
What is the most advantage of full thickness flap when compared to a partial thickness flap?
Cortical bone is exposed
Easier to do flap raising
Less chance of flap laceration
Easier to suture
What is the basic principle of intra-oral suturing?
Even distribution
Knot to the lingual
The more, the better
All of the above
Non of the above
What is the most common indication for Coronally Positioned Flap?
Root coverage
Ridge augmentation
Primary wound closer
Secondary would closer
Non of the above
What kind of tissues should compose of Full Thickness Flap?
Epithelium, Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
Epithelium, Connective Tissue
Epithelium only
Periosteum only
Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
What is the main indication for using a Sling Suture?
When only buccal flap is elevated
When buccal and lingual flaps are elevated
When buccal and palatal flap are elevated
All of the above
Non of the above
What are common indications for Apically Positioned Flap?
Crown lengthening
Pocket reduction
Root coverage
All of the above
A and b only
What are advantages of a positive knot when compared to a negative knot?
No memory
Hold the not better
Hold the not for longer
Better wound closer
All of the above
What kind of tissues should compose a Partial Thickness Flap?
Epithelium, Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
Epithelium, Connective Tissue
Epithelium only
Periosteum only
Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
9. Where should releasing incisions be placed?
Always at the line angles
Over roots
In the middle of a papillae
Over the mental foramen
At the mid aspect of the root
10. What is (are) the most important anatomical structures to be respected during surgery?
Mental foramen
Greater palatine foramen and neuromuscular bundle
Incisive foramen
Lingual artery and nerve
All of the above
11. What immunologic cells are typically found in the healthy periodontium?
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), mast cells, macrophages
T-cell, Plasma cell and B cell
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils and Plasma cell
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), mast cells, T cell and B cell
12. Which bony defect is most likely to repair or fill naturally after treatment?
Three-wall periodontal defects
Two wall periodontal defects
One wall Periodontal defects
All above are repaired or filled naturally after treatment
13. What bacteria are associated with ANUG?
Fff. Fusospirochetal complex (fusiform bacteria and spirochetes).
P. gingivalis
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevetella intermedia,
14. What bacteria are associated with localized juvenile periodontitis?
Fusospirochetal complex (fusiform bacteria and spirochetes).
P. gingivalis
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevetella intermedia
Bacteroides forsythus, Eikenella corrodens, and Treponema denticola.
15. What is the first cellular line of defense of the body against the periopathogens?
T-cell, B-cell and plasma cell
T-cell, B-cell and PMN
All of the above
16. Which area of the oral cavity has the least amount of attached gingiva?
Buccal mandibular premolar
Buccal maxillary premolar
Buccal mandibule molar
Buccal maxillary molar
Lower incisors
17. What is the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition?
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:2 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:1 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 2:1 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:3 (for each tooth).
18. What is the primary symptom of root sensitivity?
The primary symptom is sensitivity to cold
The primary symptom is sensitivity to hot
All of the above
Non of the above
19. A high lip line can have a multifactorial etiology
All of the above
20. Crown lengthening is best performed by
Gingival resection and harmonization with or without osseous resection in natural passive eruption
Gingival resection and harmonization with osseous resection in delayed passive eruption
All of the above
None of the above
21. The dento-gingival restorative interface is average dimension extending from the free gingival to the redeveloped bone of
None of the above
22. Which of the following statements is not true for the marginal incision technique
It is an easy procedure
It is surgically safe
It is suitable for most situations
Good bleeding control can be achieved when the marginal incision technique is performed
