal fibers.
σ Is junctional epithelium and periodontal fibers. and Is oral epithelium and gingival fibers.
Transseptal fibers extend:
σ epithelium to the alveolar crest.
σ Interproximally over the alveolar crest and are embedded in cementum of adjacent teeth.
σ From the cementum in a coronal direction obliquely to the bone. and From the cementum to cementum in the furcation areas of themultirooted teeth.
σ At right angles to the long axis of the tooth from cementum to the alveolar bone.
Leukemic gingival enlargement:
σ Occurs in edentulous areas.
σ Occurs in chronic leukemia.
σ Occurs by abnormal accumulation of leukemia cells in dermal and subcutaneous connective tissue. and Occurs by dense cellular accumulation in papillary layer of connective tissue.
σ Occurs by dense cellular accumulation in reticular layer of connective tissue
The initial colonisers in the dental plaque are:
Fusobacterium nucleatum, prevotella intermedia.
σ Capnocytophaga species, campylobacter rectus and Tannerellaforsythus, bacterionema maturochottii.
σ Streptococcus sanguis, actinomyces viscosus
σ Eikehella corrodens, actinobacills actenomycetem comitans.
A forcibly embedded tooth brush bristle may be retained in the gingival and cause:
σ Gingival recession.
σ Periodontal pocket.
σ Attachment loss, Bone loss.
σ Gingival abscess.
Vitamin B deficiency results in:
σ Deep periodontal pockets.
σ Hemorrhagic diathesis in the gingival Loss of lamina dura.
σ Glossitis, glossodynia, gingivitive, inflammation of entire oral mucosa
σ Accelerated gingival wound healing.
Non eugenol periodontal dressing:
σ The retention is by chemically interlocking in the interdental areas.
σ Contact allergy to eugenol has been reported.
σ There is asbestos,Is placed for two weeks.
σ Is placed for one week
Mineralization of plaque may start intracellularly in:
σ Streptococcus sanguis and actinomyces viscosus species.
σ Porphyromonas gingivalis and prevotela intermedia species.
σ Diptheroids, bacterionema, veillonella species
σ Borrelia vincenti and actinobacillus actinoemycetum comitans Capnocytophaga and campylobacter rectus and tenneralla forsythus.
Synthetic resorbable suturing materials in periodontal surgery is:
σ Polyglycolic.
σ Expanded polytetra fluoroethylene.
σ Nylon.
σ Polyester, Chromic gut.
Excisional new attachment procedure involves:
σ A periodontal flap.
σ A free gingival graft.
σ A regenerative osseous procedure, Root planning.
σ Internal bevel incision from the margin of the free gingiva apically to point below bottom of pocket
The distance between the apical extent of the calculus and alveolar crest in human periodontal pockets is:
σ 0.2mm.
σ 3mm
σ 1.97mm (=33.16%).
σ 4mm , 0.02mm.
Horizontal bone loss is present in:
σ Localized aggressive periodontitis.
σ Generalized aggressive periodontitis, Infrabony pockets.
σ Chronic periodontitis
σ Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
Regional lymphnode enlargement is present in:
σ Acute pericronitis.
σ Lichen planus.
σ Pemphigoid
σ Pemphigus vulgaris, Chronic ulcerative stomatitis.
Average human biologic width is:
σ 3mm.
σ 2mm.
σ 4mm
σ 1mm & 0.5mm.
A traumatic occlusal force acting on a tooth with a healthy periodontium will likely cause:
σ Gingivitis
σ Periodontal disease
σ Radiographic widening of the periodontal membrane space, Increased tooth mobility Gingival recession
σ Gingivitis, Periodontal disease
Vertical, infrabony defects are frequently seen on radiographs:
σ In patients with localised aggressive periodontitis, Adjacent to a tooth which has 'tipped' into an extraction space and Adjacent to an overhanging restoration
σ On teeth that serve as abutments to partial dentures
σ On teeth that serve as abutments for bridge retainers
σ On teeth that serve as abutments to partial dentures, On teeth that serve as abutments for bridge retainers
In periodontal health:
σ The width of keratinised gingiva is the same through the mouth
σ The alveolar bone crest is at the same level as the cementoenamel junction
σ Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) is absent,Teeth show no mobility
σ There are no periodontal pockets
The aim of root planing is to:
σ Remove calculus deposits and necrotic cementation and Facilitate healing by formation of a long junctional epithelium
σ Remove the entire cementum layer to expose dentine
σ Remove the ulcerated epithelial pocket wall
σ Obtain a new connective tissue attachment to the root surface
Chlorhexidine gluconate:
σ Is a phenolic compound
σ Demonstrates substantivity
σ Is bactericidal only against streptococci
σ Is available in the UK as mouth rinses of both 1.2 and 0.2% and Only stains teeth in patients who smoke
The Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE):
σ Should be undertaken using a Hu-Friedy periodontal probe
σ Was designed as a screening tool to assess treatment need and does not identify mobile teeth
σ Records only the maximum scores in each quadrant
σ Does not identify furcation involvement
Clinical measurements of probing depths are likely to be influenced by:
σ Subgingival calculus
σ Probing force and Dimensions of the probe
σ Inflammatory infiltrate at the base of the pocket and Angulation of the probe
σ all of the above
Drugs that are known to cause gingival overgrowth include:
σ Cyclosporine, Nifedipine
σ Insulin
σ Metronidazole
σ Tetracycline
Localised aggressive periodontitis:
σ Is highly prevalent in adolescents
