Periodontal Knowledge Quiz

Periodontal Knowledge Quiz
Test your understanding of periodontal health and related dental concepts with our comprehensive quiz! With 50 well-crafted questions, you can assess your knowledge about periodontal disease, treatment methods, and oral hygiene practices.
Whether you are a student, a dental professional, or just someone interested in oral health, this quiz offers valuable insights:
- Evaluate your understanding of periodontal diseases.
- Learn about dental treatments and procedures.
- Enhance your knowledge and skills in oral healthcare.
1. The distance between the apical extent of calculus and alveolar crest in human periodontal pockets is:?
0.2 mm.
3 mm.
1.97 mm (=33.16%).
4 mm.
0.02 mm.
2. Average human biologic is:?
3 mm.
2 mm.
4 mm.
1 mm.
0.5 mm.
3. The amount of gingival crevicular fluid is:?
Decreased when inflammation is present.
Increase by trauma from occlusion
Decreased by mastication of coarsee (គ្រោគគ្រាឝ គគ្រើម) food and smoking.
Decreased by ovulation and hormonal contraceptives.
Increased by tooth brushing and gingival massage.
4. Dentogingival unit:?
Is sulcular epithelium and gingival fibers
Is junction epithelium and gingival fibers.
Is sulcular epithelium and periodontal fibers
Is junction epithelium and periodontal fibers
Is oral epithelium and gingival fibers.
5. Excisional new attachment procedure involves:?
A periodontal flap.
A free gingival graft
A regenerative osseous procedure
Root planning.
Internal bevel incision from the margin of the gingival apically to point below bottom of pocket.
6. Root planning is:?
Removal of material Alba and stains from root surface.
Removal of soft tissue wall of the periodontal pocket
Removal of calculus and plaque from root surface.
Removal of food debris from tooth surface.
Removal of disease cementum along with other root deposits.
7. False gingival enlargement is caused by:?
Underlying drug induced gingival enlargement
Underlying inflammation of periodontal ligament
Underlying dental and osseous structures.
By epulis.
Sarcoidosis (រោគពកសាច់)
8. Subclinical gingivitis is:?
Characterized by vascular proliferation
Characterized by predominantly lymphocytes microscopically.
Characterized by predominantly plasma cell microscopically.
Characterized by erythema, bleeding on probe.
Characterized by increased crevicular fluid flow and infiltration of sulcular and junction epithelium by polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
9. Risk factors of periodontal disease are:?
Smoking, Diabetes, Poor oral hygiene
Smoking ,Diabetes, Poor Oral Hygiene, Osteoporosis
Smoking ,Diabetes, Poor Oral Hygiene, Osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS
Smoking ,Diabetes, Poor Oral Hygiene, Osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS, Medication
Smoking, Diabetes, Poor Oral Hygiene, Osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS, Medications and Stress.
10. Dental plaque adheres to the tooth surface by?
Dextran (insoluble and sticky).
Epithelial cells
11. Heamatological disorder associated with periodontal disease is?
Wegener’s granulomatosis,
Histiocytosis X
12. Indications for muco-gingival surgery include the following except:?
A shallow vestibule.
Insufficient attached gingiva.
Infrabony pocket.
A high frenum attachment.
13. Which one in Phase I therapy (non-surgery phase):?
Plaque biofilm control, Diet control, Scaling and Root planning to removal plaque and calculus
Periodontal surgery, including placement implant, Endodontic therapy.
Final restoration, Fixed and removable prosthodontics, Evaluation of restoration periodontal examination.
Plaque biofilm and removal calculus, periodontal condition (pocket, inflammation) occlusion and tooth mobility, other pathologic change.
Plaque biofilm control, Diet control, Scaling and Root planning to removal plaque and calculus correction of contributing and prosthodontics factors, antimicrobial therapy (Local or systemic), Occlusal therapy.
14. A compound periodontal pocket is:?
Spiral type of pocket.
Present on two or more tooth surfaces.
Infrabony in nature.
No, right answer.
15. Periodontal pocket wall between tooth and bone is:?
Infrabony pocket.
Suprabony pocket.
Gingival pocket.
Pseudo pocket.
16. ឧបករណ៝ឝម្រូវការសម្រាប់ periodontal index:?
Light and Mouth mirror.
Light, Mouth mirror and explorer (periodontal probe).
Light, Mouth mirror and graduated probe.
17. The earliest clinic sign of chronic gingival inflammation:?
Loss of stippling.
Bleeding on probing.
18. A 27 year-old male presents to your office with the following signs: loss of interdental and marginal tippling, blue-red tissue color, the junction epithelium at the CEJ, and bleeding upon gentle probing. Your diagnosis is?
Gingival recession
Systemic infection
Advanced periodontal disease, (periodontitis)
Melanin pigmentation
Chronic gingivitis.