Flaps elevated after marginal incisions never need sutures
23. Which of the following aspects does not have to be considered in postsurgical wound infection protocol?
Local cleaning and debridement
Oral disinfectants
Short term recall
Wait and see
The mental nerve can frequently be found
In the proximity of the molars
In the incisor area
Between the first and second premolar
Close to the alveolar crest
Too apically to ever be injured
25. Which blades can be considered standard in dentistry
15 and 11
1 and 3
16 and 24
5 and 9
None of the above
26. Which suture material is commonly used in dentistry
Silk 3.0
Seralon 8.0
Silk 1.0
Vicryl 1.0
Vicryl 10.0
27. The Lingual nerve
Can never be hurt during dental procedure
Is important for the mobility of the tongue
Is a branch of the mental nerve
Can easily be injured when cutting too lingually in the molar area
Is very sturdy and recovers quickly from injury
28. Which of the following techniques refer to autogenous soft tissue grafting?
Free gingival graft
Connective tissue onlay graft
Vascularized interposition connective graft
All of the above
29. Acellular dermal grafts work best when they are completely submerged beneath a mucoperiosteal flap during healing.
30. Which of the following is NOT a function of a provisional restoration
It communicates the desired gingival margin to the surgeon
It allows the patient to evaluate esthetics
It may acts as a permanent restoration
It allows the patient to evaluate phonetics
31. Autografts refer to
The transplantation of tissue from one individual to a different individual
The transplantation of tissue from one individual to the same individual
The transplantation of tissue from an animal to an individual
32. For human patients, all of these could be sources of xenografts except
33. In debriding a root surface for a soft tissue graft, which of the following could be used to treat the root surface?
Citric Acid
All of the Above
Which of the following affects the % of root coverage following root coverage surgery the MOST?
The height of the interproximal bone
The amount of gingival recession
The tooth morphology
The position of the tooth in the arch
35. Following root coverage surgery on a tooth, what is the suggested healing period before making the final impression for the final restoration?
3 days
1 week
4 weeks
12 weeks
36. Which statement are true?
Supragingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram-positive)
Subgingival plaque consists mostly of aerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram positive)
Subgingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobic bacteria (frequently gram-negative)
Supragingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram-positive)
37. What pathway do nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block?
NSAIDs block the cyclooxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acids.
NSAIDs block the anaerobic bacteria
NSAIDs block the both cyclooxygenase and anaerobic bacteria
None of above
38. In order to maintain proper biologic width after crown lengthening, crown preparation between the margin of the preparation and the crest of bone should be
39. There are a number of ways to control bleeding at the donor site, which one is first indicate to apply:
Suturing (tie off the bleeders)
Collagen with or without stent
Pressure with a tea bag
Vasoconstriction (epinephrine in the local anesthetic)
Pressure with a moistened gauze
40. What is the primary reason for failure of free gingival graft?
Disruption of the vascular supply before engraftment.
Thickness of free gingival graft is too thick
Suturing techniques
41. What medications may affect salivary flow?
Tricyclic antidepressants
Antihypertension drugs
Tricyclic antidepressants and Antihypertension drugs
All above
42. When should a soft tissue graft be considered as an appropriate treatment of gingival recession?
Probing extents beyond the mucogingival junction
Abnormal frenum attachment
Root sensitivity, root caries
All of the above
43. We need to consider which of the following in the treatment of refractory periodontal disease :
Systemic health
Mechanical debridement
Patient compliance
All of the above
44. In the use of antibiotics in the treatment of adult periodontitis the following statements is ture
Antibiotics should routinely be used in initial and maintenance treatment of adult periodontitis
There is no evidence that antibiotics are of any use in the treatment of adult periodontitis therefore their use is never indicated
In a small subset of the population of patients who exhibit adult periodontitis such as those with refractory periodontal disease and rapidly progressive periodontitis there is benefit from the use of antibiotics
Diagnostic cultures are important in any case where it is propose that we use antibiotics
In a small subset of the population of patients who exhibit adult periodontitis such as those with refractory periodontal disease and rapidly progressive periodontitis there is benefit from the use of antibiotics and Diagnostic cultures are important in any case where it is propose that we use antibiotics
45. In terms of the treatment of the adult periodontitis patients:
The use of surgery in the treatment regimen is essential
The use of antibiotics in the treatment regimen is essential
The combined use of surgery and antibiotics proves increasingly effective in the treatment of these patients
All adult periodontitis patients can be treated successfully with scaling and root cleaning with or without surgery or antibiotic