σ Can affect any teeth in the permanent dentition
σ Is typically characterised by actinomycetemcomitans infection, Commonly runs in families and Is associated with neutrophil defects
σ Is highly prevalent in adolescents and Can affect any teeth in the permanent dentition
Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (NUG):
σ Is a viral infection
σ Is characterised by vesicles that break down to form yellow-grey ulcers with a red 'halo' of inflammation
σ Is a painful condition and Is likely to recur in the absence of long-term maintenance
σ Should always be treated using metronidazole as the first line of treatment
Powered toothbrushes:
σ Are more effective in removing plaque than manual toothbrushes, Have brushheads that are designed specifically for patients with fixed orthodontic appliances and Have a 'novelty effect' associated with their use
σ Are generally cheaper than manual toothbrushes
σ Should be used with the Bass toothbrushing technique
σ Have a 'novelty effect' associated with their use and are generally cheaper than manual toothbrushes
Mandibular first molars with grade I furcation involvement:
σ Demonstrate horizontal mobility of > 1.0 mm
σ Are almost certainly non-vital
σ Should be managed using a tunnel preparation
σ Have horizontal attachment loss of
Features associated with periodontal disease that may be identified on intraoral periapical radiographs are:
σ Pattern of alveolar bone loss and Extent of alveolar bone loss
σ Overhanging restorations of interproximal tooth surfaces
σ Subgingival calculus and Furcation involvement
σ all of the above
A localised acute periodontal abscess:
σ Is almost certainly associated with a non-vital tooth and Should be managed initially using systemic antimicrobials
σ Often tracks through the alveolar bone, resulting in a buccal sinus opening
σ Is usually painful when the associated tooth is percussed
σ Should be managed initially using locally delivered antimicrobials
According to the random burst model of periodontal disease progression:
σ Bursts of disease activity are random with respect to previous episodes of destruction
σ Multiple sites break down within a finite time period
σ Some sites remain free of disease throughout the life of the patient and Sites of previous disease may remain quiescent indefinitely
σ Disease activity is present only at sites that bleed
Periodontal attachment loss detect clinically:
σ When there is recession only.
σ When there is recession and/or true pocket
σ When there is radiographic alveolar bone loss.
σ When there is true pocket only.
Periodontal attachment loss measure clinically from:
σ Gingival margin to the base of the pocket.
σ CEJ to the gingival margin.
σ CEJ to the base of the pocket
σ CEJ to the gingival margin and CEJ to the base of the pocket.
Most commonly used periodontal pack is/are:
σ Zinc oxide Eugenol pack.
σ Non Eugenol pack.
σ Coe-Pack.
σ Non Eugenol pack & Coe-Pack .
Thoroughly dried supragingival calculus appears:
σ translucent.
σ no different from wet calculus dark brown to black.
σ chalklike.
σ smooth and yellow.
If your patient has hypersensitive teeth or caries you should use:
σ a steady soft stream of air.
σ a soft steam of hot air.
σ short jets of warm air
σ short jets of cool air, one short blast of air.
Air is used to deflect the free gingival margin in order to detect:
σ supragingival calculus.
σ sub gingival calculus.
σ the cemento enamel junction and inflammation
σ smooth root surface.
The air syringe is held with a:
σ modified palm grasp.
σ modified pen grasp.
σ pen grasp, third finger grasp.
σ palm grasp,
Dried calculus is easier to detect than wet calculus with the explorer because it is:
σ harder.
σ softer.
σ less slippery, smoother.
σ darker
While activating the instrument, the finger rest acts as a:
σ pivot point for movement.
σ stabilizing point for the hand
σ fulcrum for activation of wrist-forearm motion.
σ all of the above.
Gingival inflammation involving the entire attached gingiva is termed:
σ papillary.
σ diffuse
σ generalized.&severe.
σ marginal
Narrow < slit-like> areas of recession over the roots are called:
σ festoons.
σ clefts.
σ craters
σ fenestrations
The best diagnostic sign of gingival inflammation is:
σ retractability
σ edma, bleeding.
σ cratering
σ texture
The explorer is used to detect:
σ subgingival calculus.
σ caries.&irregularities in the cemental surfaces.
σ furcations
σ all of the above.
The principal connective tissue cells present in the periodontal ligament are:
σ fibroblasts .
σ cementoblasts
σ osteoblasts
σ all of the above.
All of the following are true about fibroblasts except:
σ fibroblasts are principal connective tissue cells of the periodontal ligament.
σ Fibroblasts synthesize collagen.
σ Fibroblasts have pseudopodia like processes
σ Fibroblasts are not capable of phagocytosis for collagen destruction.
{"name":"Periodontitic Prof lim sokun", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on periodontics with this comprehensive quiz designed for dental professionals and students! With 100 multiple-choice questions, this quiz covers various aspects of periodontal tissues, anatomy, and histology.Improve your understanding and retention of critical periodontal concepts through:Engaging questionsThorough explanationsImmediate feedback","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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