Psychology Review

What is one adavanteg and one disadvantage of Naturalistic Observation
One adavantage is that the animal that is being studied in in it's natural habitat
One disadvantage of naturalistic observation is that things may not be what it seems. Naturalistic observation describes the behavior; not explain it.
Naturalistic observation is best describd as observing and recording the behavior of animals and the recording of seating patterns.
What is the Limbic System
The limbic system controls our everyday emotion.
It consist of the hippocampus, Amygdala,Cingulate gylus,and parts of the Hypothalamus and Thalamus.
What is REM-3 sleep
A recurring sleep stage where vivid dreams most commonly occur.
Experience Hallunicination.
Large slow delta waves.
Hard to awake, children have night terrors and it last 90 to 120 minutes.
What is the difference between Eri Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Kohlberg's Theories.
Eric proposed developemental stages that ranged birth to death
Jean Piaget's theory Cognitive development ranged birth adolescent
Kohlbergs developed the moral development theory which ranged birth to adolescent.
Our characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.
Detecting and encoding of stimulus energies by sensonry receptors and the nervous system
Conscious awareness of a familiar stimuli
Case study
A descriptive technique fort obtaining teh self-reported attitudes or behaviors of a particular group.
Technique in which one individual or group is studied in depth in hope of revealing universal principles.
The outcome is measured.
Naturalistic observation
A measure measrue of extent to which two factors vary together.
A researcher can manipulate one or more factors to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process
A research done to study effects on how a bird will adapt in the zoo when its favorite tree is taken away.
A descrptive technqiue of observing and recording behavior in nautrally occuring situations.l
A randon selection of people in a state
A research technquie where one factor is being manipulated and the other one is not.
A descrptive technique for obtaining the self-reported attitudes or behaviors of a particular group.
None of these
Correlation method
The factors do not vary
Two factors vary together and thus of how well either factor predicts the other.
In experimental research, the factor that is not manipluated
None of these
Only one factor is being manipulated
All factors are being manipulated
One factor is being manipluated and the other factor is not
None of these
Experiment group VS. Control group
Experiment group is being exposed to the treatement and the control group is not exposed.
The experiemental group is not being exposed to the treatment and the control group is being exposed.
The experiment and the control group is both being manipulated.
Independent groups VS. Dependnent variable
Independent is the outcome measured and the dependent is the factor being manipulated
Both A&D
None of these
Independent is the factor being maniplated and the dependent is the outcome measured.
Random assignment of subjects
Assigning participants to experiment and control groups by chance.
Selecting the students with the best grades
Selecting the students who volunteered.
Assigning students with the worst grades.
Repeating the essence of a research study with different participants in the same sitatutation to produce the same outcome.
Repeating the essence of a research study with different participants in a different situation to produce the same outcome
Repeating the essence of a research study with the same people in a different situation to produce the same outcome.
Repeating the essence of a research study with different participants in a different sitautation to produce a different outcome.
Experimental results caued by expectations alone, any effect on behavior caused by the administration of an inhert substance or conditon.
Parts of a neuron
Dendrite, axon, cellbody, myelin sheath and schwann cell
Dendrite, axon and cell body
Dendrite, axon and schwann cell
Dendrite, axon, myelin sheath, and schwann cell
Action potential
A gap between two neurons
A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon
Holds the cell body
Chemical messengers
Holds the cell body
Aa gap between two neurons
Allows cell body to fire potential
Schwann cell
Nerve impulses travel over a synapse
A gap between two neurons
Chemical messengers
Lobes of the cerebral cortex
Frontal: planing & reasoning, pariental: touch, temporal: lanugage and hearing, and occipital: vision.
The hemipsheric differences
Right: visual spatial processing and comprehension, emotional experssion and music.
Left: lanuage functions and recognizing parts to make it whole.
Limbic system
Hippocampus: memory
Amygdala: controls emotion
Cingulate Gyrus: agression, emotion and pain.
Parts of the hypothalamus and thalamus
Bad substanbces for babies, like alcohol
Bad people
Pick the correct choice
Kohlberg: moral development
Piaget and coginitive development
Erikson and developmental stages
Classificants of drugs as a stimulant, depressants or hallucinogens
Stimulants: excite neural activity caffeine
Depressants depress neural activity: alcohol
Hallucinogens: distort perceptions and envoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input. the TLC in maraijuana
Tolerance and withdrawal
Tolrence si the dimishing effect of a drug, so you take higher does to experience the effect of the drug
Withdrawal: discomfort and distress accompanied by stoppinguse of a drug.
Sleep disorders
Insomina: problems staying and going to sleep
Narcolpsy: sleep attacks
Sleep apena; stop breathing while sleeping
Sleep stages
Stage 1; 10 minutes of light sleep
Stage two; same as stage one but with spindles in the EEG
Stage 3 getting into deep sleep. Hard to awake occurs 20 to 50 % delta waves
Stage 4 deep sleep domianted by delta waves
REM: vivid dreams occur last 90 to 120 minutes
Manifest VS. Latent content of dreams
Manifest if the remembered dream line of a dream
Latent is the underlying meaning of a dream
Iconic VS. Echoic memory
Iconic: visual stimuli; a photographic memoru lasting 10 secs
Echoic: audiory memory stimuli, can be recalled within 3 to 4 secs
Working, short term memory and its capacity
Working: adds conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual spatial
Short tem memory holds only a few items(7) before it is stored or forgotten
Long term memory
Very brief sensory memory
Permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system
Only last 10 secs
Only can be recalled for 3 to 4 secs
Explicit and implict memory system
Explict: memory or facts obe can declare
Implict: retention learned skills, conscious recollection
Role of the hippocampus and cerebellum in the memory system
Hippocampus: explict memory system, acts as a save as button; remebers names, images and events.
Cerebellum: implict system, forms the storing of implict memory such as reflexes.
Long term potentation
An increase in a cell's firing potention after brief, rapid stimulation.
Believed t be a neural basuis for learning and memory
Spacing effect
The gestalt principle of promixty
Analysis that begins with sensory receptors
Aka short term memory
The tendency for distributing study or practice to yield better long term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice.
Personality that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts.
The unconscious encoding of incidental information.
The tendency to recognize names we cant recall
Organization of things into managable units.
Id: demanding imeediate gratification
Ego: execuite, meets amng the demads of the ID
Superego: internal ideas and provides standards for judgement
Defense mechanisms
The process by which we organize and interpet sensory information to make something a rememberable event
Sensory receptors
Transformation of light and sound into meaningful words and images
Thw ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
Trait perspective, big five personality traits, humanistic perspective
Trait: examine characteristic patterns of behavior traits
Humanistic: focused on inner capacities for growth and self-fulfillment
Big five personality traits: conscientousness, agreeableness, neurotism, openess, and extraversion.
Symptoms and treatments for depression
Symptoms: two or more weeks of depressed mood. Loss of interest and pleasure. Changing in appetite and weight, sleep and physical agitation or less energy.
Treatments: thearpy or it will end on its own.
Symptoms and treatments for schizophernia
Symptoms: disorganized speecg, thinking. Inapproiate emotions, may experience hallucinations, inappropriate in laughter and rage of tears. Ones with negative symptoms have toneless tones, experssionless faces or mute and rigid bodies
Treatment: drug therapy. It is hard to treat bc the disorder is a disease imbalance in the brain.
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