46. In an adult patient with chronic adult periodontitis the most successful approach to treatment is
Extreme initial treatment followed by reviews every year
Initial periodontal therapy followed by maintenance therapy alone
47. What is the most advantage of full thickness flap when compared to a partial thickness flap?
Cortical bone is exposed
Easier to do flap raising
Less chance of flap laceration
Easier to suture
48. What is the basic principle of intra-oral suturing ?
Even distribution
Knot to the lingual
The more, the better
All of the above
Non of the above
49. What is the most common indication for Coronally Positioned Flap?
Root coverage
Ridge augmentation
Primary wound closer
Secondary would closer
Non of the above
51. What is the main indication for using a Sling Suture ?
When only buccal flap is elevated
When buccal and lingual flaps are elevated
When buccal and palatal flap are elevated
All of the above
Non of the above
52. What are common indications for Apically Positioned Flap?
Crown lengthening
Pocket reduction
Root coverage
All of the above
A and b only
53. What are advantages of a positive knot when compared to a negative knot?
No memory
Hold the not better
Hold the not for longer
Better wound closer
All of the above
54. What kind of tissues should compose a Partial Thickness Flap?
Epithelium, Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
Epithelium, Connective Tissue
Epithelium only
Periosteum only
Connective Tissue, and Periosteum
55. Where should releasing incisions be placed ?
Always at the line angles
Over roots
In the middle of a papillae
Over the mental foramen
At the mid aspect of the root
56. What is (are) the most important anatomical structures to be respected during surgery?
Mental foramen
Greater palatine foramen and neuromuscular bundle
Incisive foramen
Lingual artery and nerve
All of the above
57. What immunologic cells are typically found in the healthy periodontium?
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), mast cells, macrophages
T-cell, Plasma cell and B cell
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils and Plasma cell
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), mast cells, T cell and B cell
58. Which bony defect is most likely to repair or fill naturally after treatment?
Three-wall periodontal defects
Two wall periodontal defects
One wall Periodontal defects
All above are repaired or filled naturally after treatment
59. What bacteria are associated with ANUG ?
Fusospirochetal complex (fusiform bacteria and spirochetes).
P. gingivalis
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevetella intermedia,
60. What bacteria are associated with localized juvenile periodontitis ?
Fusospirochetal complex (fusiform bacteria and spirochetes).
P. gingivalis
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
Fusobacterium nucleatum and Prevetella intermedia
Bacteroides forsythus, Eikenella corrodens, and Treponema denticola.
61. What is the first cellular line of defense of the body against the periopathogens?
T-cell, B-cell and plasma cell
T-cell, B-cell and PMN
All of the above
62. Which area of the oral cavity has the least amount of attached gingiva?
Buccal mandibular premolar
Buccal maxillary premolar
Buccal mandibule molar
Buccal maxillary molar
Lower incisors
63. What is the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition?
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:2 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:1 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 2:1 (for each tooth).
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:3 (for each tooth).
64. What is the primary symptom of root sensitivity?
The primary symptom is sensitivity to cold
The primary symptom is sensitivity to hot
All of the above
Non of the above
65. A high lip line can have a multifactorial etiology
All of the above
66. Crown lengthening is best performed by
Gingival resection and harmonization with or without osseous resection in natural passive eruption
Gingival resection and harmonization with osseous resection in delayed passive eruption
All of the above
None of the above
67. The dento-gingival restorative interface is average dimension extending from the free gingival to the redeveloped bone of
Non of the above
68. Which of the following statements is not true for the marginal incision technique
It is an easy procedure
It is surgically safe
It is suitable for most situations
Good bleeding control can be achieved when the marginal incision technique is performed