19. Gingival abrasio9nj is caused by:?
Faulty brushing
Soft tissue friction
Tooth malposition
High frenal attachment
20. Which of the following is usually not caused by gingival recession:?
Root caries
Periodontal abcess
Pulpal hyperaemia
21. 30 years female pregnant patient, upon periodontal clinical examination, there was gingival bleeding on probing, edema and redness of gingival margin, and poor oral hygiene. Diagnosis of this case according to AAP 1999 periodontal diseases Classification is: ………?
Non-Plaque induced gingival disease or lesions.
Plaque induced gingival diseases associated with dental plaque only.
Plaque induced gingival disease modified by systemic factor.
22. 16 years boy, present clinically with attachment loss related to 1st Molars and Incisors only. Diagnosis of this case according to AAP 1999 periodontal diseases Classification is: ……?
Localized aggressive periodontitis.
Generalized aggressive periodontitis
Generalized juvenile periodontitis.
Localized juvenile periodontitis.
23. 40 years diabetic patient, present clinically with periodontal attachment loss and diagnosed as having periodontitis. According to AAP 1999 classification of periodontal diseases, the type of periodontitis in this case is:?
Aggressive periodontitis.
Chronic periodontitis modified by systemic condition.
Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease.
24. Periodontal pockets can BEST be detected by: ……………?
Radiographic detection
The color of the gingival
The contour of the gingival margin
Probing the sulcular area
25. Scaling process removes: ………………………?
Calculus and Plaque
Non, Right answer
26. Active haemorrhage has to be first controlled by: ……………………..?
Pressure application
Electro congelation
Pressure application and electro-coagulation
None of the above
27. Which one of the following is a surgical sickle?
28. Chisel is sharpened with: ……………………………..?
Pull stroke
Push stroke
Pull stroke and Push stroke
None, answer are correct
29. Instrument used for supra-gingival scaling is: …………………….?
Sickle, Curette and Hoe
30. The primary predisposing factor in ANUG: ………………………?
Psychological stress
31. Tooth mobility caused by which of the following is not likely to be corrected: ….?
Trauma from occlusion
Inflammation in periodontal ligament
Loss of alveolar bone
Trauma from occlusion, Inflammation in periodontal ligament and Loss of alveolar bone
32. New attachment is possible for: ………………?
Vital teeth
Non-vital teeth
Vital teeth and non- Vital teeth
Non, correct answer
33. Which of the following scaler is used for crushing of calculus: …………?
34. Cavitation is a term used in relation to: …………………?
Osseous surgery
Ultrasonic scaling
Furcation treatment
35. Linear action of the tip is feature of: …………………?
Sonic scaler
Piezo scaler
All of answer
36. Wire edge is produced in instruments by sharping strokes that are: …………….?
Away from cutting edge
Towards cutting edge
Away from cutting edge and Towards cutting edge
All of The answer
37. Which one of the following scalers is actvated with push motion: ……………..?
38. Two points contact is essential for: …………………………..?
39. Ultrasonic scaling is done with: ………………………………?
Nonoverlapping vertical strokes
Overlapping vertical strokes
Nonoverlapping horizontal strokes
Overlapping horizontal strokes
40. Which of the following is a clinical indication for microbial analysis of plaque: .?
Aggressive periodontitis
Refractory periodontitis
Periodontitis associated with systemic conditions
All of answer
41. The most common factor that defects healing after periodontal treatment: ?
Excessive manipulation of tissue
Inadequate blood supply
Foreign bodies
42. Local treatment procedure that accelerates regeneration is: ………?
Root planning
All answers
43. Repair that occurs after treatment of periodontal lesions is called: …?
New attachment
Epithelial adaptation
44. Periodontal disease is an important risk factor for all of the following except: ….?
Premature delivery
45. Maintenance phase should start after: ………………….?
Preliminary phase
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
46. The inter-dental aid to be used when the embrasure is filled with inter-dental papilla: ………?
Dental floss
Wooden tip
Plastic tip
No, answer correct
47. Which of the following is a more common expression of gingivae: …………?
Color change
Increase pocket depth
48. The prognosis for smoker with severe periodontitis, when he stops smoking: …?
49. The most common factor that defect healing after periodontal treatment: …?
Excessive manipulation
Inadequate blood supply
Foreign bodies
50. What the usefulness is of radiographs in periodontal?
Situation of gingival
Width of periodontal ligament
Trauma the pulp of tooth
Bone loss in furcation areas and Width of periodontal ligament
{"name":"Periodontal Knowledge Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of periodontal health and related dental concepts with our comprehensive quiz! With 50 well-crafted questions, you can assess your knowledge about periodontal disease, treatment methods, and oral hygiene practices.Whether you are a student, a dental professional, or just someone interested in oral health, this quiz offers valuable insights:Evaluate your understanding of periodontal diseases.Learn about dental treatments and procedures.Enhance your knowledge and skills in oral healthcare.","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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