Flaps elevated after marginal incisions never need sutures
69. Which of the following aspects does not have to be considered in postsurgical wound infection protocol?
Local cleaning and debridement
Oral disinfectants
Short term recall
Wait and see
70. The mental nerve can frequently be found
In the proximity of the molars
In the incisor area
Between the first and second premolar
Close to the alveolar crest
Too apically to ever be injured
71. Which blades can be considered standard in dentistry
15 and 11
1 and 3
16 and 24
5 and 9
None of the above
72. Which suture material is commonly used in dentistry
Silk 3.0
Seralon 8.0
Silk 1.0
Vicryl 1.0
Vicryl 10.0
73. The Lingual nerve
Can never be hurt during dental procedure
Is important for the mobility of the tongue
Is a branch of the mental nerve
Can easily be injured when cutting too lingually in the molar area
Is very sturdy and recovers quickly from injury
74. Which of the following techniques refer to autogenous soft tissue grafting?
Free gingival graft
Connective tissue onlay graft
Vascularized interposition connective graft
All of the above
75. Acellular dermal grafts work best when they are completely submerged beneath a mucoperiosteal flap during healing.
76. Which of the following is NOT a function of a provisional restoration
It communicates the desired gingival margin to the surgeon
It allows the patient to evaluate esthetics
It may acts as a permanent restoration
It allows the patient to evaluate phonetics
77. Autografts refer to
The transplantation of tissue from one individual to a different individual
The transplantation of tissue from one individual to the same individual
The transplantation of tissue from an animal to an individual
78. For human patients, all of these could be sources of xenografts except
79. In debriding a root surface for a soft tissue graft, which of the following could be used to treat the root surface?
Citric Acid
All of the Above
80. Which of the following affects the % of root coverage following root coverage surgery the MOST?
The height of the interproximal bone
The amount of gingival recession
The tooth morphology
The position of the tooth in the arch
81. Following root coverage surgery on a tooth, what is the suggested healing period before making the final impression for the final restoration?
3 days
1 week
4 weeks
12 weeks
82. Which statement are true?
Supragingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram-positive)
Subgingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobic bacteria (frequently gram-negative)
Subgingival plaque consists mostly of aerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram positive)
Supragingival plaque consists mostly of anaerobes and facultative bacteria (mostly gram-positive)
83. What pathway do nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block?
NSAIDs block the cyclooxygenase metabolism of arachidonic acids.
NSAIDs block the anaerobic bacteria
NSAIDs block the both cyclooxygenase and anaerobic bacteria
None of above
84. There are a number of ways to control bleeding at the donor site, which one is first indicate to apply:
Suturing (tie off the bleeders)
Collagen with or without stent
Pressure with a tea bag
Vasoconstriction (epinephrine in the local anesthetic)
Pressure with a moistened gauze
85. What is the primary reason for failure of free gingival graft?
Disruption of the vascular supply before engraftment.
Thickness of free gingival graft is too thick
Suturing techniques
What medications may affect salivary flow?
Tricyclic antidepressants
Antihypertension drugs
A and b
All above
87. When should a soft tissue graft be considered as an appropriate treatment of gingival recession?
Probing extents beyond the mucogingival junction
Abnormal frenum attachment
Root sensitivity, root caries
All above
88. We need to consider which of the following in the treatment of refractory periodontal disease :
Systemic health
Mechanical debridement
Patient compliance
All of the above
89. In the use of antibiotics in the treatment of adult periodontitis the following statements is ture
Antibiotics should routinely be used in initial and maintenance treatment of adult periodontitis
In a small subset of the population of patients who exhibit adult periodontitis such as those with refractory periodontal disease and rapidly progressive periodontitis there is benefit from the use fof antibiotics
There is no evidence that antibiotics are of any use in the treatment of adult periodontitis therefore their use is never indicated
Diagnostic cultures are important in any case where it is propose that we use antibiotics
Routine culturing of the adult periodontitis population is always to be employed
Both C & D
90. In terms of the treatment of the adult periodontitis patients:
The use of surgery in the treatment regimen is essential
The combined use of surgery and antibiotics proves increasingly effective in the treatment of these patients
The use of antibiotics in the treatment regimen is essential
All adult periodontitis patients can be treated successfully with scaling and root cleaning with or without surgery or antibiotic
91.In an adult patient with chronic adult periodontitis the most successful approach to treatment is
Initial periodontal therapy followed by maintenance therapy alone
Extreme initial treatment followed by reviews every year
92. Pre-operative preparation of exposed roots following gingival recession can be accomplished using substances such as EDTA or Tetracycline paste, for what period of time must this be applied to the root surface?
93. The following substance(s) can be used to condition the root surface prior to grafting
C. Acidic acid
D.Nitric acid
E.Citric acid
F.a c and e
G.a b and e
94. The use autogenous grafts utilizing the palatal connective tissue the initial incision for graft harvesting should be made at what measurement above the gingival margin of the maxillary teeth?
The measurement is relatively unimportant
95. Incision in the esthetic zone with regards to semi-lunar graft treatment of gingival recession:
Should whenever possible be vertical
Should where ever possible be made through thin connective tissue
Initially should be made at the mucogingival junction
Should initially be made of full thickness
96. Why is it difficult to place a free gingival graft in the buccal area of the mandibular premolars?
You may encroach lingual nerve
You may encroach mental nerve
You may encroach Buccal nerve
You may encroach buccal, lingual and mental nerve
97. Modified Widman Flap was first introduce by
Neuman in 1920
Widman in 1918
Ramfiord and Nissele in 1974
Ramfiord and Widman in 1974
Ramfiord and Neuman in 1945
98. Apical position flap was first introduced by
Nebers, C.L in 1954
Neuman in 1918
Kirkland, O. in 1920
Nebers, Neuman in 1954
99. Papilla preservation flap was first introduced by
Kirkland, O. in 1985
Takei, H,H in 1985
Friedman and Neuman in 1985
Neuman and Arjaudo, a.a & Tyrell in 1985
100. Papilla preservation flap is one of the best technic and
Posterior maxillary area
Anterior maxillary area
All maxillary area
Anterior maxillae and Anterior mandible
Both maxillae and mandible
101. Two releasing incisions demarcate the area schedule for surgical therapy. A scalloped reverse bevel incision is made in the gingival margin to connected the two releasing incision. This technic called
Apical position flap
Original Widman flap
Modified Widman flap
Papilla preservation flap
Kirdland flap
102. Intracrevicular incision then the gingiva is retracted to expose the diseased root surfaces and the exposed root surfaces are subjected to mechanical debridement then the flap are replaced to their original position and sutured. This technic called.
Apical position flap
Original Widman flap
Modified Widman flap
Papilla preservation flap
Kirdland flap
103. The initial incision is placed 0.5-1mm from the gingival margin and parallel to the long axis of the tooth. Following careful elevation of flaps, second intracrevicular incision is made to the alveolar bone crest to separate the tissue collar from the root surface. A third incision is made perpendicular to the root surface and as close as possible to the bone crest, thereby separating the tissue collar from the alveolar bone. This technic called:
Apical position flap
Original Widman flap
Modified Widman flap
Papilla preservation flap
Kirdland flap
104. All the following are phases of periodontal treatment plan except:
Surgical phase
Maintenance phase
Non-surgical phase
Refractory phase
132. Periodontal surgery can be classified into many types, of those types is/are:
Periodontal flap surgery, periodontal plastic surgery, resective osseous surgery.
Transalveolar surgery, implant surgery, resective osseous surgery.
Gingival curettage, Periodontal flap, Surgical extraction.
Gingevectomy, Regenerative periodontal surgery, surgical closure of oro-antral fistula.
106. Which is the best method of brushing technique preferred for the patient with orthodontic appliance:
Charter’s method
Bass method
Still man method
Both a and b correct
107. Which of the following statements accurately interrelates the tooth and periodontium interface?
Junctional epithelium cells are oriented parallel to the root surface
Periodontal ligament fibers insert in cementum and bone biochemically through fibronectin
The juntional epeithelial cells are non secreting cells
The lamina densa primarily contains hemidesmosomal plaques.
108. During an acute gingival inflammation response, which of the following cell types can destroy virulent bacteria by phagocytosis and T-cell mediation?
Plasma cells
Mast cells and Polymorphonuclear
109. A 27 years-old present to your office all of the following: loss of interdental marginal stippling, blue-red tissue color, and bleeding upon gently probing, Your diagnosis is:
Gingival recession
Systemic diseases
Chronic gingivitis
Advanced periodontal diseases
110. Periodontium include all of the following
Enamel, root periodontal ligaments and alveolar bone
Gum, alveolar bone, dentine and cementum
Cementum, gum, alveolar bone and periodontal ligaments
All of the above
111. 40 years diabetic patient, present clinically with periodontal attachment loss and diagnosed as having periodontitis. According to AAP 1999 classification of periodontal diseases, the type of periodontitis in this case is:
Aggressive periodontitis
Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
Chronic periodontitis modified by systemic condition
Generalized aggressive periodontitis
112. In the present of abundant plaque formation hyperplastic gingivitis can be associated with which of the following?
A, c, and d
All of them
113. Root planning is
Removal of material alba and stain from tooth surface
Removal of soft tissue wall and periodontal pocket
Removal of food debris from tooth surface
Removal of diseased cementum along with other root deposits.
114. Gracey curretes used to scale distal surface of posterior teeth are :
Gracey curretes 1/2, 3/4 and 11/12
Gracey curretes 11/12, 13/14 and 5/6
Gracey curretes 7/8 and 9/10
Gracey curretes 13/14
115. In Periodontal disease, loss of which of the following fiber bundles are primarily associated in preventing the progressive downward proliferation of the junctional epithelium into the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone
Transseptal fiber
Circular fiber
Interradicular fiber
Alveolar gingival fiber
116. Gracey curretes used to scale mesial surface of posterior teeth are :
Gracey curretes 1/2, 3/4 and 11/12
Gracey curretes 11/12, 13/14 and 5/6
Gracey curretes 7/8 and 9/10
Gracey curretes 11/12
117. Regional lymphnode enlargement is present in:
Acute pericoronitis
Linchen planus
Pemphigus vulgaris
Chronic ulcerative stomatitis
118. Horizontal bone loss is present in :
Localized aggressive periodontitis
Generalized aggressive periodontitis
Intrabony pockets
Chronic periodontitis
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
119. Average human biologic width is:
120. Papilla preservation flap:
Is a conventional flap precedures
Is used when narrow interdental spaces are present
Is used for teeth with wide interdental spaces
Is a partial thickness flap
Is a apically displace flap
133. Adult patient present clinically with irregular thickness of buccal gingiva, a round diamond bur used to correct and establish a physiological gingival contour. The type of this procedure is/are:
Combined gingivoplasty & gingivectomy.
None of the above.
121. Greater occlusal pressure on the periodontium produces:
Increase resorption of alveolar bone and formation of cementum
A gradation of changes in periodontal ligament starting with tension of fibers which produce area of fibrosis
Injury of fibroblasts and other connective tissue cells lead to necrosis of area of the ligament
Disintegration of blood vessels within 30 minutes
Disintegration of blood vessels within 5 minutes
122. The mobility of the teeth is graded 3 if :
The mobility is 1mm
The mobility is in apico-occlusal direction and 1mm in labio-lingual direction
The mobility is in apico-occlusal direction and mobility is less than 1mm in labio-lingual direction
The mobility is less than 1mm
The mobility is in apico-occlusal direction and mobility in labio-lingual direction is more than 2mm
123. Furcation involvement is measure by
WHO probe
CPITN probe
Naber’s probe
Michigan “O” probe
Periodontal explorer
134. Adult patient present clinically with broken crown on tooth # 25, the tooth indicated for PFM crown supported by post & core. To help this treatment plan a crown lengthening surgical procedure is indicated. On examination of the gingiva buccally to tooth # 25 the amount of keratinized gingiva (firm gingiva) is 1.5 mm. What type of periodontal surgical procedure can be used best to lengthen this tooth?
Periodontal flap and apically positioning of buccal gingiva.
Combined gingivectomy & gingivoplasty.
125. 30 years female pregnant patient, upon periodontal clinical examination, there was gingival bleeding on probing, edema and redness of gingival margin, and poor oral hygiene. Diagnosis of this case according to AAP 1999 periodontal diseases Classification is:
Non-Plaque induced gingival disease or lesions.
Plaque induced gingival disease modified by systemic factor.
σ� Plaque induced gingival diseases associated with dental plaque only.
126. Periodontal attachment loss detect clinically
When there is recession only.
When there is recession and/or true pocket.
When there is radiographic alveolar bone loss.
When there is true pocket only.
127. 16 years boy, present clinically with attachment loss related to 1st Molars and Incisors only. Diagnosis of this case according to AAP 1999 periodontal diseases Classification is:
Localized aggressive periodontitis.
Generalized juvenile periodontitis.
Localized juvenile periodontitis.
128. 60 years diabetic patient, present clinically with periodontal attachment loss and diagnosed as having periodontitis. According to AAP 1999 classification of periodontal diseases, the type of periodontitis in this case is:
Aggressive periodontitis.
Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease.
Chronic periodontitis modified by systemic condition.
129. Planning of periodontal surgery best accomplished at:
Phase I therapy.
After phase I therapy and during re-evaluation visit.
Can be planned at any phase of periodontal therapy.
130. Most commonly used periodontal pack is/are
Zinc oxide Eugenol pack.
Non Eugenol pack.
Both b & c.
131. On human jaws there are anatomical areas which can be used as a source for bone graft harvest for periodontal regenerative surgical procedure, of those areas is/are:
External oblique ridge of the mandible
Maxillary Tubersity and External oblique ridge of the mandible.
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